Not so much a bump, as it is a rear end collision. But...
Not too long ago, I "found" a copy of Broken Thunder, the horrendous Thunder Force spiritual sequel. I was excited, as I knew the history of this ill-fated game, knew how fast it was panned and yanked off of store shelves in Japan, and knew it vanished into obscurity. But nonetheless, I found it, and played it.
The first four stages are unimaginably easy. The bosses are ridiculously bad in design and "animation" (if you can even call it that), and the only redeeming factor was the music, which was pretty good (done by the man/band who did the music for TFV, Blast Wind and Hyperduel). Then I reached the final stage, fought through the first four bosses again, and met the last boss... and was promptly handed my ass.
It starts out simple enough. Some tracer bullets that are fired at where you are, a small spread of pink bullets, and a spread of thin lasers that criss-cross which are easy enough to dodge, despite how well they blend into the background. The next phase ramps up the difficulty by firing a blob of blue bullets at wherever you are, a quick moving spread of blue bullets in random directions, and then three big lasers that cross the screen. After which, it moves to the other side, and repeats the process in the opposite direction. Then it gets really pissed.
It begins firing thick spreads of pinks bullets above and below it, with six wide lasers that leave a large opening in the middle, with lots of thin blue lasers that slowly move in your general direction. There's a lot of squeezing into tight spaces here, and if you survive this, the boss blows up...
... and then comes back as just the upper half. This parts first attack is a big web of thick lasers, leaving spaces for you to dodge the small pink tracking shots that came at where you are. Then comes the rapid fire tracking shots that do the same thing. After that, big greenish-yellow orbs that follow you for a while, which are fired in a steady stream. After that, a spray of fast moving rapid fire blue bullets that are shot out continuously. After that, a steady spread of pink bullets while large lasers are fired at wherever you are in rapid succession, which stay on the screen for a time. After that, a blue bullet spread followed by a spray of fast moving thin blue lasers. Then a spread of the thicker lasers, more greenish-yellow orbs that follow you, more fast blue bullets... it just never ends.
This isn't a manic fight like DoDonPachi where you make tight weaves in and out of intricate bullet patterns, it's just a mass of shit being thrown at you willy-nilly until you die. And you will die. A lot. It's the kind of final confrontation that just screams of cheap pattern creation that's not designed, but rather thrown sloppily together, and the end result is dying again and again and again, while burning through continues.