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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. Uwe Boll movies are funny for all the wrong reasons. Poor production, poor writing, poor direction, poor special effects... they're just bad. Hell, even the actors look bored half the time, or like they're starting to regret signing up. They're movies to laugh at, not with. And while that may be a form of entertainment in and of itself, it's not entertainment I'm forking out cash for. They're like watching something that should be on MST3K, only Nelson and the bots aren't there to add the real humor.
  2. I'm not senile, woman! And I'm not a senile woman! My memory's fine. Why, I can remember just the other century, walking down the fine streets of London, looking for a lady of the evening that no one would miss. It was rather damp, as it always was at that time of night. I had turned the corner just around Berner Street, and as luck would have it, there she was. One Elizabeth Stride, standing and waiting for some gentleman to come by and perhaps offer her a bit of coin for a moment's entertainment. Oh sure, I was rarely called a gentleman in those days. It was usually something else. Something far more vulgar. But that didn't matter too much. To her, for some unknown reason, I was a friend. Someone she'd seen and taken a liking to. We'd shared a meal once or twice a few weeks before, and as I walked toward her, she recognized me. I can remember her smile as she greeted me.... and how all that made it so much easier to ask her to walk with me. It was dark in Dutfield's Yard, as there wasn't much light to be found in that area at night. But there was enough light for her to get her lips to touch mine for a moment, and for her to give the crotch of my pants a fair rubbing. There was a cat fight somewhere nearby just then, distracting her for only a second or two. But that was long enough for me to take out what I had on me without her seeing it. I can still recall her last words too, just before the blade opened up her throat. She'd asked, "So what's your pleasure tonight, Jack?". ... So you see? My memory's fine.
  3. No, that was Mae. Or maybe The Coop. Endblink? It was one of them.
  4. Stick with the PS1 version, or grab the PSP collection. The Saturn version, despite how it SHOULD have been better in many ways, turned out worse in many ways. The new content was a nice touch, but it doesn't make up for the faults that the Saturn version became weighted down by.
  5. Shit man, y'all be nuh'n but vinyl sum bitches.
  6. Says the guy with no capitalization or punctuation. OH SNAP MOTHER FUCKERS IT'S ON NOW!
  7. And a "note off" message, so that everything doesn't just become a mass of noise as notes pile on top of each other.
  8. http://www.megadriver.com.br/site.cgi Brazilian metal band that covers a lot of MegaDrive game music. They're pretty sloppy at times, but there are some enjoyable mixes.
  9. This is true. But that doesn't change how it's become vastly overused, be it for style or corrections. It's just a personal preference mind you, but unless the singer's GLaDOS, I don't enjoy the sound of it at all. And THAT is part of why I hate it. Tune your instruments before you play them, learn the parts, and you'll be fine. It worked for scores of years before autotune came about, didn't it? As for singing, practice more, or just go with it like so many others have. If it's good enough for Alice Cooper, Weird Al and Frank Sinatra, then why fight it? And yada yada yada on-topic reply.
  10. Sorry bro, but it sounds like Stephen Hawkings' greatest hits. If someone needs it to fix their singing, then they need to just stop singing, get better, or simply accept their voice as it is. We'll all know who can and can't sing the moment they step on stage, so they may as well stop trying to hide it.
  11. To me, DLC is the autotune to the gaming world... it should have never been invented. When new maps, characters, weapons and such were made, unless there was a substantial amount to warrant putting it all together and calling it an expansion, it was just given out for free. UT3's Titan Pack, episode IV of Doom, the insane amount of planes added to IL2 Sturmovik... things that developers made and just gave to players, even though it took quite a while to create or pull together. These days? These days, you get charged for an extra spaceship type in Raiden IV, a small section of map in some railroad simulator, side quests that take maybe two hours to complete in an RPG or FPS... things that were free in patches just 10 years ago. Some might say it's to get back development costs, but considering that the games are priced to already do that (assuming the game's good and sells), it's just a money grab... plain and simple. And of course, let's not forget that DLC stands a rather high chance of having been planned to be a part of the game in the beginning, but was held back for DLC purposes. Anyone remember Dragon Age: Origins and the little spot that Penny Arcade dug into its creators about? Yeah, that kind of thing. With DLC that comes out so close to launch day, there's no way in hell it's not a money grab... after you've already paid $50-$80+ for the game. The fact that DLC is still around is ridiculous. The fact that companies keep trying to milk even more cash from gamers for things that should be free in a patch because it's so minimal, is a disgrace. And the fact there are people who snatch that DLC up so fast that it keeps the companies making it, is a disappointment.
  12. 22GB of podcasts? Goddamn, you people talk way too much
  13. Alma Mater by Alice Cooper Rain is falling down my cheek searching for the sea. Tomorrow like the rain, I'll be back home again. I watch the bus as it pulls out of view. Someday like that bus I will be leavin' too. But you know it breaks my heart to leave you camelback my high school. And now alone cryin' in my beer, 'cause old friends said goodbye I guess I'll be leavin' too. But you know it breaks my heart to leave you Cortez I'll miss you. Yes I will, yes I will, you know I will. Yes I will, yes I will, you know I will. Well so long (so long) everybody (everybody). I hoped that I would see you again (again). Goodbye (goodbye) everybody (everybody). I finally grew up. They finally let me out of school. Hey remember the time... remember the time we took that snake and we, we put it down little Betsy's dress? Now I don't think Miss Axelrod was much impressed. Now I don't think Miss Axelrod was much impressed. Well I don't think Miss Axelrod was much impressed. Oh goodbye (goodbye) everybody (everybody). I hoped that I would see you again (again). So long (so long) everybody (everybody). How do you like that? They finally let me out of school (I finally got out of school). Goodbye (goodbye). Ah I wanna get out of here (so long). They let me out of school. How 'bout that, huh (I finally got out of school)? Goodbye. Hey, goodbye guys! Maybe I'll see- maybe I'll see you around some time, huh? Ey, don't make a stranger of yourself, huh? Remember the Coop, huh? I mea- I ho- I hope you don't forget me or nothin'. Goodbye.
  14. Would whoever's running this thing now kindly go to the project forums and read my new thread? I'd like some opinions.
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