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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. I thought RE 4 was pretty damn fun, myself.
  2. Hmmm... seems part two of "Game Addiction" is private.
  4. Had my earthquake cheery popped today. The tremor made everything move back and forth just enough so it could be felt and seen, but without rattling anything.
  5. I haven't paid much attention to Capcom the last few years. That's in part, because they just haven't put out that much that really interests me since Resident Evil 5. It's also in part because they simply refuse to continue the Darkstalkers franchise beyond the occasional minor cameo. When they announce Darkstalkers 4 and continue the storyline they were obviously building up, then I'll pay more attention to what they do and don't do.
  6. How long? Why, until the check clears, of course ... Yeah, sorry. It was about six months for me if I recall. I kind of swamped the judges with a slew of remixes not long after I joined. One of the judges (Antonio Pizza) PMed me and pushed to chose one of them, and that one was posted a few months later ("Bio Tech").
  7. I've read about those 30-second advertisements, but I've never once seen one when watching the Escapist videos. The only thing I ever see is the surrounding, static game promotion graphics that come up before the videos ever play (which is Dragon Nest at the moment).
  8. I leave for three months, and you guys get lazy Shadows of the Damned F.E.A.R. 3 L.A. Noire The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Duke Nukem Forever for real this time Infamous 2 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D Call of Juarez: The Cartel Bastion and From Dust Catherine
  9. Indeed. The last thing I heard was that Nutritious was going to download my potentially final mix of my song back on July 1st. I don't even know if anyone's listened to it yet, but I do know I haven't gotten any comments on it.
  10. Can hear an awful lot of crickets chirping away in this thread, and on the project forums.
  11. I have no intentions of debating it any further either. I've said my piece about this. Still, it's a shame this is becoming an unfortunate mess for all involved... one that may become entangled in a web of legalese, chosen sides, and burnt bridges. Hopefully the show will survive it all in at least some form.
  12. Here's the thing though. If they had said "We're gonna made a publishing company with the extra cash" right up front, that would be one thing. But they didn't. And even if some of the people are happy with it, it's still not the right course of action to take. Everyone who donated up until they said what they were going to do with the extra money did so for Allison, her rehab after surgery, and hiring guest artists. That's it. The moment the EC folks said they were going to start publishing indie games with the extramoney, they began using the money for something other than what it was intended for. You simply don't do that, and I'd be willing to wager it stands a very good chance of being a strong point that can be used against the EC crew if this actually winds up in court. After all, if EC can make a publishing company, why couldn't the escapist ask, "Can I get some of it too?" (assuming The Escapist did indeed bring that idea up). Keep in mind, I'm not taking either side in this. Seems to me both of them have made mistakes over the course of this donation drive's lifespan. And until we get facts that both sides agree on, it's hard to see who's in the right or wrong regarding where things stand right now. That said, I do think EC made a sizable mistake in continuing to take money, and not coming up with a plan from the get go on how to handle any extra money (and thus, be able to tell the donators of that plan).
  13. Not to be a dick here, but perhaps instead of starting a business venture with the left over donation money, the folks behind Extra Credits could have either refunded the money (it came via PayPal or similar means, right?), or stopped the donations, when they reached their $20,000 - $25,000 goal. That they continued taking money (and still are according the the RocketHub site) wasn't the best idea. Surely they had to realize that people might not have been very happy with the money they gave going to something other than what it was intended for. I know I wouldn't be. But, as they say, hindsight is always 20/20. Despite my stance on it, I do wish you guys the best. Hopefully your show will find a new home, even if it's just on YouTube like it was in the beginning.
  14. what is this a fucking poem If it is, he didn't try very hard. It's doesn't even rhyme. As such... NO/RESUB
  15. Ancient Chinese secret... like Calgon, only newer.
  16. It's all been downhill since the MSX 2 version.
  17. That last part's easily fixed with a "No CD/DVD" patch, which are usually available about a week after a release... sooner for big titles And it's not fear at all. It's knowing that at some point, the services will be gone or reduced, and the games you paid for will go with them unless you can back them up (ala Steam, Impulse, etc.). Streaming doesn't offer backups of your games, and things like the Wii that tie your downloaded games to a console that can die and take them with it, simply makes no sense to me as a consumer. Something that used to last for decades, now only lasts as long as the company stays in business (OnLive), doesn't drop your game from its list (OnLive), or as long as your system still works (Wii). I don't see an upside to that. I too pay for an experience. And flipping through a manual, opening up a world map, knowing that the discs I paid for are professional quality (usually), artwork abound on the disc(s), manual and insert... that's all part of the experience for me. And when all those physical goodies go away, yet I'm still paying the same price... that irks me. You save no money realistically with digital downloads, and in ways, you get less for that money, as you have to expend your own resources to make backups and ensure those backups never go bad as the years roll on. As I said, it's not fear, and I do enjoy Steam. But in truth, it's getting less, while paying the same. $60 for a downloadable game for you to save on your own, or $60 for a hard copy with box, art, discs, manuals, etc. I'll go with the latter every time.
  18. I think Sony simply underestimated the current-day abilities of its customers, and how far they'd go to tinker with the toys they buy. That's not to say Sony could have prevented this, as holes aren't always known until found by someone else. But this seems like they weren't paying quite as much attention as they could have been. Rest assured, they will be from now on though
  19. Yeah, they'll go that extra mile and call it the Super Wii and gave all their games the prefix of "Super."
  20. Sega hasn't been Sega for many years. Even I have to admit, they're a shell of what they once were, and as such, what they used to do and allow no longer applies. They've driven Sonic into the ground, release iffy emulation-driven ports of their older games, and just don't put as much effort to basically anything they do anymore. Sega of the 1980s and 1990s is dead. This new entity calling itself Sega these days is a very different beast.
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