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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. I'm noticing ridiculous discrepancies between the db meter at the top of the screen, the master meter in the mixer and the plugin db meter that I'm using. Is this normal?

    I generally go by the meters in the mixer. I don't really see the point of dB Meter plugins, either, that's just silly. Name music software that doesn't have a dB meter built-in to its main interface already :). Hell I'm pretty sure eJay has one

    to sum it up: mixer!

  2. I'm making an anime music chipdisk. If you don't know what a chipdisk is, it's a music disk with a bunch of chiptunes on it [in a music module format like .mod or .it].

    Anyway, anyone able to work in any module format [.mod, .it, .s3m, .xm] is welcome. If you're interested, PM me.

    My project is for Anime ReMix, and basically I am chipifying a multitude of opening themes from anime.

    If you're interested in this TOTALLY ALREADY AWESOME PROJECT, please PM me.

  3. So, I'm trying out Renoise again, for the third time :P

    Renoise is not importing the Position Jump data from one of my .IT files made in ModPlug. Or maybe it is, but I don't see it in the pattern editor.



    The song loops to pattern 1 at the end, not pattern 0. Renoise loops back to pattern 0. Is this just an overlooked flaw from the Renoise developers or what?

    God, I hope SOMEONE here uses Renoise... I doubt it but it's worth a shot posting this :P

  4. I have a revision of my last project name idea which may be catchy [i think it is]: The $50 Super Shotgun Project or maybe The $50 Shotgun Project.

    It's a good name, imo. Hardly a serious one, though, so maybe we think of a good "serious" project name also.

  5. listen to a work in progress all the time!

    I wouldn't say it like "all the time!" though. Spacing out the listening will help a lot, and you won't notice anything if you listen to it a bunch right after you finish. Something may sound cool initially, but eventually it may turn completely annoying.

    Oh "Ghost of Zebes," how I wish I could take back uploading you to VGMix :P

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