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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. I started when I was 14. THAT MEANS I'M BETTER THAN YOU

    Also, I wouldn't get the Express version of FL if I were you. It doesn't do nearly as many things as you'd like, in fact it omits very enjoyable and usually necessary functions of the program [like the piano roll].

    One thing you have to understand is that professional music software is expensive. Many would argue FL isn't really "professional software" but whatever. Professionals use it, so it's professional, see? Anyway, professional anything means you pay more for a quality product, because normally people HAVE that money. Even taking that into account, FL Studio is cheap for what it does.

    Maybe you can really really suck up to your parents or something :)

  2. Since when does the number of doors that are locked or unlocked determine how good a game is? And I mean any game, not just Silent Hill.

    Ever since a game appeared which had doors.

    It's cruel to have flat textures of doors that can't be opened :(

    And of course, if there are too many locked doors, the game is a bit linear, which is getting more and more looked-down upon as technology improves and storage space increases. I would excuse Silent Hill though, since it's on the PSX, but probably not Silent Hill 4

  3. Anywho' date=' I don't see what the hell this chip tune negativity's all about. Good music is good music and ain't that enough?[/quote']

    I agree with you, but I think the main problem is that the objective of the site is to showcase high quality arrangements, and some probably feel that, since chiptunes have intentionally low audio quality, they don't belong here.

    But then, "quality" is pretty subjective. However, the judge panel sets a precedent for the site by allowing this song, so I think if a chiptune is very well composed [like this one], then it would most likely be passed. And, on top of that, read Darke's quote in the ReMix writeup :) he makes a good point and I think that quote seals the deal on this whole "chiptune controversy" thing. :)

  4. This rules. I don't see what's so controversial about it.

    Personally I think chiptunes should be given just as much consideration on OCR, and they ARE, in my mind, just as valid as any of the "higher quality" productions found on this site. After all, what is NES/C64/Genesis/SMS music? In fact, I admire the people who stick to system limitations, since that is very difficult to pull off while also making a short, catchy chip. How well do you think you can work with 2 squarewaves, a triangle, a sinewave, and white noise? :)

    However, NES chiptune arrangements of other NES chips seems kind of silly, however RushJet1 made a "Konami's Moon Base" song which is like a NES dancemix of Duck Tales or something, which was really cool. I don't know how well it would sit with the judge panel, but I certainly like it.

    Another application of chiptunes I see is for the newer, current generation or last generation [or next!] of video games or PC games. Say I made an Amiga chip arrangement of TES4: Oblivion Music by Jeremy Soule. I'm probably not going to, now, but just as an example, since it could be done. If I were to chip one of his songs, I would be taking sort of a "deconstructionist" approach to the audio, which seems perfectly valid to me. Especially since I'm working on a chipdisk of my own, full of covers of my favorite anime themes [hahaha I am such a nerd].

    The only real problem I see is judging whether the chip was well-constructed or not, not how "artistically valid" it is.

    But anyway, those are my thoughts on chiptunes in general.

    I love the C64 sound, and Mazedude embodies it well in this mix. Is it available anywhere in .sid format? :D or maybe just .it, I don't know what Mazedude works in.

  5. All of my 10 or so mics and all my hardware and instruments [barring the computer itself and my MidiSport 2x2], unbelievably enough, were free. And these are like, AKGs and Shures. You wouldn't believe the stuff people throw away sometimes :)

    Oh, and I bought my ESQ-1 for $40 at a garage sale. It needs to be fixed though T_T and needs a new battery.

  6. Well, anything created specifically for clean audio recordings or midi, like an Emu 0404 or an Audiophile 2496, those are both good entry-level production cards, and this entire forum just can't shut up about them :P

    I have like, a 25 foot mic cable, and some good mics. I have a Hammond M100 directly below me. I entertained the idea of using the vents in my house to shorten the trip the audio takes.

    The problem is I'd have to hit record, go through a room, go down stairs, go through my kitchen, then through my dining room, then into my living room where the Hammond is and start playing T_T

    Or you could just, you know, set the computer up closeby to your piano instead ;)

  7. All of my collabs have been with other FL users or other trackers, if you don't count that time Daknit remixed "Dance Puppets" in Acid.

    woo! :D

    I find it can be either the easiest method, or the hardest. At least, hardest with newer software and not modules. The problem lies in the fact that there are a multitude of ways to do ANYTHING in something like Fruityloops, and everyone works differently. For example, I work in 2 to 32 measure patterns, while someone else may compose the entire song in only one pattern which I personally found is quite the memory hog, but to each their own :)

    Or perhaps, someone else might have all the channel volumes maxed out, using the FX channels and the master volume itself to regulate volume, which sounds absolutely horrid, and it is inefficient for tweaking. When your master volume is at 34%, something is definitely wrong. You should never have to adjust the master volume ever, it is a pointless knob and should be eliminated, along with the master pitch knob, which is more often than not, useless.

    These are real uses of FruityLoops that I have seen. I wish to keep the two examples anonymous because I shed much negative light on their core method. Also, these methods are likely found while collaborating with other programs as well, like Cubase or Sonar.

  8. Those two are okay.

    There's always obviously something better, it just costs more. I think there is an Echo card you can get for around the same price, no idea on that though. I never record any instruments live so I'm perfectly fine with my Audigy :3

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