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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. I just finished New Dominion Tank Police and... I gotta recommend that one too :D

    I'm also getting the soundtrack for it, and the original Tank Police. You know who wrote most of the songs? Yoichiro Yoshikawa, the same guy who did the music for IRIA: Zeiram the Animation. Who knew?

    The uhhh, place I'm getting the music from also has the awesome dub music :D hooray!

    Speaking of different dub music, I wonder why no one does that anymore. See this clip of the UK Manga version of Fist of the North Star:

    Yeah, that's right, fucking awesome DRUM AND BASS, holy shit! also: HOKUTO STINKIN' MY ASS!

    also also: the hilariously drawn-in eyes at 7:14

  2. If you already have windows just use that, it has the most software options available and is generally pretty stable if you're not a moron

    OSX has some good stuff but the software available is less than 1% of what you could possibly run on windows XP or vista. Despite that, there's some pretty capable software, like Logic

    Linux has bullshit for audio apps, the only good option for Linux is to get Renoise, but if you hate tracking you're out of luck there. There are some DAWs available but they have a ways to go. It's not impossible to make music in linux though, and it's free, which is always a plus. Well, renoise isn't free, but it's very well priced considering how capable it is, though you could run it on Windows instead and get full VST support.

  3. This thread > other anime thread

    Something about older anime... I dunno if it's nostalgia goggles or what. However, just yesterday I started to watch Stratos 4, which is from 2003, and I didn't even get through the first episode before deleting it. Sometimes with newer anime it feels like a watered down version of something I've already watched years ago, you know [though as far as lolis in space, Rocket Girls takes the cake. I recommend it even though it's a new anime]? Whereas the older stuff [i started watching New Dominion Tank Police immediately after] seems to explore the medium much thoroughly, like they wanted to see how far they could push it, compared to now where anime is big business and most of the televised stuff seems to follow a formula. I think this is true for most stuff from the '80s though, remember how gory all the action movies were, and then sometime in the '90s the violence got kind of subdued? What's up with that?

    Also, man I sound like an oldfag. NOSTALGIA GOGGLES

    Also also: DJP, that's wrong! it goes: A-ko > B-ko > C-ko :3

    I saw a strange making-of documentary of Project A-ko though, and they had this really creepy section where all the production staff would list their favourite girl. I cringed every time someone said C-ko, and it was always like, the elders of the production team. Blegh

  4. I'm not a mac user and neither are most chiptune artists :P

    I suppose you could get MilkyTracker and make chiptunes that way [either the classic modscene way or sticking to limits of the NES, or SNES if you wanna use the XMSNES tool]

    Also, news update, little-scale is working on a MIDI-capable genesis [!!!] so whatever controls midi in OSX will be able to control a genesis when his project is done.

    Also also wow I forgot about this guide hahaha. incomplete just like everything else I'm working on at the moment.

  5. The only reason you might watch it is for the comedic value of the dub.

    Yeah good idea that I forgot to mention, get the dub. It's actually a great dub considering the subject material of the show. Unlike most people though I genuinely enjoyed Mad Bull 34, because I watched it for what it was :3

    Seconding Bubblegum Crisis also. Cyberpunk for the win. There's also good cyberpunk detective adventure game by Konami from around that time too, look for Snatcher for the Sega CD [you can emulate it with Gens fine]. You even have a little robot companion named Metal Gear <3

    Also, look around for Project A-ko, Dominion Tank Police, Gall Force, and since you liked Akira I really recommend Roujin Z, a really good self-parody :)

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