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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. Dude it's not the graphics that make TF2 better, though the art style IS a part of it. Aside from the basic gameplay mechanics that were taken from the first game [and refined], it's the characters and their different personalities that make the game fun. And the sandvich. Stand on the freakin' point, dumbass.

  2. Anime Remix is down until I can find Xaleph so he can pay for the damn hosting or whatever went wrong.

    Just so I know all you animeremix fans want to know what's going on here, I haven't seen Xaleph for almost a month now, and I'm starting to worry. I mean, he does have two kids [yeah he just had another one recently kbye] and a long-hours job, but I wish he would just give me a pulse every now and then

    Meanwhile, back in 2006 mDuo13 [if you remember that guy here at all] and I started a blog about anime music and anime remixes, as sort of an "alternate presentation" of the niche scene we have going here. We haven't met with a lot of success but that's of course a side effect of this insanely obscure hobby :P we don't have it easy like with videogame music! Anyway, here's the blog:


    cutest website ever? maybe not, but it's up there! We cover everything from... well, everything. Soundtrack reviews, artists posting new content [and no waiting for a damn judges panel to hear it first!], whatever Yoko Kanno or Taku Iwasaki is doing at the moment, etc.

    Check it out! We don't have a lot of posts because we kinda forgot about it for a year but hey I just made a new one! Thank me later Strike911 :D

    Also, anyone who really likes anime music and is all up on the haps is welcome to ask me for posting privileges. Go on, just ask ;)

  3. So I just want to mention (as I never did in the write up) that the album contains a liberal remix of The Third Garden by Overcoat. I'm sure more of you figured that out by now, I just wanted to give a little shout out to him and thank him for letting me use the mix for the album (....I'm pretty sure he let me use it...)

    Hey no problem man, always willing to let people fuck with my songs :D they're free anyway, plus it's interesting hearing a different interpretation on my songs.

  4. You could remix stuff with it, but you will NEVER get on ocr with it though, think of it more as a creative, portable, sketchpad. Write stuff up on it then do it on your DAW when you get home.

    Hey man, I wouldn't be so sure about that. Maybe not a song exclusively made with the DS10 but something with it. Remember how close Battle of Strings and a Cell Phone got? :D

  5. I just finished this game. Whatcha'll think of it?

    I thought it was a very exciting and challenging game, though the fact that the NPCs didn't speak 100% russian was kind of disappointing. I heard far too many "pineapple" puns. Maybe I'll go through again with a mod.

    Also, I felt like the endgame was too long :(!. I wanted to go back and do the whole "faction wars" thing but the game would not let me :[

    Clear Sky had the same gameplay as SoC [lol], though IMO, while it had some moments, it lacked the creepy atmosphere of the first game. I liked revisiting the old locations though :)

    ALSO ALSO: lol @ the drum&bass battle music.

  6. That song (as well as Chrono Trigger "To Far Away Lands" I think it was called), started the OC Lockdown, 3 times, if I'm not mistaken. In that run, I think quite a few forum members, mixers, and listeners left. DJ Pretzel was VERY hesitant about doing it, mostly because of the backlash coming from it, as what I heard/saw. But they went through and systematically removed conflicting songs, or ones that didn't meet the criteria on posting a song.

    I don't remember any huge backlash from the remix removals. I don't really remember anyone actually packing up and leaving except for the whole 2002 remixer exodus thing, plus the totally random deletion of unmod.

  7. Speaking of STALKER and other post-apocalyptic games, I finished Clear Sky recently

    weird-ass ending and non-russian taunts = :(

    also the fact that I got sucked into the endgame portion and didn't even get to try out the fancy new "factions war" thing

    maybe I should start a S:CS thread

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