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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. Well there goes my idea. Kind of a bullshit policy but whatever.
  2. WELL LIKE, THAT'S YOUR OPINION MAN. I know what you mean. It's like giving canned food to homeless people who don't have the money for can openers. Still, with charity, I think every type of person should contribute in their own way. Gamers give their old games, that makes so much sense. Especially since they spend all their money on games in the first place, so there's only the material aftermath to donate. Donation is another way to make room in your house/apartment. Child's Play is a good way to get rid of old games or systems you don't play to make room for new stuff, leaving your old games to be enjoyed by someone new, and in Child's Play's case, someone who really needs to have a fun time. I wouldn't mind letting another kid enjoy Toejam and Earl or SoR2, since I haven't touched my Genesis in quite a while, and it would get more use out of someone else. edit: took a while to formulate this post, didn't see any replies yet. I think a lot of you are misinterpreting how Child's Play works. It's not like you can either have "a new liver or a NDS," it's "here, have a free NDS while you wait on the list for a new liver." There are other organizations that help sick children in other ways, I'm sure.
  3. I did plok do you still have my remix because that is the final version, since I ditched FL and can no longer work on it. Yeah, when I switch, I switch. Looking back, probably not that good of an idea for certain ongoing projects, but nothing life-threatening ( ´ ▽ ` )
  4. In before "hurrr family guy needs writers?!?!?!"
  5. Agile Warrior F-111X. Sure the game isn't too great but the music is fucking metal. Really fitting for fighting game BGM. I wonder if you can find the soundtrack... Likely not, but I have it. Yay for pc games with redbook audio :V In that same vein, there's Descent II, of course. Probably should've mentioned that first.
  6. http://soundtempest.net/soc/single/oc-shmorg.mp3 2 synths and an 808 kit. I actually spent the most time on the drums here which is kind of odd for me. Probably should've released it for Halloween, but I worked on Halloween so I didn't have time to finish.
  7. He has a new demo song for Renoise 1.9 also You can download the demo and just listen to that. Yeah k303 makes some awesome tunes, that's cool that he submitted to you guys.
  8. *adds to his other 5 or 6 C64 synths* thx u
  9. also HAHAHAHA oops would you mind moving this to ReMixing?
  10. ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ http://www.renoise.com/ For all 1 of you on OCR who are Renoise users [well... just me! I'm spreading the word], just thought I'd let you know that the newest version of Renoise has been released! There are tons of new features and improvements over 1.8, and I'm very impressed. New effects, streamlined interface, preset saving, etc. Renoise is still missing a few things, though. Still no pre-delay compensation, and audio recording is pretty rough around the edges. These are things expected to be fixed for 2.0, including [hopefully] a fully-working linux version, which would make it the best linux app ever? If you've never heard of Renoise before [highly likely], it's a modern tracker that incorporates all the new goodies computer musicians can have, like VST and ASIO, but instead of the clunky horizontal scrolling piano rolls, you compose top-to-bottom, which looks something like this. It's mainly designed for people who started out tracking music on computers, anywhere from 1985 to 2001, and while you can still use the old trackers, or other ones, this is the most advanced option, giving audio quality equal to that of a DAW like Cubase or FL Studio. I'm weird though, I started out on piano rolls but then switched to this recently, and I actually like it. The workflow is super effective! It's also the cheapest option to produce high quality audio, at ~$70 [this is mainly why I got it]. I encourage people to try this out, though if you're already comfortable with your DAW you might find it a bit wild. A little time though and hexadecimals will come naturally to you Actually, it's a bit sad how unpopular trackers are, because of this perpetuated idea that they're "too limiting," which by the way is wrong, but whatever. That's a debate for another time. THIS IS RENOISE TIME.
  11. You'd have to get a hell of a lot more obscure than Taz-Mania. Think homebrew games that maybe 5 people have heard of. Some homebrew is so popular that it's okay though, like Cave Story.
  12. indeed The stuff they make for children today are something you probably wouldn't enjoy. Anyway, anime has taken over the world, and most animation from America is pretty much copying it. Stuff like Airbender looks like a carbon copy of Naruto, to me. Also, you're in the army, be a man. Watch Legend of the Galactic Heroes.
  13. clipping is the horrible ugly popping sound that occurs when a digital waveform is too loud. Limiting is actually what you think clipping is.
  14. In the new Zen there is no removable batteries, but in the Nomad Jukebox, you could pop the [metal!] front off and take out the battery. Some proprietary thing, but at least it was replaceable.
  15. Like some others here, I have a Zen Vision M, 60 GB. And yeah, I need all them gigabutts. I upgraded from my 40 GB Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra, which was a tad more durable and actually had a removable battery, but the headphone jack broke. and since the thing was almost full I was like "eh I'll get a new one." It's unfortunate that there are no jukebox players this size with removable batteries anymore? It's still amazing though, and the video quality is stunning, considering the small size of the screen. edit: also, you wanted to know what software runs it? Well, it can sync with Windows Media Player or you can upload to the Zen with Creative's own thing. I would normally not like using WMP but they made it really easy. All you do is hit F3 to search for new shit, then hit a "sync" button and then it just finishes. GG
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