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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. I personally use this plugin: http://www.winamp.com/plugins/details.php?id=104265 I had another one, but this one handles all my wacky file formats [because I have chiptunes and music mods that have their own loop points] and it's the least complicated, I've found.
  2. I personally use Winamp as an alarm clock it's great waking up to chiptunes.
  3. Mono and Kahvi seem to release at the same time. Funny how that works.
  4. New Acrilic Colors! Funny thing was I was JUST listening to his first Kahvi release today, which I also recommend! It can be found here: http://kahvi.org/105.php
  5. It's been a while since we've had a "Where's Russell Cox?" thread. He's likely still here, lurking.
  6. If you have dialup why don't you just play the .mod file? That way the song is only ~50kb instead of 3.5 MB.
  7. Okay since none of my regular places have released anything for a while, here's a random musician's site. Maktone! Yay, chiptunes! I recommend using the "download all!" button at the top of each song page. Of course, for the .sid files, you'll need a .sid player. But for the amount of music already there it's worth it. And I can give you more .sids if you like. Anyway, as far as Maktone's best goes, CLASS01.MOD, CLASS09.MOD, CLASS10.MOD, SAC07.MOD, NEWMORE.MOD, and powerplant.sid are the ones I listen to the most. The best thing about this site though is you can get every single one of his songs in less than a minute if you have DSL or higher. His songs barely ever go above 6 kb.
  8. Yeah I'm seconding not buying from Dell/Compaq/HP/etc. Please build as much of it yourself as you can! It's a good feeling knowing exactly what's in your tower.
  9. Yeah okay, I'll upgrade to OSX With 12 MB of memory and a 140 MB hard drive.
  10. Other than, you know... all those other things. This Philips drive I've been using is just flat-out bad, though I'm still not sure why. I have some bizarre trial version of NeroVision that's able to burn video DVDs successfully after a few tries [usually], but nothing else seems to work. There's plenty of Dell support threads that say "get a new drive" but my warranty is up, man! Also proprietary PSUs [they could've just used BTX but nooo they had to modify the connectors] are just bad news, especially when they go "HURRRRRRRR" when it gets cold. I think the towers aren't too good at ventilation or something. That "PATA settings in the BIOS" thing is totally new to me though. Maybe I'll try that. If it works I'm going to fucking DIE.
  11. lol Is it weird if I didn't notice any dissonance while listening? Sounded perfectly fine to me.
  12. FFMusic DJ has a few new tunes at Reunion Studio. McVaffe I just dunno. Last I saw him post, he was talking about some videogame video blog he was doing with some friends. I wonder how that's doing?
  13. There might be some good jazz stuff on Archive.org. Yep! http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=jazz%20AND%20mediatype%3Aaudio Actually... I dunno if it's good or not, you'll have to look through it yourself! I'm glad Archive started using that flash player so you could listen to the songs before downloading them.
  14. Well I DID have a question, you know... dicks I dunno, maybe this can be the "Apple Gaming thread" now or whatever.
  15. I need stuff to put on it. I tried getting some things, but they all seem to be in .2mg format, which are floppy disk image files. If I could get something that was able to extract these files I would appreciate it. Anyone still have their old OS7 machines lying around? Still use 'em? I'm planning on getting NoiseTracker and a few demos from pouet on here, but like I said I can't figure this .2mg format out. I also heard about Loderunner, maybe I'll get that too.
  16. http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=28890 Chillosophy 2. More music by xerxes. They're still mostly compotunes repackaged, but they're all good anyway I wish he'd put vistac.it on Chillosophy 3...
  17. In light of recent events here is a song by Tempest, called "Acidjazzed Evening." Won the song competition at Assembly in 2000, which is not an easy feat! ftp://ftp.untergrund.net/users/rez/mod/tempest-acidjazzed_evening.zip
  18. It's also not a C64 tune, it's in .mod format so it's from the Amiga. I'll post my thoughts, since I already commented on my ThaSauce article: I see on all the youtube video comments and Digg discussion that there's a lot of naysaying: "The songs aren't all that similar" "I can't believe how sad this whole thing is. Some idiot made a song 6 years ago and just sat back until someone else made something similar just to claim they wrote it first and should be paid. I think its absurd to think that someone else can't independently come up with a similar tune/beat." These are quotes from COMPLETE TOOLS. There is obvious ripping if you listen to both of the songs. But I have a bad feeling about this whole situation. I predict Timbaland is just going to shrug off the whole thing, or basically ignore all the hatemail. And you know what? There will be no mainstream outrage, but of course most internet musicians will [and should] raise a stink about this, though I think that still won't amount to anything. Why? Because Timbaland and Nelly Furtado are so mainstream. Tempest, from the public eye, is basically a nobody who made a chiptune for some Finnish "nerdparty," and they won't bother listening to the original. In the end, Timbaland will probably lose no credibility from the group that actually buys Nelly Furtado's CDs. One thing about this situation though, I actually find really funny. Can you imagine Timbaland sitting on his computer, browsing scene.org? Yeah, what the fuck? Maybe MODs and chiptunes are starting to come into the mainstream a little bit more?
  19. Here's mine: bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I use vibrate because I find ringtones are fucking annoying. Also, if my cell phone allowed for actual custom ringtones, I would have the metal gear codec beep
  20. The DVD burner doesn't work on my Dell either. Never has. I think it's some weird faggotry Dell hardwired into their towers, though I researched this online and it seems to be the actual drive. But mine is a Philips.
  21. I've been kwakking since 2004 and I can safely say THIS WAS THE BIGGEST BEST KWAKFEST FUCKING EVER good job you guys
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