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Everything posted by HershDawg

  1. Apparently grammar is not this guys strong point because look at his spliced in copyright. Seriously if your going to mess with other people's stuff do it right.
  2. If we can find and contact everyone he has stole from then we can makes this a very nice attack on the little plagiarizer. Seriously, this 14 year old just messed with the wrong people.
  3. One of my friends said it sucked assbutt but I haven't seen it. Don't know really what to think.
  4. CD keys....Torrenting for all your pirating needs. lol
  5. Ice Titan took me a while I had to go off and level and come back. I couldn't beat Seph on KH, but KH2 I raped him in under thirty secs. Trinity limit, berserk rage rise and repeat.
  6. Considering I had to figure out how to work as many attacks in as possible other wise I'd still get 1 hit Ko'd. I can't repeat that run through and I never want to again.
  7. My first time I played it I knew somewhat what to expect and many of the bosses in the arena I could deal with mostly because I had 3 chars with max str. of course the ones you needed magic to kill I was utterly screwed. I went a little overboard playing that game.
  8. mines a nickname the drummer in my high school's jazz band gave me my freshman year. It sorta stuck and I use it virtually everywhere. My first name's Hershel(I am not jewish and I'm tired of everyone thinking I am) so its kinda easy to figure out.
  9. The band who did the soundtrack for FLCL is The Pillows. They are really good. I have virtually all their cds on my comp.
  10. so now I am about 30 stars in with Luigi. The cosmic race thing where the bees are is considerable harder because the clone long jumps everywhere(like I would). Many things are easier because of the super high jump luigi does.
  11. Vocals had a decent tone and the harmonies were pretty decent. Its a bit too heavy on the drum machine. Pitch bending was a cool effect. second time the vocals come in the dynamics of the other elements needed to be lowered a little because they were overpowering them. Nice use of a triplet figure a little past the middle. Overall nice jazzy feel, I enjoyed it. I did find the announcer lady to sound a bit hokey. I rate 8.3/10
  12. Thats why I read off the internet for free. I know a couple sites PM me if your interested.
  13. I heard more song off this site before I heard the originals. Its what sparked me to find a lot of game music.
  14. I love the manga for Hellsing way more then the anime mostly because Serras is total ownage in it.
  15. Southern California in the good ol' Inland Empire. I'm from the good part, so im close to but not from San Bernaghetto. Though I go to school in Orange County.
  16. That made me lol.
  17. I really liked Claymore till it started to diverge from the storyline. I could barely watch the last couple episodes because I felt they were murdering it. The other current uber popular anime (Bleach, and Naruto), I prefer in manga form as well. They are making part 2 of naruto seem like the worst reaches of DBZ where you spend an entire episode doing nothing but powering up. I really enjoy some of the more mature manga like Tengo Tenji, Ubel Blatt(basicly elfish kid with sword kills everything around him). I just wish they could have done Claymore more justice because the current arc rocks.
  18. I hate both of them, but thankfully I got those stars.
  19. I play alto and tenor sax, but I don't have any recording equipment.
  20. The rockets are from DK 64.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bk-HzmIXouw its last years Cavaliers show. There is very little up yet for this year. Then again you can watch it all on september 5 on ESPN 2, but they hack out the openers.
  22. I don't really like the type of show the Cadets were doing. But for that type they did a good job. The Cavaliers didn't match up to last years.
  23. Today Was the championships for DCI. It was a long day but the corps performed extremely well. Blue Devils got first. Anybody else go or follow this event?
  24. hooray, new manga chapter. its an extra scene but still good.
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