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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. Damn, where are all the reviews for this? This is arguably one of the sexiest tracks on the album. Definitely had the "Bond" feel in both ways--both in light of the group and also the movies. This is definitely Hollywood movie-score-worthy. All the source really needed was a couple talented musicians, one of which bears a phat Aussie booty. This one sweats intensity and suspense. It's beautiful. Will and Lee--be proud, stand tall. Lee, I know you said you weren't as happy with the outcome, but let me assure you, it's terrific the way it is. You get the nicework smiley. 4x. :nicework::nicework:
  2. Blind is a master of trance. And I loved the electric guitar. 1+1 = 11 (on a scale of 10) Wow. that was terribly gay. I apologize. Let me back up and just say that this is an awesome track. (Man, seriously, I'm really embarassed by that cheesy statement... Really...) Great work, dudes.
  3. this is a really cool song. now, i will say, that this isn't really my normal cup of tea, but it's refreshingly creative, and i can tell jovette put a shitload of work into this, and i do dig, bro. nice work. in regards to rathoi's post, that's cool that you're not so much into it, but in the project feedback thread, i think norg said it best with "variety is the spice of life. this pack is an entire spice rack. and not everyone likes curry (heathens. how can you not like curry?)." (Not that I'M demanding that you like curry, or anything. I just think it's a good quote) I am glad to see that you critiqued the track there at the end, with personal preference and/or bias placed aside. That shows the kind of maturity that more people should display, so cool. And BTW, glad you liked my remix. Thanks man. Back to Mr. Rivera's track. MY only gripe is the overall mastering was a little weak, IMO. I took a look at the waveform, and despite being close to 0.0 on the peak meter, this track still felt really quiet and far-away. Otherwise, again, I'm heavily impressed, and this has received a strong number of plays regardless.
  4. This track is chill as hell. I'm swept away to a classy lounge every time I listen. Sexy bassline, and serene vocals. All in all, classy is a super effective one-word summary of this one. Fine work, this one gets many plays.
  5. love the super sexy rhodes. i usually overlook dave's tracks when it comes to reviewing, mainly because of course, they're awesome, and i guess subconsciously i think it goes without saying. he's as talented musically as he is administratively. this track is right up there with love/ice cap hurts (haha, i really do love both) insofar as the groove is concerned. i'm particular fond of the drum kit and the bass. dave's always had a knack for an energetic bassline, which unfortunately, few people pay particular attention to. as for the guitar work, all i can really say is... MEH... and by "Meh" I mean, of course, it's aight... and by aight, i mean, yeah, it's cool too. <3
  6. the only gripe i have is that jeremy used a metric crapload of reverb on this one, which gave it more of an amphitheater type sound vs. a studio or stage sound, but it's nothing that's going to keep me from enjoying this otherwise well-arranged piece. fine work, dude.
  7. never heard of this danny B guy--he must be new. anyway, definitely a fan of this one--especially the gated synth and chanting at 1:31. also, the delay on the piano, not to mention the piano sequencing in general, was rad. needed more timbal licks tho
  8. luiza is a one-woman army of dirty awesome axe-wielding skills. her track is as fun to listen to as it is impressive. i listened to her track the other day whilst picking at my own guit-fiddle, and i got shred-envy.
  9. Excellent opening track. Zircon's incredible skills of instrumentation and arrangement coupled with Jill's masterful and serenely beautiful vocals = win. Andy and Jill are great friends, and great musicians, and I'm never disappointed and ever impressed with their collective and individual talents.
  10. yes, Andy played a critical role in getting that track to sound as well as it did. Without his help, I'm sure the overall mastering would have been much more washed-out and bland. He turned mud-grunge into crystal-grunge also, there needs to be moar gushing about the liquid sex that is liontamer's voice. and yes, my crappy guitar playing was one of the aces I had up my sleve glad you liked it.
  11. Just a sound upgrade, and as far as I can tell, a mostly verbatim cover of the original, save a few sound effects etc. Sounds cool, but definitely not interpretive enough. No Override confirmed.
  12. Man, I'm sick to death of this Tweek fellow. He obviously has no clue how to use Reason. The growling synth that kicked this one off did not rock my socks. Also, I wasn't a big fan of the string arrangement, and the horn right after. And I hate electrosynth crap. Nice try, Brian, but you're going to have to do better than this. YES (No, but seriously, you know how I feel about this track already. The only thing you tend to do is slightly oversaturate with da reverb... tone it down just a fraction and I'd have no gripes at all)
  13. Is it possible to get high from listening to an audio file? Either that's what just happened, or otherwise this track is trippy as hell. Very interesting, and some really unique fx & stuff, but I'm with Larry and Jess in that this is pretty obnoxious in terms of the arrangement itself. I really do dig the crazy lo-fi effects, but unfortunately it just doesn't really work with the Metroid source material you've chosen. I hope what I'm about to say makes sense--here goes. As terrible as this sounds, it's really still pretty cool. Make sense? Didn't think so. I'd almost encourage the mixer to leave the link in the track so people can hear this anyway. Not much good as an addition to OCR, but still cool in it's own unique rights, which I think is respectable. NO
  14. EQ was touched up a little on this one. First thing I noticed when comparing it to your last, there's a lot more treble on the track, which gives your strings a nice, airy feel. Also, (and maybe this is just because they're not quite as muddy) it sounds like there's more stereo separation here. Nice. Around :40 or so, the brass was pushed back so as to disguise some of the fakeyness mentioned last go-around. Yeah, I'm gonna agree with Jon that the brass isn't just spit-in-your-face-obnoxiously-poor like they kind of were last time around. And you've substantially improved your dynamics. Rather than simply relying on a reverse cymbal swell, you've actually automated the actual dynamics. So props. The overall master EQ is actually dangerously close to my little red-flag-button, but in lieu of all the attention you've paid to our previous concerns, I'll let it slide. Main gripe is that there's almost a lack of good low-end throughout the track. But granted the style, it's really not that big a deal. This is passable. YES
  15. Interesting. Opening piano is fairly terrible, both in terms of volume, sound quality, and sequencing otherwise. I can see the comparison to some of Sam's stuff, but Sam's stuff on the other hand is usually oozing complexity and music theory. This just sounds like you kind of clicked in notes without really paying attention to what they were. Anyway, moving on, the track is definitely unique, there's a lot of craziness in here. Drums at 1:02 were a little too weak. Interesting call-and-answer type stuff with the oboe, piano and strings around 1:20. Actually, drums overall are pretty weak. And the mix--really really muddy. The reverb on the drums also makes them sound too far back. The mix was really biased toward the right channel, too. Maybe even that up a little. There wasn't enough going on in my left ear to compensate for all the weight that was in the right. Definitely not a terrible submission, but this one needs to be cleaned up quite a bit. I do however give you props for you choice of source, in that it's not Bloody Tears. Nothing wrong with B.T., but we get a lot of 'em around here. So for whatever it's worth, I appreciate you taking a stab at another track. NO
  16. well, with no source tune, obviously this is going to be based solely on production at this point. Short and sweet--the track sound very incomplete at this point. And I'm not too fond of the mixing. Some good ideas, track isn't bad by any means, but the mixing/mastering of the drums is pretty far off. I took a look at the waveform, and the drums are way too loud in comparison to the melodic instruments, and it gets annoying. Also, the 1-2-3-4 repeat hit (whatever it is) sounds too much like a metronome, and it distracts me in a negative way. At 2:15 when the bass comes in, I do believe there's some clipping on the drums. Pretty mellow track otherwise, pretty cool background music, albeit a little repetitive for a standalone track. The dropout of all instruments except the IDM-ish beat at 3:00 is kind of weak, IMO. Might want to rethink that. Definitely fix the EQ/volume on the drums, and tweak some knobs here and there. NO It should be noted that even had I heard the source on this, I would still NO this in it's current form, regardless of how well it may or may not be arranged from whatever it's source is.
  17. Not bad. Very thin overall--I'd definitely say this needs a little more density. Ha, the part at 0:41 reminded me of some of the music from Cave Story. What was with the 4 second pause at 1:41? Then the piano w/ flute that came in afterward was pretty thin and mechanical. Samples aren't terrible quality--they sound a lot like the free ones I use, but they're a little too frontal in the mastering area. Some of the higher notes get a little piercing because of the EQ. There could definitely be a much cleaner sound overall. I do like the mood of the track--it's very somber and contemplative. Production definitely needs some work, though. Other than that, hmm, I dunno, maybe add a string ensemble in various parts to maybe thicken up the mix a little? Fix the drums that Andy spoke of--they are a little too dry and a little unappealing in light of the rest of the instruments. Not a bad submission by any stretch, but still needs a little work. NO
  18. Gonna swing with Vig's vote on this one. Pretty solid, but the ending is super weak. Just sort of... stops. Hard to explain, but the fadeout is way too quick. Wish I had some more specific advice on what might work better, but what you've got just doesn't leave a pleasant ring in my ears after an otherwise pretty sturdy track. Fix dat ending, d00d. RESUBMIT
  19. and again, bear in mind that several of the mixes are variations of other tracks in the OST
  20. indeed. the only real reason it's been pushed back is because we've all been thoroughly preoccupied scratching ourselves.
  21. You could always pay us--then maybe I'd be more inclined to take more time away from my wife and hobbies to evaluate submissions. Yes, we're slow. We know that. We're working to improve it. But dude, we're still VOLUNTEERING for this stuff. Give us a break. We're all human. We do our best, and OCR is growing all the time. We have a lot of stuff to keep up with. Life is not a constant thing. I truly wish there were 48 hours in the day, so I could vote more. But just please, bear with us. And kindly refrain from jdghate if at all possible.
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