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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. I'm still in favor of this one, but after revisiting it, I'm surprised that I let it slide as loud as it is. I don't mind loud music, but I'm not going to allow that much clipping. This needs to come down before going up. My YES is now conditional.
  2. i'll say again. show some appreciation for the fine, free music, people. there is no reason this should have this few reviews.
  3. very awesome song. great vibe. probably on of my favorites of the project. on another note, 4 reviews? what the hell people? show some effin love for once. quit mooching music and say thanks once in a while. geez.
  4. Shenmue had some really cool music, I've come to learn. Seems like a watered down version of the original. At your request Michael, it doesn't completely suck. Nice arrangement, decent sound, and all that stuff. YES
  5. Aight, well, thanks to Larry and Rich both for breakdowns of the source & arrangement. Very very helpful. This is definitely very cool and cinematic, which you said you were going for, so good job pulling it off. My ONLY real gripe is that the mix seems a little off. Similar to the gripes people had with Harmony of Destruction, I think this loses some of its energy and/or intensity due to the fact that it's rendered a bit on the quiet side, and it's a little too spacey as well. Mostly, there's a lot of high-end saturation, and nowhere near enough mid/mid-low end to counter balance things. So here's the deal. I'd like that fixed before this goes up. Say it with me now... YES (CONDITIONAL)
  6. man, what a beautiful source tune. Very somber and thought-provoking. I'm eager to hear your take on it. Let's get to it. Hmm. Well, we've definitely simplified things it seems. This is very LQ in terms of instrument quality, which is too bad. Were this performed on a real guitar, I'm sure it would have a much more evocative tone. The music (both remix and source) reminds me a lot of some of Terranigma's music. I guess after reading my colleagues votes, there's not a lot for me to add, other than my encouragement that you'll stick with it. There is a TON of resources out there, and the more you tap into what's available (in terms of virtual instruments, FX, etc) you'll definitely have the opportunity to improve your abilities as an arranger/writer as well as a producer. So just keep making music and learning. Remember, it's not always what sounds you use, but how you use them. Nothing wrong with using a fake guitar, but in this case, being solo it has nowhere to mask itself. Keep at it. NO
  7. This is very cool stuff. I'd love to throw a YES on this track. The arrangement is pretty cool. Despite the fact that it is yet another metal arrangement of Bloody Tears, I was very happy with your interpretation overall. Unfortunatly, at present, you do need to spend some time adjusting the mixdown. The drums are sequenced really well, and they have great energy, but are a little too quiet and far back. And though I might not have thought to analyze it that way, Andy's right about the panning/stereo. You could use more stereo FX rather than just panning individual channels wide. The EQ on the guitars seems a little thin as well. So yeah, basically, re-up the whole mastering job and send it on back up. Some particular highlights for me were the breakdown at 1:36, the organ, and the particular attention you paid to the drumfills. I do wish you'd used a more convincing vox patch at 1:51 and the end. But no huge deal. Anyway, go for the gold, bro. RESUBMIT!
  8. This is one of the coolest tracks I've ever heard, btw. I'd just like to formally reaffirm my SUPER YES
  9. Aight, ladies. Try this on for size. www.biggiantcircles.com/ocrmusic/Harmony_of_Destruction_REMASTERED.mp3 I think it'd good to go. Comments from those of you who had original concern about the mixdown?
  10. Or, possibly even mspaint for the truly ambitious! Regarding earlier discussion, presets are like samples. It's not so much what you use, it's how you use them. PERIOD. Also, I'd have probably thrown a NO (resub) on the CV mix, just because the mixing is kind of crap. Mostly on the drums. They are waaaaay too far back. Guitars are loud as hell, and could probably stand to come back just enough to let the drums and vocals breathe better. But that's just me. Otherwise, I have no complaints about the track.
  11. Aight. Well, for what it's worth, I liked the track fairly well. The opening riff is straight out of Halo, which is probably intentional, but still amusing. Um, I listened to this on loop with the sources for like over an hour last night back to back to back to back, and the general impression I got as I listened whilst comparing K's breakdown was that although pretty cool, I was straining to hear connections that were a bit of a stretch at best and awfully tenuous at worst. I think it should be noted that while we as the enforcers of OCR's submissions guidelines encourage (in a mostly mandatory fashion) that remixers take time to effectively re-arrange and re-interpret source material, there is a fine line between taking creative liberties and going way out into deeply liberal waters. I wish there was a black and white definition of what is acceptable and what is not, but unfortunately, it's always going to have to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. If the source tune has a riff that lasts for 6 notes on repeat, then rearranging any two notes means that it's only 2/3s identifiably connected at best. So be careful what you choose to rearrange, folks. Kunal, this is directed towards everyone--I'm not singling you out or anything. So yeah. Be sure to keep stuff connected. Otherwise remixes become more like "songs inspired by [source tune]" rather than "[source tune] remixed". Anyway, again, the track is cool--I'd stamp times, but it's been covered already. NO
  12. New version is tight. Uber. Not only is the balance addressed along with the brass-timing improved, the vocals cutting through even more clearly. And the ending is going to please a lot more people, seeing as it's *resolved*. Nice work, bro. YES
  13. I am going to have to disagree STRONGLY. I mean, I suppose back in like, 1995, this could have gone up. (Ignoring the fact that Halo was not yet composed back then). Seriously. How can you go to a prestigious music school, and then bring this kind of garbage? Seriously, there's newbies in the WIP forum who have been making music for a couple months who can do better than this. Sure, the intro is cool, with all the eastern instruments etc, but then you load up some generic horn (not even a HQ sample - probably some cheap ass patch from hammersound or something) and then don't do a DAMN thing except throw down some repetitive drum loops. Sure, you added to them, but c'mon. You think this crap is gonna slide? Go back to composing your "pro" crap. NEXT PLZ
  14. This is aight. The arrangement was passable IMO. True, it's fairly straight-forward, but I think Jon's expanded on the vibe well enough through his effects and performance. I miss the whistling. Kay
  15. Happy birthday Corn-man! terrible, I know. Thanks for the music! You're a good guy.
  16. I fucked up nothing! My form was flawless! FLAWLESS!
  17. i know it was a joke. but i had to make use of the to let you know that my parody writing skills are unparalleled by mortal man. sweet mercy, i'm starting to sound like the wingless. also, what's with the lole/loal pronunciation? i've always pronounced it like "ALL" with an "L" at the beginning. LOL = LOL. right?
  18. Super Dave Pretzel. He does what he must, because he can.
  19. not if you pronounce the acronyms *edit* thanks, mr. coat. also, if you still feel the need, then just substitute "rofl and lol" for L.M.A.O.
  20. Just a reminder to make sure y'all redownload from the "NEW" link before this one goes up, as I fixed the intro.
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