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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. Aight. I have registered and purchased my badge. Put me down as an attendee.
  2. an instant winner! please procede to the nearest finish line to redeem your prize. nice stuff, H-B!
  3. I'll agree that the mix (drums mainly) is a little on the loud side, and that the kick seems distorted, but I believe that's just the particular sample he's using. As far as being too trebly, are you sure you're not just suffering from midrange-withdrawl due to the high number of submissions lately that have been WAAAAAAY heavy in the mid/mid-low area like I mentioned in my vote? Spectrum analysis looks fair enough. I remain confident that they're not. I'm 99.9%, and I used to listen to Aerosmith for hours on end back in the day. I didn't recognize either sources from any of their album tracks.
  4. I endorse this. OA did all the work last time. Let's all step up this month and try to get at least 10 on each one. It's sad that some of those that have been on the site for years still only have 3 or 4 reviews. Show some love!
  5. yeah, Andy. I don't believe either of those are from Aerosmith's actual radio/album songs. Also, the title screen music is "Rag Doll"
  6. Definitley unique. I'm going to echo the sentiment that while creative and reasonably effective, the chiptune recreation overstayed it's time in the front seat. That being said, like Andy, the flutters and stutters and gating and swirling and what not that you threw in were fantastic. Had it not been for those minor-yet-not-so-minor details, I might have been less favorable of this one. I'll definitely let it pass, CONDITIONALLY after some proper normalization, but I would have loved to hear a more progressive version of this where the 8-bit evolved into something a little more modern as well. Eh, what can ya do though. It's still a cool track. YES
  7. Ha, I forgot all about this game. How funny. I didn't even make the connection when I saw the thread. And I just sort of grabbed the source before even reading your email. I heard the opening riff of "Rag Doll" and was like WTF? Thought I'd downloaded the wrong file or something. This one is solid enough for a fairly quick vote. It's really solid, and after judging that last track (the Top Gear one), the treble almost feels too high. That wore off quick, and I really prefer this kind of EQ in the mixdown. It's fairly balanced I'd say. Nothing super-pro quality, but definitely acceptable. Really nice takes on the source themes, too, and I think they've been sewn together pretty seamlessly. I like it! Ye- Ye-Ye Ye-Ye Y-Y-Y YES
  8. This makes for a good topic of discussion, because I just NO, RESUBMIT'd the "Roar Mighty Vampire" track for barely missing the bar on production, and it was cleaner than this, with live guitars. I dig the track a lot, for the reasons already stated, and I have the exact gripes as everyone else stated--which aside from the production are the transitions and the performance, which got a little sloppy at times. I'd definitely love to throw a YES candle on the cake, but again, the CV mix was cleaner, and I gave it a PLZ RESUB. In all fairness, I'm going to do the same thing here. Don't get me wrong, it's a pretty hot arrangement, and it's a fun tune and I like it. But heck, a knob or two could be tweaked fairly easily to get the drums out of the tin can they sound like they were recorded in, and maybe bring down the midrange just a bit to balance it with the highs and lows. Tough call for BGC as well. RESUBMIT!
  9. I still think this track is awesome. I can hear production improvements pretty easily after placing it side by side against your prior submission. Some nice instrument changes as well. Wrapping things up, this one is notably better, yet it's still as cluttered as it can be. I know it's a pain, and I hope you don't get too frustrated with our (constructive) criticisms. This one could be gold. It just needs to be engineered a little more cleanly. Your arrangement and ideas are spot-on. I couldn't ask for more on that front. It just still needs some work on the mastering. I really don't have any further advice other than what Larry and Andy have already said. Don't get discouraged. If it helps, take a step back and revisit this one after a bit of a break to try to give you a fresh ear for what could be fixed. This one will definitely make it to the front page. We want it to be killer when it does. It's almost there. Just tweak some knobs and levels. (But don't rush the job). RESUBMIT Go for the gold!
  10. I am still interested in this event. I think I'll go ahead and put in for time off work, and I expect to officially purchase a ticket later this week if that goes over smoothly.
  11. Driving Larry's point home. I don't mean to say it's just a matter of simply tweaking a knob here or there. The mastering needs to be out and out redone. I was just saying that's the ONLY critical gripe I have. I still love the concept and potential. Yes. Get some good feedback first. Don't get over-hasty (as resubmitters often do) and add some reverb and crank up the bass EQ and resubmit. Do it right, and this one will be pretty cool.
  12. This is pretty solid stuff. I'm not a huge fan of the synth lead *cough* monogilde abuse *cough* but my heart will go on. I like the lull at 1:45. Definitely easily adaptable to a power-guitar-driven track. Nice adaptation. The synth flutes at 2:25 or so were a little on the meh side, but all in all, my gripes are very minor. The short of it can be summed up with: I think it's a nice interpretation of the original, with clean execution. Nice job! YES *edit* HA. Weed beat me to the punch by a few minutes. I guess you're special, and get 5 YES's.
  13. Cool. I really like this one a lot. All this needs is a remaster job. It's too hollow and flakey sounding as is. I dig the arrangement and the ideas. I think the textures could be thicker and thus more intense as a result of said rehashing. Put more beef on it, bring out the mid-low end. Pull the vibes back a little, or process them a little more. I dig the drum change-ups like at 1:05. Very cool! Just finish polishing it up. I'd say the structure itself works perfectly. It just needs some spit-shine and elbow grease. PLEASE RESUBMIT!
  14. cool man. looks a lot better at standard tempo not sure the bombing mission theme matches up perfectly with the footage during the more somber parts, but it's cool how you tie it back into the train scene. pretty cool!
  15. A sad loss to our community. Though I did not know him personaly, RK's music has been touching and inspiring to me and many others. We're all thankful for the music he left us to remember him by. May this time of grief pass quickly, and your sorrow be replaced by the good memories he left. My prayers go out to you.
  16. Why a video? Well, flowers and cards are always expected, so the notion is trite. Also, flowers and cards aren't really something I feel would be personalized and specific from an online community of people that didn't personally know him but was touched by his media. Slightly cheesy? By whose standards? Yours? Who are we trying to impress? In my mind, we're not trying to impress anyone. I'm suggesting an idea that will serve as a gift specifically for his family to help preserve his music, as well as the good thoughts everyone has about him. Not trying to spark argument, especially in this thread, but I just want to make clear why I feel such a tribute WOULD be appropriate coming from this community.
  17. We're discussion some sort of tribute in #ocrjudges. Dave hasn't been around since the bad news to weigh in yet, so I'm sure he'll probably have a good idea as well. As for me, I was thinking if someone could mashup his remixes and make a music video with tasteful footage from the respective games along with some quotes from his reviews threads, and perhaps some quotes from this thread capped off with a photograph or two and not only made it available online but somehow managed to get a HQ DVD-quality version to his family. For his family to know how many lives he touched with his personality and music would be a far greater gift than any amount of money, IMO. What do y'all think?
  18. Listened to this one earlier. I'll try to get my official vote in after work. (Seems like that and sleep are all I've had time for this past week... Dang holiday shopping season.) I'm fairly certain there are additional sources being used if only briefly, but I don't have time to research it right this minute. I'll do some sleuthing when I get home tonight.
  19. My prayers will go out to his family and friends. This is a terrible loss to our ReMix family and community. He seemed like a great guy, and I'm thankful he left us with such great music to remember his name by.
  20. not the greatest news of the day. definitely will be sending up my best hopes.
  21. I survived my 16+ hour shift yesterday. I'm making a note here, huge success.
  22. you may as well not go. last year at best buy there was a line already wrapped half way around the parking lot by about 11pm. but if you still do, i wish you luck and hope you're able to at least grab something that you wanted.
  23. guess i should have expected someone to spoil the spirit of the thread. this is the internet, after all. nice work.
  24. It's the day we celebrate folks like Liontamer, Wingless, and Malcos. Also, who's going to be standing in line all night, and what for? List the deals you've got your eyes on here. Me personally, I'm too poor this year to even bother, plus I'll be at work pretty much all day.
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