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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. I liked realism vs, and I sort of like the one where it's just constant horde and you have to rush to the finish, but all the others have been pretty "meh"-worthy.
  2. Thanks Martin All the club music was actually licensed music from various artists. The best place I've found that answers your question is the Mass Effect 2 wiki page. Check "Trivia". http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Mass_Effect_2_Original_Videogame_Score
  3. Great work, Ad. I'm really enjoying your choice of snare especially. That might seem like a peculiar and small thing (in the overall scope of the song I mean) to pick out to comment on, but for some reason, it's just the perfect timbre and tone for the mix. Nice job with the jazzy section, too. Didn't expect that.
  4. ha, thought I had already added you, then I wondered why you were still going on about it. No way I'll miss it now though
  5. Or just trigger your samples in the piano roll (note C5 is default), then you can go as long as you like.
  6. whoops. Originally I think I had everyone listed separately. I apparently missed Justin & Ash when I merged.
  7. Horrible picture of Dave. His boobs are way perkier than that in real life.
  8. A good glimpse of those strapping young military cadets change your mind? <3
  9. Nice. I could not for the life of me figure out how to operate the Fantom G, but it has some nice sounds. I do not like the aftertouch though, not even a little bit. Maybe it's adjustable, but I found that I had to mash the keys down with an absurd and completely unplayable amount of force to trigger it. Also, for some reasons Snapple's desktop wallpaper strikes me as not very Snappleman-ish.
  10. noticed you mentioned "our reception". Does that mean I need to add you to "the list"? :)http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=8842

  11. In honor of DJP's wedding tomorrow, I guess it's about time to dust this thread off. I made a few updates, but I'm sure there's a lot more I'm overlooking, so if you see something you know is incorrect, or otherwise have any new status update to share about yourself let me know.
  12. I actually used to do the same thing, Amy, except substitute Cubase with Acid. I agree that FL's recording initially isn't quite as intuitive or obvious though, definitely no argument from me there. That being said, when I finally learned how to record in FL, I haven't used any other DAW for it since. You probably don't have your input monitoring situated the same between FL and Cubase which is causing that notable latency you're talking about. However, the actual latency between your voice/instrument and your computer will exist the same in Cubase as it does in FL (or any other DAW) and depends wholly upon your soundcard/drivers and what your buffer is set to, but certain factors can make it seem like there's a big difference, such as where in the signal chain you're listening back or how big a load your CPU is carrying when you record. To compensate for this natural latency, many soundcards and software programs have ways to listen to the sound at the speed that it's going into your interface, prior to being processed. The Tascam US-1641 is a good example, because it has a knob that lets you choose if you want to listen to the input directly or post-processing (or both) I've really never used Cubase, so I'm not sure how it's set up to monitor inputs, but it may be set by default to monitor the direct signal instead of the processed one like FL does. So anyway, that's probably more response than you needed, but the short answer to your question is "Yes, I've done it before, but I don't now, because I'm too lazy to switch between programs, and I prefer to have everything all in one anyway" BTW, what kind of soundcard do you you guys use anyway?
  13. He's in the promo video vouching for VGL on their site. The man was an advocate for games and game music. RIP GC.
  14. On their first date: Dave: "Anna, I'm kind of a big deal. I run... OverClocked ReMix". Anna: "...You run what now?" And yet, she's still with you, it's a glorious sign of good fortune for your marital union. Many congratulations for you both!
  15. Nah, I know. I thought the sarcastic/satirical answers were pretty obvious Don't get me wrong, I don't expect them to spoonfeed the audience throughout the entire series, and I realize to the writers' defense that there are all kinds of outside factors that play into their writing, thus limiting their freedom to write the way we might want them to, such as network interference, and the pressing need to maintain good ratings and keep people wanting more. I just feel that they introduced a lot of mysteries specifically for the function of engaging the viewers so we'd still be counting down to next week's episode to find out just what was up with _______. Anyway, while I think I will probably ever remain irked about their neglect for providing official resolution to so many of those questions, as I've said before, the series did at least keep me hooked and reasonably entertained until the very end, so I guess it's like comparable to watching an awesome movie that has kind of a bleh ending. Does it mean that the whole movie sucked? Not if you really enjoyed the action and were constantly on the edge of your seat. I guess it just is what it is. (Don't take that analogy too literally, I'm not specifically talking about the ending of Lost or anything, it's just an analogy )
  16. lol, wow Alexis, you are a hardcore dedicated fan I give you props for your taking on the questions. Not sure I'm satisfied with all of them, but to be fair, you did remind me of a few things I'd forgot about.
  17. I still maintain that half this crap should have been answered or otherwise just left out entirely. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1936291 I feel like the writers pulled some kind of "bait and switch" bs on me, keeping me interested by introducing all these mysteries and making it seem like they were going to be important to the plot and then leaving everyone completely high and dry. I think the ending was beautiful for the characters, and I think we all fell in love with them to various degrees, but half the show was just bad or false writing. And I don't see how anyone can argue differently. It's one thing to leave something open-ended, but it's another for it to be completely nonsensical without any hope for reasonable explanation. I think it's sad that the college humor video can go on in a zero-punctuation-style for nearly 5 minutes full of legitimate questions that I had throughout watching the series.
  18. Thanks for the kind words guys On the subject of melodic content, had I included "more melody" it would have all been 100% original, as there really wasn't one in the original Noveria track
  19. Whether you want to tear down the series or white knight it, you have to admit, this video is pretty darn funny http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1936291
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