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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. The shirts run a little smaller than larger, so if you're somewhere between a med and a large I'd recommend the large. They'll shrink a bit after a few washes anyway. Guys, we still need to discuss the time we're actually going to meetup. Neko, dP, sinewav, ifirit, how do you guys all feel about the 3-4pm range? Also, ifirit, where do you suggest we should meet? I personally think it should be somewhere fairly close (within a couple miles at least) of the concert hall.
  2. I've got updates turned on (until today anyway). The past two nights I've woken up and found that my computer has installed automatic updates and will no longer connect to the internet. If I boot it up in OSX (running Windows on an iMac via bootcamp, btw) the internet works fine, so it's not my connection. I've checked system restore, and it seems there was something called Software Distribution Service 3.0 which is causing my net connection to poop out. Anyone have any idea what this is about?
  3. 12:45 sounds fine. And if everyone gets on board with agreeing on a time, I'll go ahead and paypal you the money for the movie at least. I'm pretty sure Tweek should be fine with TDK as well. Dunno about Audix, I guess it depends on when he has to be back. I'll catch both of them on AIM. Also, I spoke to Tommy today. I have REALLY REALLY exciting news, but it's gonna be a secret until the meetup You guys are going to be thrilled, though. I promise. As far as shirts go, Dave is sending me a few shirts and some stickers, so you guys can buy those from me at the meetup. I think 8 shirts should cover the group - but ASAP, like, tomorrow I need to know what sizes. I already know I need at least 2 mediums. Now then, regarding the initial actual meetup, Brian and I are going to be arriving in Louisville fairly early that afternoon, say, probably around 1-2pm. I recommend everyone should arrive as early as possible, but how do you guys feel about setting an official time of maybe 3 or 4? Input please.
  4. thanks for more details, ifirit. I'm all for an IMAX Batman. also, I'm good cashwise to pay for hotel expenses night of. That's my personal preference, if it's cool with you. But I want you to be totally cool with it. I want no risk of anyone feeling like they're going to get shafted if they have to front money for people that can't reimburse properly.
  5. Cards, music, and all things geeky are cool with me. I don't know any recent card games that don't involve clubs, hearts, diamonds, and spades though. Ifirit, where you iz?
  6. I would have, except I knew someone else would. You should totally just change it to a pretzel
  7. Slightly off-topic, I do really like the Twisted Kit EZX. It's got some interesting hits.
  8. the only real question I have is, what plugin did you use to get the moaning?
  9. well, expensive is relative I suppose. $150 (or $99 if it's on sale) is quite a bit less than $400
  10. also, it helps if you're using ASIO sound drivers in stead of your default one. Try ASIO4ALL. It's free. http://www.asio4all.com/ After you install it, press F10 to get back to your audio settings and select it as your sound driver. There you can select how large you want the buffer to be. You typically want the buffer to be as large as you need to avoid your audio output sounding like crap, but as low as possible to avoid the latency issues Zephyr mentioned.
  11. Says you anyway, I personally love it. I am looking forward to SD2.0 which should be coming out soon. I'm actually surprised you don't like it all that much--don't you use DFHS? I mean, I realize EZD is a watered down version, but for what it is, I think it's pretty solid. Also, you can use the FPC loops in EZD, and vice versa. although once you buy EZD, you'll probably never touch FPC again. I don't think I have. Also, Guitar Center regularly has sales and rebates on it. It's already only $150, and typically the rebates are either for $50 off, or a free expansion. So keep your eyes peeled.
  12. Certainly not, bro. You're not out of line in any way. Again, I'm fine with the NO votes - as long as the point is valid. Sometimes though it's just good to elaborate further or better explain a particular criticism, which you totally did just now. I was just making sure the vote was based on something more in depth and legitimate than "this is an old style." Definitely not singling you out. I think all the NO votes are valid. This is just one of those issues that comes up from time to time--often when dealing with trance. Also, I h8 joo 4 n0t v0teing liek m3!!!!!1!!!11 <3
  13. http://toontrack.com/ezdrummer.asp + expansions = win
  14. bump. I'll have an update on shirts and stuff in a couple days. Ifirit, I would think that weekend there shouldn't be any problems with hotel availability--is it any more expensive if we just pay that night?
  15. hahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!1!!!1
  16. Ug. Well, the arrangement is nice, and it's cool to get a live performance, but ouch, the rhythm and timing in certain places made me outright cringe. That being said, I suppose it adds to the character of the track. It also is a little strange to have that bass panned left like it is. That to me doesn't necessarily merit a fatal strike, but it is unusual. Again, I suppose it only adds to the character here. Ultimately, I'm withholding my reservations about the somewhat sloppy performance for the expressiveness of the piece altogether. Palpable is right though, there are times where you can't tell if it's supposed to be swing or straight. At any rate, it's a good interpretation so I'm gonna vote borderline conditional YES on account of the volume/compression. The only reason that bothers me is because it's annoying to me and other listeners to have to turn up our volume up in order to hear it properly, only to have our speakers and eardrums blown when the next song in our playlist begins.
  17. This one's got good energy throughout. I'll echo everyone else's thoughts about the vocal clips, but eh, what can ya do. Some people will love it, I'm sure. I really actually liked the vocoded snippets--thought they were actually pretty unique in their own rights, and we don't hear a lot of vocoded stuff around here. Since Vinnie's pretty thoroughly broken down the arrangement, I can't say I have any qualms there. I'm with Zyko again here. Fans will enjoy this one. Here's to another YES on a trance mix, haterz.
  18. I don't require you to care. You're more than free to make as much of an ass of yourself as you like. I can't do a thing about it, so party on.
  19. The purpose of the thread was to ask the community for support. Not start a heated debate which ultimately has derailed it with philosophy and people's personal beliefs of idealism etc. At this point, I'd say he's pretty thoroughly derailed the thread. I'm not even competing in Ourstage, and I'm starting to get pretty put off by the verbal tantrums. See my last sentence.
  20. wow, dramarama all up in this thread. i'm proud to support OCR artists. i'm also proud to support my friends. i thought communities were supposed to be good for that. less arguing guys, geez.
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