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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. I'm disappointed by the lack of pictureage so far. This thread fails.
  2. nice. magically, eh? /me pictures a particular scene from "Jumper". also, I think it might be wiser to perhaps go see Batman TDK as a matinee on Saturday. Friday night, I dunno. I wouldn't be surprised if all shows were either sold out, or else so jam packed that there'd be no way a group larger than 2-3 could find seating together. thoughts?
  3. Dhsu was kidding about the money thing I'm certain there will always be FF7 mixes to come along and get submitted, and I definitely don't mean to discourage you from making requests in the future, but I think all Darke and Dhsu are saying is that the chances of an FF7 medley getting not only remixed, but APPROVED and posted to the site are extremely extremely thin. Our standards require some sort of musical development and substantial level of real interpretation (not just sound/instrument upgrades) and if you take a piece that is combining 5 or 6 themes, well, it just realistically doesn't give you much time to do that for each one. In probably a good 90+% of the medley submissions we receive, the remixes typically end up being a collage of themes that don't mesh well together and have no real flow from one theme to the next with proper thematic development. A good analogy would be to say for one to cut out just the main melodies of those themes and throw them into winamp with crossfade turned on, and there you have it. Plus, the fact that FF7 is one of the top most remixed games coupled with VotL's recent release, again, the chances are slim. Don't take it personally, someone could totally prove me wrong and remix a fantastically stellar FF7 medley remix that totally follows our standards, and that would be awesome. But I'd say that between those of us who have responded, our advice is to not hold your breath. Cheers.
  4. I believe it was simply called "Auto" (Autopilot)
  5. Don't let that stop you though, you can always just get someone there to order a physical copy from another store (called a Sit/Dropship). Mention those words and they'll know what to do. And I guarantee they're not going to give you any crap over it. (Sit - item sent to store, you go pick it up. Dropship - Item sent directly to your house.)
  6. Probably the worst movie I've seen in a long long time. And by worst, I mean I really really really liked it. Also, does anyone else here feel like the traditional Pixar Short at the beginning was heavily inspired by Portal? Hmmmmm???? GLADOS should have made a cameo. That totally would have pushed the movie up to an 11.
  7. Exactly. Gotta think long(er) term. Investing in technology is like that. And by 2015, maybe there will be something else that comes out that's better, but people will say "Oh, but everyone's already got Blu-Ray. This will NEVER catch on". Then they cycle repeats. Also, I've read a bit on what McVaffe said about physical copies of media being more or less done away with, and I agree. I'd wager that this is going to become a big deal down the road.
  8. Dang, see, I guess there's a definite line between what kind of quality people want and what they're willing to pay. If $600 is enough to scare off buyers (coupled with the prices of new games) then maybe that should have been rethought. I gripe a bit about the graphics on the Wii, but as well as they're doing, apparantly that's not the main thing people wanted. Guess they should have put less into R&D and making the components what they are that they could make a good system for $200-300 less. /me shrugs $3,100,000,000, though. that's a giant number.
  9. It's a good example of whether one makes more profit selling few at a high cost with a larger margin, or selling lots at a low cost with a smaller margin.
  10. Congrats, man! You have been added: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=8842 bwahahahaha, classic
  11. This is a pretty source, and I guess this piece lures mixers who endeavor to add lyrics. I really liked the arrangement - thought it was very nicely done. I even liked the guitar, and while it may be a little bit spastic here or therelike Jesse said, I'm not sure it bothered me as much as it did him The vox are not bad - your friend has a pretty nice voice, but the dealbreaker is the quality of the recording. Pretty LQ output for an otherwise pretty decent track. Sounds like the mic is too far away, and it honestly sounds like it wasn't even recorded on a condenser mic. The reverb doesn't mesh well with the distance issue, either. Hate to have to scratch a mix based on something as daunting as recording vox usually is, but well, that's part of the bar. Wouldn't mind a resubmit. NO
  12. remember, i'm working out the details to see if we can sell them there. in which case you guys will have first dibs. neko, you might consider subscribing to AAA. they'll tow your car in case of stuff like that.
  13. Hope your day was a blast, Andy! Beats are like wine... they get phatter with age! ...right?
  14. You can use EZdrummer in garageband. 99% of all plugins now support the standard formats. VST (FL, Acid, Live, Cubase) AU (Garageband, Logic) DXI (Sonar) and RTAS (Pro Tools). Simply install it for Mac (there's a Mac and a PC folder to choose from on the install disc) and that's that. As far as actually using it in Garageband, in case you don't know how, just click on "details" of your software instrument in the bottom right corner and select from the pull down list. Towards the bottom of the list, it should show any AU plugins you have installed. You can also buy Logic Express for $200 if you don't want to drop $500 on Logic Studio. It's basically the exact same program minus a few smaller features and lots of the bonus content like the jampacks etc.
  15. well, i found it amusing anyway. made me chuckle
  16. that actually wasnt printed in a mag. you might have been thinking of this one - http://images.industryclick.com/files/33/SEQUENCERS.pdf maybe there's an updated one somewhere.
  17. fantastic stuff. probably my favorite of Dain's mixes. nice work, bro.
  18. One of the newer additions to my studio, which replaces my crappy MXL-990/991 combo (by a LOT...) this thing sounds AMAZING.
  19. Don't mean to sound like I'm picking on you, Anso, because I'm really just reiterating my feelings on the subject in general, but again, I don't feel like this is a totally fair/legitimate issue. If someone does a remix in the style of a song from the 80's or 60's, or heck, even classical, wouldn't it be like saying "uh, this style is old. try new stuff, dude."? feels like it would be the same thing in this case. Not to sidetrack the vote, and I'm not adamant about getting it passed--those of you who feel it's a NO are fine to feel that way, but I do feel compelled to address this perspective, because it will certainly come up again in the future.
  20. give me a couple more days and i'll have an update for those of you considering buying shirts before hand.
  21. Ha, dang. I'll be in VGL in Louisville that night
  22. Yes. Everyone who has an OCR shirt, wear it. Black is typically the most popular color, but if you have white, that's cool too. Or, if you're really REALLY awesome and have one of the oldschool jerseys, you can earn mad cool points by sporting that bad boy. I'm trying to work things out with DJP, we're kicking around the idea of him sending me a bunch of shirts for us to potentially sell as merchandise at the show like we did at the DC show. So while you guys are welcome to go ahead and buy one right now, if you wait a week or so, I should be able to tell you if I'll be bringing a bunch, and then you can just buy one directly (and save a bit on shipping). Also, I think I can probably speak for everyone and say that if you end up in need of it, I don't think anyone would mind letting you crash in their room if you get stuck for the night.
  23. Since everyone is leaning toward the museum hotel, I think we should just go ahead and call that *the one*. I'm also fine switching up people if the need arises, but I doubt the need would/should arise. Also, being married, I should warn that I might involuntarily spoon whoever I'm next to...
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