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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. Slow day today. Thanks to adonikam for his donation! We need some more love, y'all! There's still plenty of people who can throw some spare change this way! Buy some sticker, guys! Ladies! Let's keep up the great work!
  2. have a good bday! be sure to toss OCR some love with your b-day cash! [/shameless solicitation] no really, have a happy bday, though.
  3. pretty sweet! no promises, but if i have time, i'll see if i can throw a track together
  4. happy birthday, yo! +1 for one of the great synth slingers in da community!
  5. we pretty much have you to thank for that, don't we? i know gol sure as hell didn't want to... lol
  6. the list is basically a counter bar. i'm intentionally not disclosing the total amount released unless we break 2k. also, where your donation at? i don't mind giving up the spot. <3 by the way all. we have 75 people on the list. great work! let's see if we can't rally a few more together! we're still not in the clear for long-term yet!
  7. Does anyone else think it funny that it's right beside The Wingless's name? I wonder... <3 for all the contributions everyone! Let's keep the ball rolling! I'm thrilled to see the level of support y'all have shown so far! :nicework: Also, speaking of the links, everyone, be sure to click on 'em from time to time and check out some of the stuff they show. That's a super easy (and free) way to generate revenue for the site. Even if you need to check on Semen Donation info!
  8. don't act like y'all didn't see this coming. srsly.
  9. fair enough, but it's like this. if you're going to give money to a charity, you don't hand them the check and say "you know, i don't have to give this to you. how do i know you're not going to do something shady with it? oh well, i guess i'll just use it for a tax write-off". just saying that's the wrong reason to donate to a cause. like larry said, if you don't want to, then dont. i'm just asking that if you have any qualms, i'd rather not hear them. i'm not going to harsh on the people who choose not to donate, but i do ask that they show respect for the rest of the folks who ARE. *EDIT* also, i'm not implying that dafydd meant to be disrespectful. i was just explaining my viewpoint. the important thing is that he did contribute, and once again, i am in fact thankful for his contribution.
  10. noted. that being said, the website is not "simply here". you've spent lots of time on it, and downloaded the content from it. if you really have that much of a problem with donating, please default back to my original post where i said "If you're not going to contribute, simply do not post, because I do not want to hear why." I don't think your comment was meant to derail, but you come close enough. That being said, your support (even if merely in the form of purchasing stickers) is indeed appreciated. So thanks for that.
  11. I think we've generated a nice spiff, but I'd really like everyone to get in a long-term perspective. We're still far short of that goal. The idea here (for me anyway) is to have the kind of rally that will not simply serve as a catch-net when OCR is falling short for a month or two, but to instead build the kind of fund that will help Dave be able to do stuff like make more free copies of albums and make more cool OCR stuff (thongs, mugs, and wristwatches! ...maybe ) and add new features, and so on and so on. A small head's-up--of the nearly 1000 that have been on the site since April 1, only ~5% have contributed. Many people who have viewed this thread have not (I seeeee you...). And while I think we're off to a great start, I still know we can do better. In short, the direct answer is, "Not enough. Keep donating!"
  12. let's go, people. show mustin some lovin'. i met him at M6, and he's a pretty dang cool guy. moar votez!
  13. for whatever reason, it always makes my day when i see this, and no, it never gets old
  14. I'm rapidly gaining a soft warm fuzzy spot for all you lurkers.
  15. Happy bday to our fourth and final ally, master of the PSI
  16. i don't have a paypal account either. you can just make a regular credit/debit card payment without signing up for one.
  17. just click the paypal link and do the donation seperate. takes 2 minutes, tops. just to clarify, there's nothing wrong with public recognition to those who donate. what would be messed up is if someone were donating SPECIFICALLY and SOLELY to receive recognition. You're right, the main motivating factor should be that if you are here, you appreciate this site and have probably profited in some way from it--not monetarily, but either in new music, friendships, advice, etc. WE'RE DOING WELL, PEOPLE. BUT 22/840 IS STILL A REALLY WEAK RATIO. (~2.5%). Help in a decent cause, folks.
  18. yes, i'll mention anyone who contributes in any form. although, the public recognition should really not be the primary motivation for your donation, but rather, quite simply a mere thanks from myself and anyone else who echoes my feelings.
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