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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. I'm gonna back my boy Jose on this. Lots of people that work retail will be totally screwed on that. Everyone knows that pretty much anything from Xmas to a week after New Years is blackout time, and that actually getting approved for time off is like, trying to beat a video game using one hand. I suppose it can be done, but it's highly unlikely. I officially oppose M7 on New Years '09.
  2. So I guess it's safe to assume at this point that Uematsu has probably heard of VotL, at least, and that Square is not going to sue us? At any rate, I'd love to enter this. I have so many other projects going on, I'll definitely try to wrap some of them up in the next few days so I can confidently jump on this wagon. Also, I'm assuming that http://www.nobuouematsu.com/game.html pretty much anything on here is acceptable to arrange (except the ones that specifically say "arranged by..." or "____ theme only", obviously)?
  3. it's just that i don't recall a *REAL* version of people doing the djp. this is groundbreaking.
  4. i'm still disappointed that nobody's submitted the "everybody djp" gif to ytmnd to "what is love"
  5. HA! I'm not teh only one who kant grammarz. Oh, and OCR has not enhanced my life in any way. I continue to be a cold, miserable, unapproachable person. If I had to pick the least slimy, detestable thing and call that the closest thing to a gem to come out of this pit of despair, it would be the nice work guy emoticon. Yes, I'm talking about him -> Other than that, I'm pretty well disgusted.
  6. JJT is on level 82. PM him if you get stuck on any levels up to there.
  7. Yep, Mr. Yoozer is correct: Autotune. That was an easy one.
  8. There's a ninja in the picture? Where? OHHISEE. Damn you ninjas and your stealthy abilities. Also, I still stand by the conclusion that Starla is in fact and indeed a tiny pokemon. YOU ARE ALL POKE-PHILES!!!! Also, not even the slightest lawl for my 1408 Photoshopping? err, MSpainting?
  9. am i the only one that thought that was funny? wtf exactly DID go on in 1408? hmmmmmmm???
  10. effin sweet. leon is one of my favorite game characters of all time. i'm stoked!
  11. IHOP brunch. For some reason, I felt compelled to take an empathetic picture of this bottle of Mango Juice. Excuse me. Drink, rather. Overhead view of the OCR folks. And just for fun - (thanks to Flik for the gif)
  12. I love Avaris's glowing wizard hat. After their concert, Larry and I caught up with Elaine Li of Select Start. Their performance was fantastic. The hotel was pretty nice. This was the view from the main lobby. I took a picture as we said goodbye. RealFolkBlues's finger just happened to be in the way. The result is amusing.
  13. Some of OCR's finest. For those who don't know, (I didn't before) Starla is in fact, very tiny. I think she might actually be a pokemon. (<3) Smash Brothers concert was jawsome. Super jawsome. They were kind enough to cook the crowd some bacon. Here's Liontamer getting a piece.
  14. I think Zircon and Pezman might be brothers - There was a firedrill at one point, so everyone went outside. The fire alarm was obviously triggered by Larry as a cheap way to tempt people to buy OCR shirts and hoodies to stay warm. (Larry's advertising in the middle) Nice top view of the vender area -
  15. First and formost, let me assure everyone that the judges are not the only people who can DJP. (btw, BGC can DJP, too. Proof? Why do you think the camera is not steady?) Here's Dave with the mighty OCR guitar Larry - his mighty pelvic thrust. (I especially love the facial expression) Nice shot of some Jamspace action
  16. I myself was a bit unimpressed overall with the arrangement. Cool idea and notable effort in meshing Carol of the Bells with CV music, but it seemed to much "one or the other", rather than totally fusing the two together. In other words, I never really felt like I was hearing the two completely together. It was more like the track kept alternating back and forth, where the CV themes were a little too straightforward without enough variation during the actual source themes. For the most part, anyway. I did hear the play-off-one-another thing going on a little better there at the end, where they were alternating measure by measure or so. At any rate, that's not my biggest gripe. I could *possibly* overlook that were it not for the production. It's far too quiet, and the overall mastering/EQ leaves plenty of room for improvement. Too much reverb. Not that using a lot of reverb is always a bad thing, but it definitely is when the track feels like the reverb is out of control. It's waaaaay too quiet and sounds far back. It's like, if you've ever been near a stadium when theres an event going on, and you can hear the music outside the stadium but it's hard to focus on exactly what's going on. Also, as Larry would say - WHERE'S DA BEEF? Not a bad start, and I'd love to see SotN get some more love - one of my favorite games. But you'll need to take this one back into the shop in the meanwhile. Keep at it. NO
  17. this totally throws off my Portal "Still Alive" parody. ah well. moar sites foar teh musikz!
  18. Mbox is overrated. USB and firewire are pretty darn close in terms of actual *speed* per se, but firewire of course offers more bandwidth, so while it's not *technically* any faster, it can carry more data at once. you're probably not going to get a decent firewire interface that's much better than a plain USB interface for less than $300. I recommend either the Firebox, or the M-Audio Firewire 410. and for the record, i agree with AS. Firewire > USB
  19. i'm fairly indifferent. i can aim infinitely better with a mouse than i can with thumbsticks. that's my only logic.
  20. **chuckle** that made me lol i just shaved mine. i was going for beard, but teh damn thing was just too itchy. it was pissing me off, so off it came. phuck da beard, i sez.
  21. while taucer's big black whistle is impressive, i still favor his small one. i think it's more easily handled and and has much better play. it can get up higher, too. this i know from personal experience. ...there's no way this post might be misinterpreted in any form or fashion, is there? nahhhhhh.... oh, and yeah, i'll probably bring my rusty trusty acoustic guitar. anyone bringing a good keyboard? vinnie? any MO8's making an apperance per chance? hmmmm???
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