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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. Anyone else get an email about staffing? Anyone else interested in volunteering?
  2. Finally. Love the time sig work. (although, this really isn't as good as Carefree's track - I still like it.)
  3. that was incredibly cool to watch. makes me want to reinstall HL2. nice work.
  4. yeah, jose. that sucks man. meh, what can you do. looking forward to chilling with you at future meetups always, bro. maybe another OCR easter breakfast with pixie, zircon, and larry
  5. i eagerly look forward to another year for people to steal your remixes! have a great bday, bud!
  6. kept my face a little warmer for my snowboarding trip back in january (which is the reason i missed the last magfest). i'm on far right. they are, however, terribly itchy... i'm typically not much of a beard-connoisseur--i usually just go for the scruffy, unshaven-yet-still-groomed look. but it changes from week to week. we'll see what kind of mood i'm in.
  7. the douche bag just edited it. this is his original post - CAREFREE DEMONSTRATES UNPRECEDENTED GOOD JUDGEMENT ONCE AGAIN![/sarcasm]
  8. Not true. Although, the Emperor's New Groove is probably in my top 10 all-time favs. Ratatouille was good. I've heard Enchanted is awesome. I kind of liked Treasure Plantet as well. Also, the llama worm creature reminds me of those green--what are they called again, kelet? something like that. Let me consult google: this thing -
  9. i might try to get on this. depends on my free time, so no promises yet. got my eye on "bring a torch jeanette isabella". very pretty tune.
  10. Today's lucky winner is..... Carefree Why? http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=13612 You may now commence hate mail. That is all.
  11. Why exactly does it say Shariq Ansari and have a link to Darkesword's (old?) webpage by it? http://www.darkesword.com/listen/remix.html Explain that to me and then I'll be happy to comment on your ALLEGED remix. Otherwise, nice try, genius. Don't let the door hit you on the way out, music thief.
  12. Ziwtra's got a lot of good holiday-ish stuff. He specificially referred to Final Fantasy Adventure - Gifts of Mana as "holiday poop". Also, his Terranigma Blue (Shooting Star) mix is a good one. His "Skyline" makes me picture something like flying on Santa's sleigh. And of course, Secret of Mana Desert Snowstorm. Not only b/c it reminds me of Manheim Steamroller, but because of the jinglebells towards the end. Also, Terranigma Aquamarine. Also, Perfect Cherry Blossum Icy Peaks Also, Zelda Eutopia Pagasi Also, Secret of Mana Tidal Sequence Also, Secret of Mana Aphrodite Oceanus Also, Zelda Twilight Princess Tattered Slippers I'll list more later.
  13. I actually thought this was pretty cool. Very "alien" indeed, and I really liked the scraping, effect on the pads. It was like running the audio over a cheese-grater. Very interesting. Detuned, ambient textures set a nice soft atmosphere. This is definitely way too quiet though, that's for sure. I would really be inclined to YES this one were it not nearly a straight cover of the source. Even so, I feel like the personalization you've added via the soundscape is almost enough to make me overlook that. This is definitely very fitting of the whole somber, mysterious, and somewhat sad vibe that seems to follow Samus's persona. I really think you've got a great start here. Add some more volume, maybe extend it a little, fill it out with a little more original composition and some slight restructuring, and I think this would be a very cool addition to not only the site, but also the music of the Metroid franchise. RESUBMIT Also, I didn't quite get the reference to SR388, especially since that planet (if I'm not mistaken) wasn't introduced until Metroid II on the Gameboy. But whatever.
  14. this may be true, but lets see if we can pull together to even show some love for the *completed* tracks before getting into the incomplete ones. but dont worry, bro, we'll get there eventually.
  15. wow, I actually used to have this game. Never beat it, and I personally got frustrated with how lost I'd get, and if I recall, it wasn't that easy. Of course, I was like 13 back then, too. Anyway, pretty intriguing mix--I thought the reverb was up a little much, and the EQ on the muddier side of things, but it had a nifty enough groove to it. Again, definitely not bad for it's time.
  16. Right off the bat, the piano was uber mechanical. And the tempo transition at :28 was in fact a bit jarring. Soundscape left the piano too exposed. All in all, this one definitely could have used more beef. Fairly bland mix across the board... Nothing personal, Jaxx. Just sounds like you were in too much of a hurry to wrap it up and didn't pay enough attention to detail and textures. As Larry said, good enough for back in the day, and I can definitely respect that.
  17. Ha, yeah, I get the connection. I love electronic and ethnic elements rolled up into one. Textures are a little thin at times, but I was also mentally singing along nonsense words in my mental-madonna voice. This is pretty chill BGM. Great for web browsing.
  18. Thanks for researching that, Vinnie. I'll default to your breakdown of source comparison then, and as you said, it's definitely a close call (only as far as the arrangement goes), this one's going to duck down into YES territory by a razor's breadth. YES
  19. I bought you a whole case of space gas to celebrate... But I used it... Happy Bday!
  20. Vinnie, if all you're asking for is the kick fixed, isn't that more of a conditional YES?
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