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Everything posted by jordex

  1. modplug is asking which directory is for instruments are there packs or something i should download? ahaa wow they are confusing.. Also, are these what those at chiptune.com use to make their songs
  2. thanks thankss! this stuff sounds pretty familiar to me now, i remember looking it up a while back. what type of tracker do you guys suggest is best?
  3. its also adhesive boys birthday today facebook told me lol
  4. anyyybody? it makes xm files or something like that
  5. k i just dragged the wav file into fruity loops then saved that as an mp3 lol
  6. or can you only save it as wave?
  7. whos 3XL lol I need a small. Two maybe, T's.
  8. hi new here. great site guys :love:
  9. does anyone know where I can get some soul sounding vsts? something po! would use vibey EPs
  10. i love this song! what kind of music is this called? jazz? house? soul?
  11. You're a machine, Mazedude! One more
  12. Madness I tell you, madness! Go submit another Doom 2 remix, Mazedude!
  13. /downloading it can't be weirder than that hihihi remix can it?
  14. I love this song, its soo crazy I love that melody that comes in around 1:19! What track on the SPC is this a remix of?? Edit: Nevermind I found it. Why it's the track titled Meteor, of course .
  15. itss crazy how neostorm made this entire song using the default FL songs this sounds alott like something you'ld hear from that gunbound game haha but its awesome i love the whole house feel and the percussion is just sweet i think the solo parts were greatt! and especially that bass solo i lloved the original crystalis music and you did a great job recreating it, neostorm
  16. Haha I wish I had the OST as well 'cause this song is just awessomee! I could listen to this for hours
  17. I just love what GrayLightning's done with Frog's theme here! It's such a complete different style from the original and Gray has my gratitude for that
  18. Oh wow I fucking love this I love these vibe mixes, we could definatly use some more! I was just expecting another sonic theme to come in but I guess that killer solo makes up for it
  19. I just realized that this song is all done in triplets Goats a FUCKING GOD!
  20. Whoa hey it got posted! Everyone was impressed by Chthonic's Fleeting Ecstasy and this only gives us a better impression on him Awesome song! Hope you finish your tetris mix too! This song reminds me alot of Bust a Move from IM
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