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Everything posted by jordex

  1. Very helpful, zircon. See the little -- in the upper left hand corner of the step seqencer? If you want to change from 4/4, to say...3/4, set the thingy to 3. In the playlist everything will have gaps and look like sdfukjdik so set the SNAP thingy to "beat". This will allow you to move the patterns into the correct place so there are no gaps. Now if you want to change to say..6/8, then i just change the thing to six and double the tempo (because thats like making each count an eighth note since eighths are twice as fast as quarters basically. if you leave the tempo but change the thing to 6 youll end up in 6/4. I hope this is all clear... That's how I've been doing it, I was hoping there was a more proffesional way of doing it, oh well, I guess this is good enough
  2. How do you change time signatures in the middle of your song?
  3. Sounds like a trance version of Pachebel's Canon, awesome! It's making me dance, can't argue with that. FFmusic Dj, one of the best dance mixers on the site, possibly is the best!
  4. Whoo! Another "normal" mix from Mustin! Slight bit issue with clipping here but nonetheless, still a great song!
  5. I played this at a small party with a few of my friends with a strobe light and everything, I also played Nines' FF mix, it was a kick ass night thanks to Nines!
  6. The first time I heard this, I wasn't very impressed but after I heard the original again, I realized that DS did an amazing job emphasizing it! With a catchy bassline and soothing ambience, it can't get any more relaxing, actually -- it would have been great if Shariq could fit the Underwater Frigate Reactor Core theme into this, that would make it all the more beautiful but this is an excellent piece with or without the Frigate theme. Huge thanks for this one DarkeSword!
  7. Wow I can't believe I said I didn't like this song before, its gotten to be one of my favourite DJP songs now Its very festive, we have the music, all we need now are fireworks and dancers! Awesome guitar work and great percussion I can just see myself at some festival having tons of fun Great remix DJP!
  8. It's a remix of "A Flash of Memory" on the SPC The original sounds alot different and was extremely short so Rellik did an amazing job recreating using such little source material, Kudos on this one Rellik!
  9. Prot's second best DKC2 remix, I'ld say Cool ambience with a very cool rhythmic synth with a raising and dropping EQ When the piano comes in it reminds me of music from Gunbound which isn't bad, not bad at all The song continues moving in on, getting more laid back as it goes. There's a sweet drumtrack overtop everything but it all seems so relaxing still
  10. Whenever this songs come up on my playlist, I've always looked past it, never really came upon listening to it but now that I have it's left quite a good impression on me. Dj Carbunkle has done a lot of funky kick ass stuff, this is another example of his awesome-ness!
  11. I love when djp and McV both do remixes to the same song. Although there's a big difference in style between both of them, they're both extraordinarily good! McVaffe's has a more up beat, techno style mix yet he still kept the emotion of the original song. There couldn't have been a better choice than the delayed, filtered synth as the lead. Very impressive McV I'm hoping you'll come by and post another song here one day
  12. Ah I was sorta expecting the theme from Carmen to come in at the beginning but once the Booster's Tower theme comes in, its all good! I loved the original theme and McV only makes it better McVaffe always finds the mellow or classical songs and adds some funky techno beats to them which is what I love
  13. I think this is AmIEvil's best song on the site The beginning really builds an atmosphere, then there's that interesting bass drum rhythm and then ah Wow! At 1:00 there's that effin' awesome sounding instrument! But then it quickly jumps into a faster paced section At 2:39 theres the nice suttle piano with a soothing flute. It starts to speed up at 3:33 with some cool electronic sounds in the back then a groovy beat comes in with an awesome melody AmIEvil has done some songs that aren't too impressive but this is definatly not one of them. Kudos AmIEvil, too bad you're never around any more
  14. I've been waiting forever for a Forest Temple remix or extension but this wasn't exactly what I was looking for. Its a good song, just not what I was waiting for. I like the sort of dry, chorus marimba echoed but I think the "Oh-eh" part sounds terrible! Cool percussion at 3:45 I must say. I wish the original strings could have stayed in. For the vocals, I'm not sure what they're saying but I'm pretty sure its creative and thoughtful. The actual sound of the vocals isn't too bad either. Anyways, yeah, it's an okay mix, just not what I was hoping for
  15. Whoot! I'm hardcore moshing to this madness! This is plain awesome, Castlevania music just can't be any better!
  16. Aha it's finally here! I've been waiting for this song to be posted here ever since it first went vgmix. Blad's posting these mixes one after another, I can't wait to hear his next I've noticed that both his piano pieces are in 3/4, both very waltzy I really like the rhythm alternation at 0:49 Very impressive, I wish I could play piano like this Awesome job, Blad!
  17. Hell's yeaah!! PxFury brings back old memories with this trippy, dance song At 1:00 the ecstacy finally kicks in then at 1:36 theres that ol' familiar melody which I love! I'ld say this song almost feels laid back but its also heavy at the same time Awesome remix, Px! Reminds me so much of the times when I'ld speed run through the sonic games
  18. There was this one boss on Terrignma that I just couldn't beat, I would only hit it 1 damage each time and he had 300 hits. I stopped playing at that point
  19. That Butterfly bitch from Link to the Past was always a pain in the ass. Everytime I've had come to the forest world I shivered 'cause I knew it meant I had to fight ol' Butterfly Man
  20. What a wicked orchestra Mixed with a bad-ass techno drum loop makes it all the better but what I love most is the melody A better instrument couldn't have been chosen for those bitter-sweet, short, pizzicatto notes I'm once again impressed by Scott Peeples!
  21. This is plain awesome! Reminds me of the music our school band played at the christmas concert last year and hearing Mario music as background makes the song even better! Here's to Mustin and others for this one-of-a-kind mix!
  22. Whoo this is good stuff, very medieval-esque The main flute-ish instrument is so unique and there's that awesome bass backing it up Mark here has some how fit military snare into this groovy beat Kudos on this one!
  23. Damn this is crazy! Those scratches are ass-kicking! Nice bassline too The mix of classical instruments with the groovy drums are just plain sweet Overall this songs groovy, great to kick back too
  24. I absoloutly love this mix! I'm not a big fan of latin music but this song is still very relaxing This is probally Mustin's most normal song on the site I read that Mustin spent more time going around gathering instruments to make the song rather than actually recording it I also read that this song started a great relation between him and this girl Awesome job on this, Mustin!
  25. Wow, how long can you hold that note for? Actually the song is quite sweet The drums are crazy and the reverse kicks at 0:56 are just plain awesome and again at 1:40 This is some wicked techno for you, too bad it's the only song here by that artist
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