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Everything posted by Arcana

  1. Probably 4-part strings actually. Also I have to confess, this morning when I walked out the door, I thought to myself, "I wonder if I could convince DJP to do a Hillbilly remix for this project".
  2. If you're using Logic Pro 9, you might want to experiment also with the Sculpture physical modelling synth. Using a 'bow' or 'blown' plus something that's "glass" or "steel", you can make textures like the underlying pad.
  3. Dude, you could burp in time with the source music and we could put it on as the bonus track. I might try to make a rondo or something this weekend. I'm not that good at mixing chamber music but maybe one of you guys can help out with that. Also - I love you guys for jumping on this and cranking out sheer levels of awesome in record time.
  4. But the poster's comments aren't entirely untrue - the game does feel like a bunch of movie scenes strung together with a 15-minute walk through a narrow hallway punctuated by fights in which you fight one of three configurations. The prophet said that this game was FPS-inspired and a lot of people laughed at him for it but what he says does have a lot of truth to it. The story pacing, especially, reminds me a lot of an FPS game rather than a traditional role-playing game. I mean, someone's going to jump down my throat about what a "role-playing game" should be or should not be, but I think it's safe to say that in almost every Final Fantasy game, the story starts out simple and localized, and eventually grows such that you explore the entire world and fight a battle in which (usually) the entirety of civilization rests in your hands. This style of story is consistent with all of the main-series Final Fantasy games that I've played. In contrast, many other role-playing game series (ex: Suikoden, Ogre Battle, Dragon Age: Origins) end up with stories that are more localized - the story doesn't affect the entire world but rather a single country or city. As a prerequisite in almost all of these RPGs is some aspect of "world development". Exploration of the world isn't really there to add replay value or to make the game longer, but serves the important purpose of letting you learn about what the world and its people are like. You walk around a town and view the surroundings and see things, watch people go about their business, and learn about their plights. Final Fantasy XIII lacks these "learn about the world" experiences. You do get a few opportunities to look around and see what "the world is like" but they're not really that frequent. In contrast, a game with a very similar design, but different presentation is FF X. It also has very similar dungeons but in between you get the traveller posts in which you talk to people and learn about what they think of Yuna and the summoners. You get to look at the town of Besaid and even explore the big city after a few hours into the game. By the time you're almost done the summoner quests you have a pretty good idea of what the ordinary citizen thinks of Yuna and her importance to the world. Final Fantasy XIII does a lot of "telling" - the game tells you what people are like in cutscenes. Final Fantasy X does more "showing" in contrast, where you find out bits and pieces, and, the more time you spend in the world the more chances you get to piece together what's going on. So I think what Lunar says is applicable even if you disagree with what he suggests with the term 'Anti-FF'.
  5. Man this filled up fast. Sweetness. Feel free to share WIPs, it helps people "vary" up their genres. If you don't want to post them publicly use the KNGI forum (http://www.kngi.org/phpbb3/viewforum.php?f=75) but you can feel free to share here too. Also Google Wave's available for those who like the realtime communication! edit: darn if there's no more electronica then I probably can't do my own track, ha ha
  6. Wow someone was thoroughly whipped. My point is that since the Wii and the Playstation Move controls are so similar, it would almost silly not to consider releasing a game on both consoles, just as almost every shoot-em up modern game not bound by a licensing agreement is released on both PS3 and XBox 360.
  7. Street Fighter. Wait, maybe Doom? .... Resident Evil?
  8. Well I think the more likely scenario is that there'll be a bunch of cross-platform Wii + PS3 games that use the stick, except that the PS3 versions will be in hi def. (Also IBBIAZ I personally use a Mac and Logic and I haven't had any problems with interopterability... but that's just me)
  9. Do like, industrial! Or, we can hook you guys up with some WIPs to get a sense of what others' songs are like.
  10. We got project forums! AND we got a finished track. We mean business people. http://kngi.org/phpbb3/viewforum.php?f=75 Please register on KNGI and PM Arcana for a group invite.
  11. Alert! We have project forums for WIP sharing. Thanks to Kyle for providing project assistance in the form of hosting and collaboration opportunities. http://kngi.org/phpbb3/viewforum.php?f=75 If you need posting access please let me know by PM on the KNGI forum board!
  12. By the way, Larry's promised a "fast track" to the panel for anyone who has created an OCR-quality track for this source. If you are going to submit this to OCR, we'd love for you to contact us as well so we can include your track in this mini-project!
  13. There was a comparison once of a Sony device and the reviewer made frequent comments about how difficult it was to hook up Sony device A to a Sony TV and lamented something about, "Sony should have learned from Apple and made sure that their own products worked in unison with each other". As for the Playstation Move, I wonder if people will care, or be interested in the fact that this machine can do HD!
  14. No, we're going to get you and album and YOU'RE GOING TO LIKE IT
  15. Agree with Atmuh, the first four-six hours of this game are stupidly boring.
  16. Well I suggested 4 tracks because then it ensures that something will be released - you know how hard getting OCR people to release tracks can be It can be, honestly, as many as we can get artists for. We can even name it "Come Faster! A tribute to Final Fantasy X: Hurry"
  17. I would not have bought a PS3 for this game. It's fun but not THAT fun. Happy that the XBox 360 version came out, I'm okay even playing it on my CRT television.
  18. Clearly we should all watch Bambi meets Godzilla, which, by the way, was mandatory study in my Canadian literature course.
  19. http://kotaku.com/5494509/sony-bright-light-wii-similarities-wont-deep+six-playstation-move http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2010/03/playstation-move.ars Also, there's a pretty funny commerical Sony's released that sucker-punches both the Wii and the Microsoft Natal. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0puP8nrIU8&feature=player_embedded
  20. That sucks, I'm sorry to hear that. Hmm, can you report it to Microsoft? I don't know if they'll take any action but maybe they can help the police find it if, for example, the thieves plug it into a network and it logs into XBox Live.
  21. In general people like attractive characters. You don't see a lot of ugly characters in games that play a fully central role, unless their ugliness has some kind of deep-rooted link to their secret past (see: disfiguration). This goes for men portrayed in games as much as women in games.
  22. She's also Ms Ice Queen bitch... which is a pretty common "femme fatale" stereotype.
  23. I'd direct a 4-track EP project of this :3 But maybe it wouldn't be "acceptable" to the author unless it was an Official OCR project? In that case he'd have to wait three years for the release.
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