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Everything posted by Arcana

  1. "Oh, playing virtual pool makes me so hot. You know, I've always dreamed of being one of those hot pool hall girls who gets to pose nude on a pool table. Actually, I got a pool table in my rec room! I'll turn on my web cam now and you can.... oh, but it looks like our 10 minutes are almost up!"
  2. Why should it be an April Fool's joke? You know that this idea is pretty genius and will end up making money.
  3. I still think that Nintendo needs to do "something extra" to outclass the iPhone. There isn't a Castlevania for it yet but we have various Square-Enix games (including FF1 and FF2) and a Metal Gear game and I'm sure more are going to come along. Basically IMO they can't just release "Nintendo ThreeEssEye" with Gamecube-quality graphics. It'll have to do a little more, like have some way to surf the Internet effectively and to have a more extensive downloadable application system. As someone suggested, being able to download Virtual Console games would be a pretty good seller.
  4. Well FF7 was the first FF game to really start employing some dramatic battle effects and a 3D engine and graphics that were not just flat landscapes (okay well they were since they were all pre-rendered maps but you know what I mean). In a way for many it was the beginning of the end for imaginations. But I agree with you that if you play the game, in some different form, the nostalgia disappears and you start wondering "How did I ever like this?" rather than, "Oh man I remember this game when i was 12 or 15 or 18 or whatever.... these were damn good times." The discerning gamer's mind is going to focus much more on the differences rather than the similarities. I think even Square's somewhat embarrassed of FF7 much in the same way many writers refuse to read their own books or movie actors refuse to watch movies they star in.
  5. With the success of iPhone gaming (at $5 a game, too) and possibly Android, I think Nintendo is going to have to really think of something good to ensure that people are still willing to buy a separate portable system and put $30 into each game too. Buttons, dual screen, and battery life are "good to have" but I don't think they'll sell a new portable game system now. So many people I know are lukewarm to 3D. (This reminds me I should probably go see Avatar even if I have to go to the movies myself, before it stops showing and I can never see it again).
  6. I think the stars aligned for us this time, seriously. But I think it's excellent, thanks to all of the remixers.
  7. It costs like $50 an hour .That'll be a lot of stolen credit cards from daddy's wallet.
  8. FF7 would "take too long" says Square: http://www.joystiq.com/2010/02/20/kitase-final-fantasy-vii-remake-unrealistic-would-take-too-l/ Actually, I don't think it'll take as long as they imagine but they would have to re-draw everything, including towns and monsters, as well as re-render everything. I suspect that a large amount of time would have to be spent re-treading old ideas, and digging into vaults that they don't even have anymore. Also, "We'll 'Explore the Possibility' of Final Fantasy VII Remake" is corporate code-talk for "If we say this, will you all shut up and stop asking for it already? Stupid idiot fans."
  9. WIll this ever get official project status or does it have to get a bunch of WIPs first?
  10. Check out the KNGI forum for details for finished tracks. Thanks!
  11. Okay so yeah I think I know what's wrong with this game for me. -highlight to see- The pacing in this game is STILL pretty off. I just got to Disc 3 after you fight the Patriarch or whoever the leader guy is that's also a Fal'cie. Before this point, your party was just kind of wandering around and all kinds of dumb events were occurring that happened to favour them. Also Cid ends up being a l'Cie as well, and while I thought it was much too convenient for an entire fleet of airships to "break off" from the government and fire on its own ships without being annihilated it turns out that this was supposedly part of the master plan as well. I guess while this is supposed to be an explanation (the bishop set it up such that none of troops would actually kill the l'cie etc), there was a lack of good foreshadowing in my opinion. A story often foreshadows so that the player has something to look forward to. Also, the story also gives the player extra information so they can anticipate not only the events that are going to occur, but also the reactions to the characters. Without any foreshadowing that the patriarch was really a bad dude (or also that the people of Cocoon were blindly manipulated - there's no evidence that they're unhappy, after all) you don't really get any sense of "Oh my gosh what's going to happen now" in the first 22 hours of the game. I mean, the plot layout is fine overall. This event reminds of the climax in the third act of a Shakespearean play. But, I wished now that they would have revealed in bits and pieces more of what the villains were doing, even if it's that girl with the glasses and that one PSIcomm dude with the katana, or Cid doing some internal emo angsting about what he was going to do that sets up the player to anticipate, "Oh no, something bad'll happen." As it currently stands the plot unfortunately seems to play with tons and tons of frequent coincidences. -highlight off-
  12. Cool. Suikoden was a fun series, though admittedly I bought Suikoden V and never finished it.
  13. This is a pretty mellow mix so far. I really enjoy the contrast from the ethnic tones to the rock parts. I have no idea who did what parts of this song - which I think is a testament to the good integration that these two guitarists have achieved. The song has a bit of a sad, lamenting tone to it. I found the song a little on the long side but that's not really a problem. I was kind of expecting the song to end around 3:48. You guys tricked me! I'm totally unfamiliar with the source unfortunately and how it all integrates together. Recommend. Good work you two.
  14. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Would someone else have made the thread for him?
  15. The new one has better performance. The lyrics are more "mature" too (OA's already reference the cheese factor of the original lyrics). Also it sounds like she sings a semitones lower now, too. But, the old lyrics have this kind of girlish innocence to them, as well as a more natural, unprocessed sound. That all said, and I might get torched for this, but I don't really care for Lunar. I played the first one on PSX and finished it, but it was pretty boring. I don't think the story and gameplay aged well - it must've been awesome when you were 15 and playing it on the Sega CD, but I found it a bit inane, especially the Working Designs "embellishments".
  16. Do you need XBox Live Gold to play Multiplayer online?
  17. Just ignore everyone else and their protests! YOU RUN THE SHOW IN THIS THREAD METEO YOU ARE THE DAMN BOSS happy birthday!
  18. I still think a movie that's nothing but watching Samus run around shooting aliens solo would be like well, watching someone play Metroid (rather than playing it yourself).
  19. Don't forget about the rest of us now that you guys are makin' it BIG! Congrats on the accomplishment, this is pretty cool.
  20. in square tags: COLOR="white" and to close it: /COLOR So the result is this: -highlight to see- text is white And I glance at something and read everything by default, there's no way for me not to filter it out
  21. I think a big difficulty is that the pacing in a game tends to be not parallel to a movie's pacing. In many games, you spend most of the time shooting stuff or killing stuff, and not actually watching the characters do stuff. They're rarely interacting with other people, and many times their backstories are nothing more than "something's bad happening! Do something!" And then so the script writers have to adapt the screenplay. So they do things like insert plot, dramatic backstories, and motivations for the characters to actually be in the situation they put themselves in. They add sidekicks and so forth. The other thing is that a lot of people think that pure action movies are super easy to do or are interesting... many times they aren't and it's easy to mess an action movie up and make it entirely forgettable.
  22. Guys, can you use the COLOR tag and tag your spoilers white? I was scrolling down the page but was still able to read bits and pieces of your text with spoilers. (We really could use a Spoiler tag on these forums).
  23. No problem, we're out to get an enjoyable album and I think what you've done so far definitely fits the bill. @ Brandon: If you want to submit a "bonus track" let me know.
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