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  1. I haven't made one of these in a while, so I really wanted to share this new project that was inspired by Yuzo Koshiro and Nobuo Uematsu. https://soundcloud.com/schematist/original-rpg-battle-theme-shattered-paths
  2. a little inspiration from the game extreme g ,I used speech samples & sfx from extreme g2 enjoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNo2Ke8JPqc
  3. source (you don't need this): what's up everyone, it's been a minute. wanted to drop in here with a rough wip before heading off to dinner. there's no melody yet.. i need to change these six-month old strings on my strat before recording anything. your honest thoughts are welcomed! - peter/melody edit: link: subbed! thanks to everyone for the feedback!
  4. New drum and Bass I finished the other day. Good for games and anime alike. Used Cubase 7.5 with PadShop, Retrologue, Halion and Groove Agent One. https://soundcloud.com/ichi-hanzo/mobile Always looking for new projects. PM me for any info.
  5. I've been listening to a lot of vaporwave and similar stuff lately and I wanted to try my hand at the style. The FFVIII soundtrack makes me feel really nostalgic, so I sampled one of the songs that stuck out most in my memory. The end result is sample-heavy, a little repetitive, and not super ambitious (as you might expect), so I'm not really sure it's suited for mod review or anything like that, but I hope you enjoy! Constructive criticism is welcome. I was planning on releasing it (for free) with three other tracks on Bandcamp as-is, but if something is glaringly wrong, I'll need to make sure it's fixed before I put it up for DL. Original: Remix: https://soundcloud.com/cinctulan/ph38opv0isi0
  6. Hey everyone, I've just put up a cover of the Prologue music from Phantasy Star II, made using Electronic Wind Instruments. NESRomancer joins me for this track on bass. This has been a great opportunity to explore some more of the trippy 80s sounds on the EWI 4000s! I'd love to hear what you think of it!
  7. Hey guys, MikeViper here. I recently wrote a new disco style theme. You can listen to it here: https://soundcloud.com/magnius2/magnius-discopolis
  8. Just realized I'd never posted this on here yet, so here's the impromptu, mainly self-composed Overwatch trailer theme arrangement I made! Super hyped for this game, and it looks like it's going to be really sweet. "]
  9. Hi all, this'll be my first post. I arrange progressive rock / metal covers of VGM tracks and post them to my YouTube channel (original, I know). I've had quite a bit of positive feedback in the past, and have had people suggest a few times that I share some of my work here. This is my latest cover, which is of the excellent SSB4 Main Menu theme. I'd like to think that this is my strongest mix to date, I took quite a while revamping my tones and trying to make everything sound as professional as possible with my limited production experience. Any and all critique or comments are absolutely appreciated; I hope you enjoy: edit: mp3 only SoundCloud link here Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wy83bMhHUVU
  10. Well? Did I waste the day or not? P.s. koopa road remix Orignal- ^^^Nice video, me likes^^^^
  11. Remix: You'll Die at My Place Source: Inspired by later CV soundtracks, I did this for a small contest hold at the CVD forums (we had to take a "normal" theme and turn it into a boss battle theme). The "Merchant's Theme" from HoD is often designated by fans as the worst CV track ever composed, so remixing it was a fun idea. Go listen and enjoy.
  12. Hi! I'm relatively new here and wanted to share some of my work. During the summer I had the pleasure of working on Koko&Oro, an animate short film that is largely influenced by video games. It's finished now, but any feedback or thoughts you may have on my stuff is appreciated.. always looking to improve! I drew greatly from Japanese game/anime composers such as Hisaishi and Uematsu. Here is the link to the full film if you're curious: https://vimeo.com/101504451 If you like my stuff, please subscribe to my youtube channel and check out my site. Kevin www.youtube.com/resonaga www.kevinwonmusic.com
  13. Citizens of the New Republic, join us for a night of tribute and remembrance as the Coronet City Symphony Orchestra performs a stirring salute to the heroes who gave their lives for the Alliance. https://soundcloud.com/kekopro/heroes-of-the-rebellion May the Force be with you! Sources: Rogue Squadron Main Title: Kasan Moor's Theme: Note: Not intended as an OCR; I've just been in the Star Wars mood lately and I've always wanted to do a Rogue Squadron arrangement.
  14. https://soundcloud.com/theartinme/terminator-2-x-tron-legacy
  15. Hey everyone, I just finished another cover using Electronic Wind Instruments, I would love for you to have a listen and tell me what you think:
  16. TASTE MY ROCK AND ROLL. Millenial fair with a touch of the town theme and the overworld from chrono cross. Should finish the arranging and mixing within a few days, will post updates. https://soundcloud.com/christophercollins-3/chrono-trigger-crono-and-marles-first-date-millenial-fair-punk-rock Submitting to OCR so let me know what you think so far. I played everything using gratuitous takes and heavy editing on the drums.
  17. This originally started off just as a little bit of messing around. However, as it progressed I started liking it more. Now, after spending some time with the track and fine tuning what I could think of I think it is more or less done. Though not complete as I still need to properly mix it, but it doesn't sound that terrible right now anyway. Let me know your thoughts. https://soundcloud.com/apzx/blue-fields-remix/s-BfALJ Edit - http://www.mediafire.com/listen/cwv3suuelo4as9v/Serene_Pastures_1_-_APZX.mp3 Okay, so the composition only changed by a minor degree. However, the mix has changed quite substantially. In particular I'm calling the mix done. And for those who are unfamiliar with the original, .
  18. https://soundcloud.com/atrin-assa/borealis This is a short piece (1:41) I wrote while watching twilight during a chilly evening. It's an interesting time of day, and it doesn't last very long, just when you notice it, it gets completely dark.
  19. I started work on this a while ago but I never got around to finishing it until now: I know the mix leaves much to be desired but honestly I have no idea what I'm doing when I'm mixing, lol. Any constructive criticism is welcome and let me know what you think.
  20. Here is my latest arrangement. I want to do a couple winter themed levels for my videos this december, so I started with one of my all time favorites. The microbrute creates the repeated pattern that runs through the song. The Moog handles the bass. I use the kurzweil for both piano and choir ahhs. The prophet is the icey lead, and I am using a mellotron plugin on the white controller for a pad. I hope you enjoy! http://youtu.be/PEUjKxA1SA0
  21. Sup, I made this today in 3 hours because I remembered it's the PS1 20th anniversary. Featuring some of the most known PS1 games! Youtube: Soundcould: https://soundcloud.com/haki-1/playstation-1-medley Download: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/93696675/ps1medley.mp3 I don't plan to work on this any further. Just a small tribute to the best console ever
  22. https://soundcloud.com/jay-howard-4/pd-project the original went poof for some reason so here's a re-post. any body with suggestions feel free to speak up the track is meant to be a darker more ambient adaptation of the original, i felt the menu theme in PD was a bit too fast, you know being a menu theme and all lol. I sent this to some of buds and they said it fit perfectly with dungeon crawling which in the espionage centered setting of Perfect Dark i think gels pretty good
  23. Hi guys; first post, wee! I do a lot of remixing/remastered in my spare time but I never did a CPS2 remix before so I thought I'd give it a try! Let me know what you think: Theme of Lord Zedd - CPS2 Remix
  24. Yay for pretty oranges and reds https://soundcloud.com/twilight-stream/fading-fall
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