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  1. Yep i think its my 5th ish Song (working on alot of stuff, 3 other complete as well) Please give opinions. EDIT:: MP3 http://www.filefront.com/16529739/BonberNtationv2.mp3
  2. Hey all, I made this one for fun. Think it's good enough for OC Remix? Feedback appreciated! Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiacQDJCdLk&feature=related Remix: http://soundcloud.com/da2dbm/dub-de-chocobo
  3. First post WOO! Um This is one of my first remixes, and I would love to hear on how I can inprove; go easy on me, I know it aint a so great. Not sure if im suppost to post the vsts used but I will post any way, but some one tell me if im have too please : ( Music lab Realstrat (amped with Guitar rig vst) Gurittans Orchestra FL keys BooBass FPC
  4. These arent really remixes, so let me know if there's somewhere else I can post them instead. As a way of working on my MIDI technique, I take MIDI data from 90s JRPGs (mostly FF) and give them a makeover with sample libraries. I just wanted to post several of them for feedback, since I'm always looking for things to improve upon. Here are a few that have turned out fairly well. Cid's Theme (FFIX) - http://www.box.net/shared/fzrp16ylge Fowers Blooming in the Church (FFVII) - http://www.box.net/shared/ouryk85ck8 Great Warrior (FFVII) - http://www.box.net/shared/y2o8tulqcg I'd be doing more of these, but my current workstation cant handle that much of PLAY (I am an EWQL user), and I actually havent had much luck finding accurate MIDI files outside of FFVII tracks.
  5. i try and do a mix every once in awhile, thought i'd post the latest one here to see if there was any interest. http://www.thisetc.com/2010/05/d002/ tracklist: George Acosta feat. Fisher – Beautiful (Gerry Cueto Remix) Jerome Isma-Ae, Chris Reece, EDX – Ready To Go Adam K – Complicated (Instrumental Mix) Fedde Le Grand feat. Mitch Crown – Let Me Be Real (Hook N Sling & Goodwill Remix) Sander Kleinenberg – T.I.O.N. (5K Remix) Faithless – I’m Not Going Home (Hervé’s Heat Up The Club Remix) Boys Noize – Sweet Light (Boris Dlugosch Remix) Dennis Ferrer – Hey Hey (Dim Chris Remix) Gui Boratto – Trills Cristian Varela – Colmedream
  6. Hi, all. New to the OC scene and looking forward to submitting potential VG remixes. Here are a few of my originals. Would love to hear what you think! Please forgive the terrible youtube quality. "The Neon City" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAykcpcYCPs "Out of Orbit" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvgpM8hMsLo "One Road" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txbt5TYlQv0
  7. I wasn't the biggest fan of the original song, but wanted to practice some different techniques and such. This is sorta progressive house I guess. For a contest on Remix Galaxy.. http://www.box.net/shared/tejlgdnp2e
  8. Didn't know what to call it. It's an... acid-funk-retro-chip-hop tune maybe? Maybe I should have called it that instead. Flip flop.mp3 (Notice the dazzling whistle-solo near the end. )
  9. I was told by superjoe, that I am only improving. That's good, because I need all the practice I can get! This is also dedicated to one Andrew Aversa, A.K.A. Zircon; with his guides, I gained enough inspiration to finish this one. http://www.box.net/shared/gtyd9pkj8x
  10. The back-story: my fiancée (soon to be wife) hates the traditional bridal march (commonly known as "Here Comes the Bride"), and decided that she'd like me to write something for her to walk down the aisle to. We agreed on 56 bpm, 1 minute duration plus or minus 15 seconds, and the rest is up to me. The deadline is in two weeks, which is why I've marked this project under "Mod Review." I apologize if this is seen as abuse of the system, but since I'm under such a tight deadline (it feels like a huge rush for me anyway), I hope this is okay. Now, on to the song: I used Cannon in D as my starting point, but walked the bass line down to give the chords a different flavor. Turns out that I rediscovered a chord progression prominently used in Final Fantasy. However, the song departs from this in the second half, hopefully making it sound more "original" than "remix." I'll let you be the judge though. Any and all input would be appreciated, from arrangement to production. I don't want to embarrass myself in front of everyone I know, so... better to do it here first and put whatever feedback I can get to good use in the time that I have. Here's what I've got: http://www.davidmatics.com/music/AshleysSongv2.mp3 Thanks for taking a listen-- I really appreciate it!
  11. Hey all, this is my first post in the OCR forums. I've been browsing these forums for a while now, and all the posts on this site have helped me get started on my musical compositions. Though I have yet to make any remixes, I have made many originals, with each being in the video-game music style. Once I've fully grasped the ideas of electronic music production and whatnot I hope to begin making full-fledged remixes, but for now i'll be stickin' wit my fancy piano. Comments are greatly appreciated, and hopefully I didn't already break any of those rules I failed to read before I posted this >.< http://www.reverbnation.com/ryanvoon
  12. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/332714 I know you guys don't like Newgrounds, but I'm a bit lazy to upload at Tindeck atm. Anyways, I'd like to hear some opinions/critique on my created sounds. I know they're a bit basic, but I'm trying. I used Sytrus as my synth creator. As for the actual composition...I dunno, didn't really have a direction. But it ended up sounding like something you'd hear in Pocket Tanks or something. Personally, I think it sounds like something that would go with a puzzle game of some sort. Either way, I wasn't trying to make something that's "in your face." Just something that's easy to listen to. Like the Homebrew Channel song on the Wii. Regardless, let me know what you guys think about the synths, how I could possibly improve them and if the track fits the "easy listening" feel. Oh! The track is meant to loop...just figured I'd add that.
  13. **Bang'n** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *CLick*CLick*CLick*CLick*CLick*CLick*CLick*CLick* myspace.com/xxc0mpt0nxx
  14. here's some oontz chock full of world music cliches. enjoy! http://tindeck.com/listen/lrka
  15. Thanks to the people who told me to post it on youtube!
  16. I liked what Gecko had been doing so I followed his methods and made this Genesis cover of Toxic Seahorse from Mega Man X3. http://8bitcollective.com/music/Txai/Toxic+Seahorse+%28YM2612%29/
  17. Hey, guys, what's up? This is my first post, and I kind of stumbled upon OC while searching for a VGM-related site. I did an impromptu remix of this track from DKC (after being inspired while doing my nth run-through of the game on a rainy Saturday), and I was looking for some feedback on it. The Track: I've only sampled those pads from the introduction, and all the other parts are either re-instrumented transcriptions or original material. Those familiar with the song should be able to discern between the two. Everything on the track is some sort of electronic sample. The piece moves from a direct quote of source material a becomes increasingly "far-out", before returning to more source-related material. Feedback I would love: --Production: (Clarity, Quality of sampling, Dynamics) --Form: (Organization of sections and progression through piece) --Original Elements: (Drum programming, relationship of original material and source material) Link: Aquatic Ambiance Remix Thanks, everyone. I look forward to some more uploads. ---WD
  18. Hey guys lemme introduce myself first, my name is Johnny. im new on this forum and kinda new on mixing as well. I remixed a song called Besaid Island from final fantasy x-2. I need some feedback on it, check it out! =]
  19. Here is an untitled rap instrumental remix of the overworld song from Super Mario Land. I finished it, but I feel it needs to be "critiqued" before I do anything with it
  20. A while ago I made this rendition of Ken Goach's "The Rain" theme, but I just realized I can post it here: http://www.box.net/files#/files/0/f/0/1/f_423962530
  21. or as oontzy as it gets for me, at least. http://www.tindeck.com/listen/ebxk http://www.tindeck.com/listen/xmfl soundfonts/cheap synths ftw. enjoy
  22. I lost the project file for this several months ago, but I recently found it and wanted to upgrade it, so loaded it up and spent a couple hours sprucing it up. Here it is: http://soundcloud.com/draconiator/justin-landry-space-mission And if you're interested, here's the old version: http://www.box.net/shared/oyag3k3xcj Edit: Linked to my new Soundcloud account instead, because I understand that Box is annoying
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