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  1. Sources Wing Fortress (S2): Bingo Highway (Heroes): Remix V1 (from SZRC): http://www.mediafire.com/listen/2txcya2ix12wg6h/Chernabogue_-_High_Adventure_(Wing_Fortress_&_Bingo_Highway).wav V2 (Feb. 19): http://www.mediafire.com/listen/dbjlurgv7w8158u/SZRC-WingVsBingo.mp3
  2. Writing for one of my band's new records. This one came out after I'd been up all night reading about the Ian Watkins trial. I inadvertently discovered the treble knob on my bass during the recording of this demo and it changed my world. Such gnarly tone from this Sandberg, wowie. https://soundcloud.com/tobosaurus/errata-woman-a-b Comments welcome! But it's still in demo phase. My guitarist apropos hasn't destroyed it yet, the dickhead
  3. always wanted to do a more or less faithful mix of this. here we go! i don't have kontakt on my laptop (except the clav that works with k5 player), so this presents a solid challenge. squeezing the most out of my good ol soundfonts. looks like it might break the 5 minute mark. not sure where to take it @ 3:00+ yet, but i'm planning to get somewhat more interpretive after the first straight runthrough.
  4. Hello! This is a project I started awhile back, then took a break from - I'm keen on continuing it, but I thought I'd ask you friendly fellows here at OCremix for some critique and advice, first. Don't hold back, criticize every little thing ruthlessly! And thanks in advance ^^. https://www.dropbox.com/s/r64z0erb1rivqyh/Aaaha.mp3 There ya go. Hope you enjoy, and more importantly - hope you find things you don't enjoy so I can fix them!
  5. I'm from Brisbane and I'm in to composition. I study Music and Sound production at university. This is an 'early boss battle theme' I wrote yesterday - https://soundcloud.com/james-battams/challenge-accepted-boss-battle-theme You can find most of my other tracks on that soundcloud - http://www.soundcloud.com/james-battams I'm also in an electro-acoustic band called "Ümbra". You can find us here - http://www.soundcloud.com/umbraband
  6. Hey all, newbie on the forum. I've been remixing/arranging with a particular track that I found really catchy on Fire Emblem: Awakening, while messing with the Evolve Mutations sample a bit. This is what I have so far https://soundcloud.com/sasfalcon/fire-emblem-awakening-chaos (And the original song for reference) I'd love to know what you all think so far. I've been attempting to get the wind-down before the loop going, but it's proving difficult to do that without a sudden awkward drop in intensity. What would you guys think the best way to 'ease' into the loop would be from here? Thanks heaps!
  7. Well then. Here's a thing what I did: http://tindeck.com/listen/gahg And one of the first youtube results for the source: The first night I was working on it, I got super excited and started to think it was really, really good. Then, as time passed, I started to like it less and less. So let's see whether I've just heard it too many times or it's legitimately bad (or good) [or whatever].
  8. So instead of working on my castlevania remix i made this here: https://app.box.com/s/poxs5ggr06hmma39fy8n Source:http://youtu.be/43IPAGw01IY It's a 7/8 Jazz/Funk version of song of storms. Yeah, i think it could be extended, it's a bit short but i'm not sure what else i could add to the song.
  9. I don't think this qualifies for OC but I started it this morning and thought some Borderlands 2 fans might get a kick out of it. I think there is some rule about remixing songs that are featured in a video game but aren't VG music. If anyone is aware of the particulars on this please post here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikCta6AF1Vs
  10. I'm incredibly new to this and am currently trying to tackle some of the basics, so I thought I'd dive in with a piece I know really well and try to make it something special if I can. Any and all suggestions are more than welcome!! Of course this track is in the VERY early stages. I'm basically just trying to get the instruments I want involved so I can figure out what I want to play over it, and to see if its something that sounds like it would eventually make it on the site. The instruments I have in mind so far are: -ukulele (for strumming chords) -ocarina (melody) -low D Irish whistle -bamboo flute (that I made!) -cajon (possibly) Once I find some samples I like I'm also adding a trap set for some tasty grooves and obnoxious rocking out toward the end, naturally. Here's my WIP:http://picosong.com/YmAK Source:
  11. Just threw this one together, very much a quickie. Just starting out so. lol thought I would still share. chheers https://soundcloud.com/user750358/trouble-with-saria
  12. Hey all, I thought I'd share my most recent demo with you all . I originally compiled this for a local indie game studio. I have a new one in the works for GDC (when ever I can finally get down there that is) and I'll be sure to post that as well when complete. Let me know what you think, any improvements I could make for the next demo, and most of all, ENJOY THE SHOW! https://soundcloud.com/key-jay/2013vgmandfilmdemo
  13. This is a remix I did in 'collaboration' with Flexstyle for RwTS last year, and I've basically let it sit on the shelf since then. However, I've decided to pick it back up and start working on it again. To be fair, this was a collaboration almost exclusively in name only, as I was unable to really get a hold of Flexstyle during the duration of said competition. (Ideally I could get in contact with him again and actually turn this into a full-fledged collaboration. One can dream) Here's what I've got so far (at this point, the same as what was submitted for RwTS) So, tell me what you think, what I may need to focus on, what needs fixing (for example, I can't mix to save my life), etc. and I'll work from there. Thanks! EDIT: I should probably make note that the middle section is the most cringeworthy part of this in my opinion, and I plan on giving it a complete overhaul
  14. Just for the hell of it https://soundcloud.com/ryanreilly/demonic-baroque-2/comment-160623759
  15. Hey, folks! I've been experimenting with my recording setup and mixing in virtual instruments, namely piano. At the moment, I'm just using the grand piano packaged with Live 9. My latest attempt is a take on Gridania (Daytime) from Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. Here's a link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2r17dz9newf9f4w/gridania-mix-r2.mp3 I just wanted to get some early thoughts. For one thing, I'm finding it challenging to get the piano to sit in the mix. The introduction sounds very muddy to me, and my ear gets a bit "confused" until I swing into the melody. That could just be the arrangement's problem though. Not sure. I've tried some mild notching, but I'm really not sure how to go about it. For notching, what's a good way to find the frequencies to kill or punch in each track? Thoughts? Tips? Thanks!
  16. Here's something I did for WCRG this past year. I did it in roughly a few days and never really got to fix and do everything I wanted, but figured I would start working on it again and try to polish it and fix it up and possibly submit it to OCR for the heck of it. It was supposed to use Concrete Man's theme and some of Zero's themes from Megaman, but as you can see there wasn't much Concrete man used (i.e. pretty much none) . So I'm basically just going to fix it up and keep it using the various versions of Zero's themes from Megaman X2, X3, and X4. https://soundcloud.com/shrackattack/wcrg-sins-of-our-fathers Feel free to post any critique as I certainly wouldn't mind some extra ears for when I start working on it this week! The most painful things for me personally when I go back and listen to it are how grating and just annoying the string stacs/spics are at 0:53 so I need to tighten that up and fix it a bit. Also, the ending was a bit tagged on since I ran out of time . And yeah, just in general it's a bit mechanical with the orch stuff. Thanks for any critiques/advice! edit: and yes, I was referencing Metal Gear Solid with the arrangement style .
  17. I want to submit this to panel while it's still fresh in my mind, so let me know what you think about the arrangement and/or production! Endless Mind (Lost in Me).mp3 Lyrics are on the Soundcloud page. Thanks!
  18. I found an old piano arrangement of Utada Hikaru's Sanctuary I'd made about a year ago, and decided to re-orchestrate it a little in my usual style. Not entirely sure where I'm going to go from here on - it's looking like exploring a few more interesting references might be a cool idea - but I'm liking the more free feel I've been able to put into some of the rhythms by not quantising chords. In general I think it sounds a lot less mechanical, and those woodwinds in particular are sounding a lot warmer. I'm a little nervous as to the quality of the arrangement itself because of the very slow harmonic movement and alternation between just two chords.
  19. so i started this today...it's basically a long ass intro in Sabbath style, sorta. spent the whole evening getting the guitars right! i stole the rainfall idea from Noppz' old ZAMN mix because it made everything more sabbathy. working title 'Ozzy ate my Neighbors'. ;9 then again, it already looks like the main part will have nothing at all to do with the intro, lol.
  20. I started to work on this for the PRC 260 Free round and while it didn't win or anything, what i had there was pretty rushed and unfinished. I have added quite a bit since and wanted to share with you all. There is a lot more i have to write on it, but im not sure which direction to go. Any feedback i can get from would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time. http://www.mediafire.com/listen/55abse8j8mls85b/cheetahmen%20song9.mp3
  21. Hey All! was recently inspired by Light_of_Aether's JFG re-orchestration (and also the acquisition of some new instruments) to do a JFG mix. original: [uPDATED 8-10-14] my mix:https://soundcloud.com/mark-fuhrman/jfg-remix-unfinished Obviously it's not finished yet, but I had a question before I went too far with it- Is the arrangement too conservative? Assuming that I mostly stick with the kind of stuff I'm already doing, would this pass as a "remix", or be tossed because it was too close to the original? Thanks in advance, and I'm definitely open to other comments/feedback- just know that I'm probably not even 50% done yet.
  22. Hey everyone! This is a piece from a couple years back on this forum...man time flies! This is a bit of an updated WIP. It now includes live drums/vibraphone. It's still missing some horns and a horn solo... Production is !@#$%## #@$!@#%$ right now on the piece but it'll come along. Solo's were shortened as well. Hope you enjoy! https://soundcloud.com/wiesty/terras-theme-jazz
  23. Oops, my bad did not mean to post this here!
  24. I am working on a mini-album of Final Fantasy songs, and I am kind of stuck on how to make Terra's theme really stand out. This is what I have so far, if anyone has any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it! This is my first time taking a song and totally recreating it, so I need all the help I can get! -Tera UPDATED LINK: https://soundcloud.com/teracmusic/terrasthemetechno-mp3/s-QjwuT https://soundcloud.com/teracmusic/terrasthemedraft
  25. So I got some new stuff in Albion Vol. I, and I'm working on learning how to best use it (a bit of a steeper learning curve than I was anticipating). I'd appreciate any feedback on how the instruments sound, articulations and all that. There's a spot toward the current end where the low strings have a bit of a weird articulation, mainly because I have a ton of instruments loaded and I don't want to screw my system any more than it is already with an additional articulation layered in Still though, anything you got, lay it on me Also not sure what I should do with it. What would you guys like to hear? Build it into typical big/percussive PH, or keep it a bit more mellow? I'm kinda torn between the two, because the source is beautiful and I could honestly stand to improve my structuring with softer/mellower pieces, as opposed to building it into an enormous cinematic climax like I usually do. Any opinions on that front? Also it's kinda quiet, no mastering yet, but I've been mixing as I go so don't be afraid to rip me a new one if you hear any mud Double also, everything's from Albion except for that pluck (which is from Evolve Mutations) Remix
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