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  1. Click! I'm so proud of how this turned out. X3 I was going for a movie soundtrack-type piece. I don't know, I thought it turned out really nice. Whoo.
  2. Hi people i wanted to post my track heavily inspired by Koji Kondo (Dire Dire Docks) I hope ya don't mind and go easy on me i first started composing about a year ago and still have a lot to learn sadly link: http://www.themusichutch.com/listen.php?songid=82514
  3. Something from the upcoming Sonic 4...funny that the game isn't even out yet but fans already remix songs from it.. So yeah, here's Splash Hill: About 1 hours work so not much, especially since it's from me.. Oh and the source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dyhhBXXoeQ
  4. Hey folks, it's been a while since I've posted on here but I'm glad to say that I've still been making music. I credit OCR for inspiring me musically over the years, and I still am big into video game music and the remixes from this great website (love the new FFXIII soundtrack and the DKC2 project). For those who are perturbed I have been gone from the community, I have not abandoned you, I'm just busy at college and I've been doing competition remixes and even a little freelance scoring for some money for bills. I still keep in touch with a bunch of awesome remixers from OCR outside of the threads, and still I love everyone here (within moderation). Also, I have a Zelda OCReMix I posted last summer that's been tentatively sitting in the TO BE POSTED section of the judges decisions thread since last year, so I'm hoping that will hit the home page eventually. Anyway, I thought I'd fill you guys in on my recent doings. I switched from mellow (or otherwise 'tepid') guitar ballads to more electronicly orientated stuff. I try to add some video game elements to my tracks when I can too. I generally give away my music for free, except my new single Paris on iTunes, which I did with a Japanese label (19Box Records) but they've been weird and wont pay me anything anyway, so it doesn't matter. Ask me nicely and I'll send you the single for free Here's all the different websites I've posted my junk on. Recently, I decided to go for some more mainstream remixes, so my latest remix is and electronic take Taylor Swift's Love Story. Controversial, but don't dismiss it until you take a listen. Please feel free to add/friend me, steal/listen/enjoy my free mp3's and I'd love to hear from you Youtube Channel Soundcloud Twitter Myspace Page Facebook (Personal...no stalkers plz) Facebook (fan page) Enjoy! Phil/Tepid/Blue Satellite
  5. So this Saturday I started working on what I thought was just going to be a test for some instruments I've been working on. It eventually turned into this! Just wondering what you think of it. http://www.mediafire.com/?mmjkyz2zimz Also, what does it make you think of? Can't think of a name for it yet. How about... March of the Cannonbears.
  6. Howdy y'all. I've perused through this site quite a number of times but I've finally registered and joined the site. I guess you could call this an introduction thread. I'm 17 years old, and attending Berklee College of Music this fall for Electronic Sound and Design. I'm aspiring to become a videogame composer. I wrote this new mix up today called Super Rocket Punch!, let me know what you guys think. I honestly have no idea what genre this is, but it's really upbeat and definitely sounds like something from a videogame. Maybe a shump? I dunno. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/321973 Any kind of critique is awesome, all feedback is welcome.
  7. Short loop inspired by shmups and mecha in general. Feedback is welcome. ^^ http://tindeck.com/listen/bmfx
  8. Hi people, I finished a track: Cloudburst. I want to know what kind of genre you would label it as. I have heard wildly different reactions to this. "Sounds like a kiddy video game a la Mario." "Dude, I can totally see myself blowing of zombies heads with hits music." "This is new age." I do not think I agree with any of those.
  9. Hey there. I'm searching for a place where one can share their non-professional vg remixes and likewise and I hope, I am not wrong here. So, I made a medley containing Super Mario Bros. 3 stuff. There mostly aren't any real transitions because initially, I wanted it to sound 'in-game'. However, that's what it turned out: http://icelink.redio.de/blog/2010/03/super-mario-bros-3-medley/ (simply click the play-button) Alternatively, you could listen to it on YT (worse quality): I hope you enjoy and give me some feedback.
  10. First one i've posted on here oh and the original, for those of you that don't know it and are interested, is here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bu5pSfBLrMs
  11. The Unholy Trinity unites to give you some epic shiz. So, we have a finished product here, in which we each did a section of the remix... without listening to it. I shit you not, what we have here, is a remix of which, we had no idea what it sounded like when we made it. First part is Mine, Second is Proto's, and Third is Halc's. Here is the remix for your listening pleasure: http://tindeck.com/listen/lluj Disclaimer: Any references in the title to any OCR artists living or dead, is purely coincidental. No monkeys were harmed in the making of this remix.
  12. Here's an Earthbound beat I made earlier this week, figured I'd share with you guys since you're all about this stuff
  13. These are a few of the first things I did on FL Studio, I just figured I might as well share them with you guys. Also, I tend to criticize myself. XD So...I might say something that you might agree with or something. Haha. "Epic Journey" The Tibeten flute is starting to bother me now that I listen to this again, though I tried everything I could to get it to have a decent echo. It just sounds too flat to me, and I'm not sure how I'd fix that. "Nami's Theme" Nami is one of my original characters (such an original name, I know) and I always wanted to make a theme for her so I did. This was like...my first attempt at making a loopable song and I just...failed. XD I think I should've wrapped it instead of cut it off at the end. Oh well. Also, I think this was before I figured out the echoes and stuff. I can't remember. "Iced's Song" Before anyone asks, Iced is one of the first people I met online (back in 2004!) and she was feeling down so I made this song for her (it was also a birthday present). Anyway, it was supposed to be something simple so it's not the greatest song ever, and it's short. Um...I think that's about it. Oh, this is more...new-ish but it was when I first found Sytrus hidden in FL Studio so...I don't know. I just felt like throwing it out there. I ramble too much. And I'm aware "Iced's" makes no sense grammar-wise. XD
  14. These two tracks conclude my latest batch of remixes. These were originally old tracks I had made (but never released), that I had polished up somewhat recently. Ninja Gaiden - "The Night of Lukifell": http://www.vurez.com/tracks/arrangements/Vurez_-_The_Night_of_Lukifell.mp3 Tecmo Bowl - "Touchdown Hoedown": http://www.vurez.com/tracks/arrangements/Vurez_-_Touchdown_Hoedown.mp3 If you missed the other 4 tracks you can get them all here: http://www.vurez.com/arrangements.htm
  15. I downloaded FL studio. bad things happened. http://ab.decafproductions.com/crap.mp3
  16. I sent in this remix a LONG time ago, and never got any replies to it. Probably sent it to the wrong email, but I'm impatient when it comes to the judging process, even though its a well worked out process... Anyhoo, the remix... Everyone knows where Kakariko is. East side of the land of Hyrule (west side if your playing backwards on the Wii version, but every other game the Village is in, its in the East side) just waiting for us to discover it! Anyone who's been there knows that the people who live there are lovable and cannot be hated whatsoever, but through the ages and centuries, Kakariko became a ghost town of sorts. Long before that though, a young boy in green showed up to a party the village was having. This is the song that started that party. The Party Down in Kakariko! Remix Party Down in Kakariko Sources Ocarina of Time: Kakariko Village (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkFhCZL6qp4) CORRECTION: THIS IS ACTUALLY FROM OCARINA OF TIME, NOT TWILIGHT PRINCESS. I WAS JUMPING THE GUN THERE CAUSE I WAS LISTENING TO MULTIPLE VERSIONS AT THE TIME OF POSTING.
  17. Click Me! This was actually a birthday present for my mom. XD I was kind of experimenting with some stuff, I'd just figured out what the slide tool is in FL Studio so you can tell I had fun with that. Haha. I wanted to add more but I couldn't think of anything in such a short amount of time (I think I finished it like...the day before her birthday so yeah). I would totally add to it now but I only have the demo of Sytrus at the moment so...oh well. XD Man I wish I had a few hundred bucks on me. I'd love any comments & criticism. I'm not the best musician in the world, but I try. (Also yes, my song names are really weird.)
  18. well i must say i haven't been here in a few years or so but i do miss this place. awesome community. well i figured i would come and give people something to listen to. my works can be a little weird or different. it more like movie music. but i also do a lot of electronica and tranceish stuff. I use reason 4.0 and the mouse at the moment and i basically taught my self everything i know so i would call my self an ameture at best, but either way i hope you guys will like it. let me know what you guys think www.youtube.com/leonardozuccarelli
  19. Hi there, my name's Keith Burgun and I'm working on an iPhone RPG called "100 Rogues". As a promotional thing we've released the full soundtrack for download here. I think you guys might like it because it's all 16 bit SNES synths and very melodically & thematically driven stuff. Also, if you want more info on the game, it can be found here. It's coming out next month! Thanks guys, and please let us know what you think! -Keith Burgun, Dinofarm Games -On Twitter -On Facebook
  20. Uploaded an arrangement of the Sky Palace theme from Kid Icarus to my site. Here's the link: http://www.vurez.com/tracks/arrangements/Vurez_-_Palace_in_the_Dark_Sky.mp3
  21. I honestly can't remember the last time I posted a song in this forum, but I kinda dug this one I did around the end of last year. Hope you all do too. =) Mega Man X5 - Moonlight Vibin' (Credits) All comments, critiques, death threats, etc. are welcome. -D
  22. I have to admit I am a sucker for sub $100 on ebay. I recently picked up an $80 AWOWO drum kit. After spending a solid 3 hours programming it to work with the computer, I rigged it up to some killer samples and started goofing around with random bits and with supporting instruments. So here we go - The piano and electric guitar are $500+ each, but everything else was done with cheapies. I've been really impressed with the bass and violin for how inexpensive they were although the bass has the action set up for hercules, so I need to lower it down. The violin sounds like absolute shit by itself, but then again, I think virtuoso solo violin players sound like a screeching cat unless they are playing in the mix with something else - then they sound truly amazing. Sadly, I am not amazing at it; the violin is harder than shit to play. It took like 40 takes to get that easy part right. I'll probably put my time and energy into electric guitar and singing. Cheapie acoustic Cheapie electric violin Cheapie drumset (The rhythm is hard: sometimes it delays a tiny bit and other times I am sucking) Cheapie Bass Singing is free (well I have a cheapie microphone too)!! But I didn't sing on this one. Maybe soon!! http://tindeck.com/listen/jokq edit: Once I bought a clarinet off ebay, but it was absolutely unplayable. I made the mistake of getting the fancy white one instead of getting the generic cheapie. I've heard the same story about the bright colored violins. I've heard they are god awful. Mine is the standard maple?? color.
  23. This was originally an old arrangement that I had previously never released as it was lacking in certain areas. A while back I revamped it with improved samples and mixing techniques. Now here it is available for the first time. Melancholy Dreams - an arrangement of the underworld theme from Super Mario Bros 2. It has some similarities to McVaffe's Underground Riddims, and I'd be lying if I said that it wasn't an inspiration for making this track. I wanted to try a mix of the underworld theme using Indian instruments and I think they work fairly well for this piece. Here's the link: http://www.vurez.com/tracks/arrangements/Vurez_-_Melancholy_Dreams.mp3 This was originally going to be released on an album of unreleased NES arrangements, but there was a change of plan and I'm just going to release 6 tracks individually. As of this post, 3 were posted on my website. The others will be available later in the week. http://www.vurez.com/
  24. I was working on an album consisting of an assortment of unreleased tracks I had worked on during my early remixing years. They all had issues that kept me from releasing them, however I went back and polished them up a bit not too long ago. Since some of the tracks weren't "fixable", I've decided to just go ahead and omit a few and release each track individually. There will be six total and the first one is an ethnic Asian style track from The Legend of Kage. It's a medley that consists of most of the soundtrack. Here it is: http://www.vurez.com/tracks/arrangements/Vurez_-_Beware_of_Ninjas.mp3
  25. The title came to mind when I listened to it after the final render. I think it fits somehow. Take a listen and feel free to comment. Thanks! http://soundcloud.com/feather/blowing-up-the-sun
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