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  1. Been a little since I've posted my work on OC Remix haha. Here's a beat tape I put together of my favorite sounds I've made so far. School is starting so I won't be able to upload a shit ton like I've been doing all summer. Of course it's free for download, or you can donate a little if you like, but you don't have to (enter 0$ for free) https://datfootdive.bandcamp.com/releases I hope you guys like it
  2. http://youtu.be/umFWPuyJPaY Hi, here's a link to a cover of Forest Haven. Hope you guys enjoy! Safe.
  3. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow "Lost" I was playing around with MIDI files (thx to RoeTaKa), and came up with a short piano arrangement of two tunes from Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (" " and " ").It's quite rough and not very polished, but I felt like sharing it with the world, so enjoy.
  4. I was unable to find a 100%-exact replica of this classic (one without power chord progressions, pinch harmonics and string bending), so I made one. This may not be the final mix, as it is my first time experimenting with multi-band compression via Maximus, and I have quite a bit to learn regarding that tool. https://soundcloud.com/darianharman/contra-stage-1-jungle-guitar-cover
  5. https://soundcloud.com/itstartsatdusk/kazakh-2048-strider Already submitted, as I feel it's on par with, or even better than, my work on Be Aggressive! The idea was to remix the track in a style reminiscent of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, and even includes a couple of direct nods to "Rules of Nature".
  6. Found back with pleasure this old remix of mine from my pre-Club Needlemouse phase. I always been a fan of the Ace Combat series also because of its soundtrack. Especially 3 and 4 were my all time favs and ended up remixing the ending from Distant Thunder. Humble remix, very simple as you can hear. :3 TAKE OFF
  7. Some new stuff I made. Nothing too big, but a little something. Enjoy https://soundcloud.com/datfootdive/elixir https://soundcloud.com/datfootdive/mana
  8. Hi! Long time lurker, n00b poster: Finished this remix a few days ago, would love to get feedback / critiques from everyone! https://soundcloud.com/ujifusa/still-alive
  9. Was pretty stoked that David Wise came back to compose for DKC Tropical Freeze, so I had to try out the game. Great soundtrack. And I loved this tune, so I spent some time doing this arrangement. My Arrangement: Original:
  10. Hey All, I just finished my 1st Game Jam and I am very excited to share the music I made with the community I love. The theme was "GameBoy". I believe if you love GameBoy chiptunes like I do you will love this. You can listen to it on Soundcloud and you can play the game "Run Like Balls" here. Thank you so much in advance for listening!
  11. Hey everyone, I'm starting to gradually work on larger projects with the multitrack recordings I make. Jumping from 3 tracks with a NES title to 8 for a Genesis one makes things a lot more interesting. This is the Special Stage music from the first Sonic the Hedgehog on Genesis (Megadrive). As always, comments and feedback are appreciated!
  12. Hey everyone, I just finished another multitrack cover, this time it's the main theme (not the title music, but the fight music) from Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! on the NES. Any comments or feedback are always appreciated! http://youtu.be/_dgQM6nLp88
  13. How long do submission takes before you hear something back? i sent mine about a month ago i thought i wouldve had a reply by now. this is the track https://soundcloud.com/crumbly-joe/zanarkand
  14. https://soundcloud.com/chernabogue/electro-robotspeech This is a very short thing I made with my brother (actually, the strange synth at the beginning is his voice through numerous effects!). And we were having fun with the synth voices!! At first, the robot voice was saying bad words, so I changed for something more funny (but trying to keep the groove). Almost everything is from basic FL Studio. I'm quite happy with it, since I used various things (EQ, master, effects, dubstep bass) I'm trying to master a little. Enjoy!
  15. Just a quick trailer-ish style tune with Japanese elements. Reminds me of like futuristic Ninjas and shit. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/live-by-the-sword
  16. Here's the next track, fresh off the press. I'm thinking about doing a full album remix of Killer Instinct (SNES) since the last two songs have gone pretty well. Let me know what you guys think, feedback is appreciated, and thanks for taking the time to listen! https://soundcloud.com/theartinme/fulgore
  17. After about two years since For River was first requested by a friend, I finally got around to finishing this little arrangement of some songs from To the Moon. This is the first time using a new recording setup, so let me know if you think it sounds any better or worse than my previous recordings! | Tindeck Link
  18. http://tindeck.com/listen/dhms Source track: Phoenix Wright - Cornered This track is from my band Dynamite Pleasure Chair's debut album "Sudden Impact". We're hoping it would be suitable for OCR but are concerned the arrangement may be too liberal. (Another track we submitted was recently judged and had this issue, though we're trying to correct it on that one.) If it doesn't fit the guidelines, it's far too late for us to fix anything since we recorded this in a studio over a year ago, and so we don't have the stems, etc (not to mention no protools...) and even if we paid for the studio time to edit it, we'd need to re-record to integrate more of the source and that's not really an option for reasons I won't get into here. We would appreciate any input you can provide - thanks so much for your time! EDIT: A big part of why we're concerned is that we changed the chord progression from i / bIII / bVI / bVII to i / bIII / IV / bV which is functionally similar (T-S-S-D) but much more tense - but then we vamp on the altered progression for a good portion of the song without the main riff always being present.
  19. https://soundcloud.com/theartinme/sets/resonance-cascade Edit - Darn phone auto corrected Electronica to electronically XD
  20. This is one that may have gotten too bloated. I love the Castle Center theme from Castlevania 64, I enjoy the Castle theme from SMW. I wanted to take the gothic horror style of Castlevania and collide it with the happy go lucky stylings of the mushroom kingdom, with a healthy dose of Glitch added in for taste. I mean circuits WOULD fry if two diametrically opposing games were to meet, right? So the glitchy aspects, I wanted to keep as random as possible, with out totally destroying the source material hoping it would blend the two sides in a blurry line in between the differing sources, like a xenograft transplantation. To be honest, it feels like a story line from an "imitation horror" story like "The Thing" or "It" its as if something is trying too hard to make you comfortable lulling you in with a pleasant seances of ease, yet harboring horrors beyond imagination.........I might be over thing this one. Castlevania SMW https://soundcloud.com/daniel-lesuer/wrong-castle
  21. this track was based on the influence of my fav game deadspace with its creepy dark ambient textures i dedcied to make a dark ambient track that i imagined to the game please enjoy https://soundcloud.com/blizzardx3/blood-at-zero-gravity
  22. Original Song: Remix: https://soundcloud.com/killing-pepsi/phase-no1-skeith-remix Despite this game not being too well known (.Hack original quadrilogy for PS2), it is a very fun JRPG with a huge back story and many predecessors and followers. This is a game series close to my heart. Though not many of the the songs in the game are memorable on their own, they do the game justice. This song stood out to me when deciding what to remix next and is one of my favorite songs and moments from the game. Enjoy.
  23. When I first heard this song, I got to admit, I didn't get it. I wasn't listening very intently, and I just thought it was disjointed and off. But, then I paid attention to it. I followed its time signatures, and fell in love with the song, at least composition of it. The tone was too tinny, the song was too fast, and it just didn't (at least in my opinion) fit the aesthetic of Crystal Snails world. But, being a lover of wacky time signatures, I knew I had to tackle this one as a VGM. CHECK IT HERE: http://youtu.be/v5hEx-KQiCQ 13/8 - 6/8 - 6/8+2/8 - 4/4 (That time signature progression....)
  24. https://soundcloud.com/bitlegs/magician-title-screen-bitlegs Again changes to Hell Continue 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
  25. I've been programming some games for myself during the years and I've made music to them etc etc.... None of the games were finished, but the music were finished so it's a little bit of waste to keep the music to these games. That's why I made a video compilation of that music so that someone at least can listen to it. I hope someone can appreciate the music at least since the songs mean a lot to me
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