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  1. http://tindeck.com/listen/qssk Looking for critique/input.
  2. Hello all! I'm working hard on making a new album now, and here's one of the tracks: the Himalaya Theme from Duck Tales (NES), in a chicken' pickin' country style, featuring a friend of mine on banjo. Edit: I've now almost finished the track. The only thing missing is the banjo during the last half of the song, as well as a ukulele. Let me know what ya'll thinks!
  3. So I love the remake of Thundercats and I've seen all the episodes even though it doesn't air here in Canada for another two months. I got a hold of the incredibly shitty Nintendo DS game. It isn't really worth playing, but the music is pretty good. I figured it would be cool to make a rock version (inspired by 80s hair metal bands) of both the Stage 1 theme and the 1st boss battle. I'd post a link to those sources, but I can't find them on YouTube; I just figured them out by ear while the game was paused. It's not finished and probably never will be, but here it is: https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/thundercats-ds-rock-arrangment A friend of mine says he might play the bass for realz, but that remains to be seen. Go easy on it, it's my first remix. Nah, I'm just kidding. It ain't my first rodeo; I just suck. As video games proved though, sometimes we can feel like a guitar hero even if we really aren't. That's what this is.
  4. Hey all, I'm working on a remix right now and I think the best way to categorize it would be "drumstep". However, I don't really have any experience with this genre. Can I get some feedback on what I have so far? Links WIP 1: http://tindeck.com/listen/mffk WIP 2: http://tindeck.com/listen/yhvn Thanks for listening!
  5. Will be adding another minute or so to the final version. Just need some critique as it stands so far please. I have a lot of trouble humanizing my mixes without the use of a midi keyboard but I'm hoping I have nailed it. Any tips would be great! Also wondering there is too much reverberation? Done in reason 5 alone, point and click! Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qPtuOfQbyI Think it might need something else added to it in terms of instruments? Or keep it as a piano solo? Thanks guys!!!
  6. Spent 3 hours straight making this "finished" product for all of you to listen to. https://soundcloud.com/killing-pepsi/majoras-mask-new-wave-bossa Hope you enjoy it, and all criticism is taken! here's the original song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YGGAWgKxFg
  7. I have a ukulele and a pc to make weird music! ukulele dubstep!?! https://soundcloud.com/chevamiah/uke0step
  8. Hello, Started work on this for a PRC - Sadly I haven't managed to finish it in time. (I know the french horn cuts out - poor rendering, will be fixed!) Hope you enjoy it so far! https://soundcloud.com/ellywu2/chrono-cross-going-to-a
  9. https://soundcloud.com/aires/sky C is for COW
  10. Click here to listen! I'm around halfways in a remix of my favorite soundtrack from the legend of Zelda series. I just felt like posting it here to get some feedback and suggestions before I finish it. I know it's a very creative title I've given the song, it will be changed . I also have wonder: - What genre would you put this song under?
  11. Taking a break from the gazillion things I have to do and covering one of my favorite tracks by TMV. The other is Wax Simulacra, coming soon after this one's done, and I don't really plan on covering anything else unless something comes up, but this has been a ton of fun so far!! It's definitely quite an exercise in chip soundscaping and flair, and I'm learning a ton by studying the phrasing of the original Cover WIP
  12. So after my labtop decided to crap out I haven't been able to touch FL Studio at all. Since I'm at my parents for the weekend, though, I'd figure I'd try something new on their computer until I could get back to all the other unfinished stuff that's on that crappy acer labtop. So yah, I have until Monday night to finish this. Let's hope it gets done. Or it'll have to wait until thanksgiving break. it's all fl studio defaults with sytrus if you're wondering. song: remix: https://www.box.com/s/l59t3o8dyi2pzidtatak posting now only so i can apply any crits i get between now and monday. with love and care -urdailywater
  13. Hi all! Working on a new remix of music from Touhou 12 "Undefined Fantastic Object". It contains "Fires of Hokkai", "Player's Score", and motifs from various tunes within the game. I'm experimenting with this guitar sound--I'll probably try to get someone around here to record the guitar part if it's doesn't sound up to par. Linky! https://soundcloud.com/kruai/fantastically-undefined-wip/s-W0dRc Let me know what you think! -Kruai
  14. Something I've been working on recently for some reason that won't be revealed yet. http://soundcloud.com/timaeus222/dark-barren-world-wip
  15. Still a WIP, but aiming to upload this cover in a month or so and then post for submission. Since it was more remix than my usual straight covers thought I'd post it here =) http://tindeck.com/listen/anlf
  16. I just finished arranging this piece, any and all feedback would be appreciated. First post, thanks everyone! https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0zQnI11prO6V3Q0dUg3TTMyT1k/edit?usp=sharing
  17. My friend and co-artist Synx and I decided to make a song together inspired by "The Legendary Hero" from Wind Waker. As soon as the song was done, the E3 trailer for The Wind Waker HD was released. I decided to create my own version of the trailer with our version. Here is our product: If you haven't seen the original E3 trailer, you should probably watch that first. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it! The full song will be coming out soon. Find us: https://www.facebook.com/Ptto911 https://soundcloud.com/ptto911 https://www.facebook.com/synxedm https://soundcloud.com/ricksinanan
  18. https://soundcloud.com/sauraen/melodies-of-mabe-village-3-9 (Updated link) Game: Legend of Zelda, The: Link's Awakening (Game Boy, 1993) (Kazumi Totaka, Koji Kondo) Songs arranged: Ballad of the Wind Fish, Mabe Village, Koholint Island EDIT: Original submission thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=38115 This is a the third version of this piece; the first did not make it through OC ReMix's inbox screening and the second was a "NO, resub". Now it's played on the EastWest Complete Composers Collection--there shouldn't be any problem with sample quality anymore!
  19. Started playing Deadly Prem. Hilarious. I do really like this song, too. Should I continue? https://soundcloud.com/tobosaurus/derpy-premenstruation-lol
  20. I made a mix of various Mario themes. What do you think? I would appreciate your opinions very much. I'm gonna need all the help I can get! Thanks! http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/540718
  21. So, this is my first attempt at an orchestral original. Was going for an epic cinematic thing (I think). This is a severe case of rectal extraction. Looking for any and all feedback...I have my own opinions on sections, of course, but I'll withhold them for now. https://soundcloud.com/xprtnovice/terminus-est-wip2 :banghead:
  22. http://soundcloud.com/aaron-dictor/shadow-hunters-metroid-remix Tracks sourced: "Credits" (Metroid Prime: Hunters) "Phendrana Drifts" (Metroid Prime) "Title Screen" (Metroid Prime: Echoes) The intro was inspired by the intro to super metroid feedback/comments/criticisms welcome and appreciated
  23. This one is a fun one. I didn't really give it too much creativity remix-wise, but it definitely is a cover. A really fun one at best too. Let me know what you guys think! Cover (SoundCloud) (Youtube)
  24. https://soundcloud.com/jesse-mitchell-3/soul-tracks-loz-spirit-tracks It definitely needs some work. it should probably be longer, and change up some of the mixing ( the organ sound is a violator here) I will update it with a better mixed version soon. leave any other advice you might have though. Please
  25. https://soundcloud.com/limberturtle/ssbb-all-star-remix hey this is my attempt at a remix for this theme cause it was always my favorite and wished it were longer lol. Any feedback would be appreciated.
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