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  1. Hi guys! I've been transcribing the VGMs from this awesome Sega Genesis game, and here is one that I think came out well enough to be worth discussing. It's not really a remix per se, mostly cause I wouldn't know where to start modifying. At this point I'm only starting to get a grip on virtual instruments, getting a nice texture, and finally, mixing them. Any tips you have are welcome. This is my first post on this forum btw. [WIP] Star Trek DS9: Crossroads of Time (Sega Genesis) - Track 21 Here is the original: Star Trek DS9: Crossroads of Time (Sega Genesis) - Track 21 original
  2. Here is a song that I have put together. I made it in FL Studio, please let me know what you think. Can it be improved? Or it is pretty good as it is? Here is the link. https://soundcloud.com/f1re-dem0n/last-dance-of-the-covenant This theme is based off of the Halo 1 song called Covenant Dance. Though I have renamed it to Last Dance of the Covenant. Since you are more (in the game) like ending their last dance by killing them. Please let me know what you all think. Thanks
  3. Hi, i would love some feedback on this wip https://soundcloud.com/blindzoom/wip_megaman-dr-wilys-rmx Just the intro and a loop for now,i think i'll continue this with some strings+piano breakdown, but i thought to ask you guys before putting more time on this, since the source is already hyper-remixed (but nothing in this style).
  4. I started working on a new soundtrack recently for a game me and a few friends are working on that will include different elements from such genres as platforming, RPG and adventure. I'm having a blast creating a custom soundtrack for it and uploading to SoundCloud for people to hear. The only thing with SoundCloud is that the community are way too nice (if you're a member, you probably know what I'm talking about) so I'm posting here to get some critique / any other feedback. Here's the track that's currently unfinished: It's Alright! Lemme know what you guys think, cheers!
  5. http://www.playerselect.org/Juststay11.mp3 Ok, this is my first real attempt to get back into making music. It is a rough WIP, unmastered, so volume levels will be off, I just wanted to post the generic feel of the song for yall to listen to, and get feed back on what yall think. I'd say it fits into the techno/electronica genres best. Feedback please, thank you
  6. This is a remix I made after I beat FFIV. I truly didn't care for this song at first but it's one of those compositions that gets stuck in your head. Nobuo Uematsu is a genius after all! I didn't really try to come up with an ending for it but I would like some advice for future remixes. Also, I got crappy headphones so the EQ probably isn't that good. Let me know what you think though, and advice and/or suggestions is ALWAYS recommended!
  7. Hello there! I labelled this as WIP, it's more like a demo I suppose...all I really want to do with it is redo the vocals. Lyrics were written by a friend for a forum-based RPG I was running based loosely on Dragon Quest I, and the song is basically about the game. https://soundcloud.com/wizards_of_englishe/the-descendants-of-that-man Hope you like it! That is all. *zoom~*
  8. Hello, I'm a new user in this forum. I'm looking to make some Soundcloud contacts. I am a lifelong musician, just now getting into freelance for Film/Video Games/Animation. https://soundcloud.com/mprart-1 http://michaelpatrickrogers.bandcamp.com/
  9. Hi all, One of my last works, remixed from Castlevania II: Bloody Tears. I absolutely know that this piece was already remixed to death, but it was actually made for a friend’s video, and not meant to be submitted to OCR. But, hey you never know, and I am always curious to hear feedback from my fellow forumers/musicians here at OCR. As a reminder, here is a link to the original (NES and SNES): And here is my version: Hope you enjoy. Looking forward to your feedback. Thank you.
  10. So I made a tune. I'd love to get some feedback on it. I'm new to remixing, as well as working with DAWs in general, so if anyone has any helpful tips judging by the song I made, that'd be very much appreciated. Here it is. Thanks in advance to anyone who replies.
  11. http://zazmusic.bandcamp.com/track/comrade-reinholds-theme-2 I decided to try something different from what I usually do
  12. Hi, everyone. This is my second track for the PCReMix Initiative. This WIP has been sitting on my hard drive for quite a while now. This winter was really snowy (at least where I live), so I got inspired one day to make this. It still needs a lot of work, especially in the mixing department, but I guess it's better to get some feedback here than let the track gather dust on my computer. I tried to experiment with some extreme equalizing and panning (just to try out something different), but I'm not really satisfied with the result. The soundscape is much too deep and imbalanced, but the overall feel of the track is OK. It reminds me of the soundtrack for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by Harry Gregson-Williams. Here's the WIP: WIP WIP 2 And here's the original by Paul Anthony Romero: Heroes of Might and Magic III - Snow Theme I can't believe there are almost no Heroes of Might and Magic ReMixes here on OCR. For shame. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the track. J.
  13. Hello everyone, Random electro-house noodlings... enjoy! (still a lot of work to do). https://soundcloud.com/ellywu2
  14. This is a WIP of the latest doooomcore track I'm working on for my little solo record thingy. My voice doesn't suit it very well. Anyone like to roar? https://soundcloud.com/tobosaurus/anonfemme-my-list-of
  15. So this is one of my first tries on rpg music, would like to know what I could improve on this ty! https://soundcloud.com/videogamemaniac/peaceful-garden
  16. https://soundcloud.com/imspidermen/sky-sanctuary I still need a intro, and ending. I'm also deciding if I should make lyrics to this. I extended the hook of the original so it would sound more like a traditional chorus (The original only had one pass).
  17. Hey, all! I've been working on this track for a little while now and feel it's ready for some feedback. This is an Electro House remix of the stage music from Chemical Plant Zone, Sonic the Hedgehog 2. I've recently improved my mixing and mastering ability a great deal, but still feel that this song could be improved. Anything you guys can think of, let me know! REMIX: https://soundcloud.com/cryogrid-records/dj-nyliss-electro-chemical ORIGINAL:
  18. Generic filename is generic. Need some help with the bit where the sitar kicks in after the strings in the , which just so happens to be the only good diving theme in the whole Pokémon franchise*.Yes, those are Roland R8 ethnic drums btw. :> *DISCLAIMER: My opinion; not responsible for lost limbs, etc..
  19. http://tinyurl.com/d5bvsp6 Another composer (194) and I have been working on a relaxed/ambient rendition of the famous Cornered song from the Ace Attorney series. We're having difficulty deciding whether we should add more to the song or leave it at its simplest. This started as an accident, where I was trying to make an original melody with pan pipes, and realized that I had made the first few measures of Cornered, but slowed down. We couldn't let the concept go, and spent a month or so developing it to where it is now. EDIT: Obviously based on this - Please give a critique, we highly value your opinions.
  20. Hellow. I have a band. It's called Maudlin Dryad. We play music 'n stuff. Here's a short video of us rehearsing a new song. Let me know what you think, guys cheers, Plato
  21. Still in developpement. My friend asked me for this. I did it Remix: https://soundcloud.com/rockos-1/rockos-ff4-tentative Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJ-7Wk42aM0
  22. Here's a remix I've been working on for a little while; a remix of the Shoal Cave theme into 5/4 time signature. Tell me how you think it's coming along so far! I think it's one of my best remixes I've made! It's not completed yet, but the parts that are done are sounding good to me! Tell me what you think! Link: https://www.box.com/s/9zqksc8yjcc3hl6ns9vz Source:
  23. I've been out of mixing for a minute. ( Not that I was good at it, anyway. ) I took a break to learn a bit about EQ and stuff, but I realized that until I get a new computer, I can't handle anything CPU intensive. I ended up starting this two nights ago, but my CPU wouldn't agree with me and kept overheating. ( Damn thing hits 90c+ as soon as I load my project. ) Anyways, as I started working on this, I realized some things. A. Shreddage X is incredible beyond measure. B. I can't figure out how to strum alternate on Shreddage. C. I'm trying to find a keytar-like sound. No luck so far. Song https://soundcloud.com/faytxstay/oriental-flower-demo Source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaTUNsIBrUM My goal is to imitate Daisuke's style by doing one completely conservative verse-bridge-chorus before leaping into my own style. I also realize that the rhythm guitars aren't grudgy/realistic enough, so I'm working on that. PS: I'm still unsure how to compress the guitars behind the bass.
  24. I might as well post it here, where it can get better feedback. LATEST: https://soundcloud.com/nonamermusic/ff1-chaos-mix-v4-0 Previous version(s): https://soundcloud.com/nonamermusic/ff1-chaos-mix-v3 v3 Notes: -This is about half-way complete. I need to add some personal touches to the arrangement and add a conclusive segment before calling it complete. -This is clearly mechanical, and I'll most likely have someone else record it live (I'm no where near skilled enough to actually play what I wrote ). -The title is cute, but will probably go the way of the dinosaurs. -Sheet music available soon. v4.0 Notes: -Arrangement is pretty much complete. I know that the whole note chords can be rather bland, so that's the next step I'm working on! -3:18! Not bad! -Tempo changes in this song a few times. This is the tempo I want, but won't necessarily be the tempo when it's recorded (either by another OCR remixer, myself, etc) -Still working on sheet music. It hasn't been updated since V3... -Definitely want to change the title, but I can't figure out how to do that on the forums. EDIT: FIXED IT!
  25. I did this one a really long time ago and decided to pick it up again. I strayed heavily from the source with some house and stuff Source: ReMix: http://tindeck.com/listen/rgyd feedback and initial thoughts are welcome.
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