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  1. Hello Everyone - Long time listener, first time poster . NEWS - December 7th - I talked with the sound tech guy at my church and he said that any resources needed for microphones and recording are at my disposal, so that's one more step to getting this recorded live! Remix Link: Divisio Ecclesiam et Chivitatem in C Minor (Division of Church and State) Source Track: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past: (For the second part I will be using , from ALttP as the source track, along with Church/Sanctuary)This is one half of a work in progress for an organ piece. I do know that the rules say to post only one remix per thread, but I also know that in Baroque organ music, two pieces are often group together as one (like with Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, which this was inspired by), so I really would like to consider the final product (if/when I finish it) as one piece, although it technically could be considered two by some. Anyways, I really just want initial thoughts on this section. My main goal is to have the entire thing played and recorded on an actual pipe organ, so I'm not too concerned with production, mastering, equalizing, and the like, if all goes smoothly. So please let me know what you think and I'll take it under consideration.
  2. Hi guys!!! I hope you guys enjoy it!!! Sounds like a christmas theme HOHOHOHO https://soundcloud.com/matheus-cardoso/prelude-acustico
  3. Working on this project with a couple of other Nerdcore Rappers The aim is to finish in under 2 weeks - Recording tonight. We probably would have gotten farther if we didn't spend so much time playing Super Mario Kart
  4. It's got harmonica, singing, and piano. I am no good at piano. D: I'm trying though. http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=1023300&songID=10417632 This is from before I got a new mic and a better keyboard. http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=1023300&songID=12022806 This is the latest iteration.
  5. http://soundcloud.com/imspidermen/angel-island-act-2 I think I'm almost done with this one, but I feel like I'm missing some opportunities. I was wondering if I could get some tips on what I should add and how the mix is?
  6. Oh my gosh, this place hasn't changed one bit I have had the opportunity to work in school on some music, and that just so happened to result in me remixing the Red Brinstar theme from Super Metroid, which has always been one of my favorites. Please critique harshly--although I've been playing with FL for a long time, I'm still a beginner and would love to know what I could fix to make it better. (also Rozovian if you still frequent here I'd love to hear your criticism ) Remix: Silt Disposal Source: Red Soil
  7. Listen here Probably takes a while to pick up, so I might add some more on the first 1:30. Mostly going by the groove now
  8. Well, today I was ill and had nothing else to do and if you try to make music when you're feverish something like this comes out of it https://soundcloud.com/yaminokeshin/xs-feverish-nightmare
  9. Yeah, I know, cliche. It's for a scoring and arranging class and I wanted to do something cool yet failsafe unlike my peers who are all doing dinky arrangements of christmas tunes. Sigh.... So, here it is. I had a 2 minute time cap. I've quickly excelled to the top of my class and it has been hard to get criticism from any of my professors. Where better place to get criticism then on an internet forum? Isn't that what they're made for? Here's a MIDI rendition. Here is the finale file. Here is a PDF Please let me know what you think!
  10. And so with my next remix I'm moving out of my comfort zone and taking a shot at putting up something that doesn't involve heavy dist guitars. I still feel really green in the techno area mainly because I don't listen much to it and thus have little experience. So any kind of comments are welcome! Remix
  11. Still working on improving my digital saxophone-ing. I figured I'd take a break from making jazz/orchestral renditions of songs from a game where you go fast, and make a jazz/orchestral rendition of a song from another game where you go fast. Here's a remix of "Silence" from F-Zero, on Soundcloud And if you're not sure what silence sounds like here's the (fantastic) original I'm always just experimenting at this point, so don't hold back with the criticism.
  12. Hello ... This is the first remix I do for this website ... through my life, I've played many games ... and one of the ones I liked is "Super Mario RPG" ... and for the same reason I decided to do a remix of one of the most epic songs that have this game ... the song called "Beware the Forest's Mushrooms" ... though, but a remix is a remake ... which I have called "Dream Forest" ... so they can give their opinion hear it here in the following link: Dream Forest (Super Mario RPG "Beware the Forest's Mushrooms" Remix) Well, if you have any suggestions, or any idea how to improve it let me know ... If my English is bad, is because in reality I speak Spanish and use a translator XD
  13. Based on a brief for a course I'm taking, here's a fairly basic WIP of a composition I've been working on for a few weeks now. I haven't created an original composition for a while now, and you can probably tell, but it's going pretty well so far and I've almost reached the end of my allocated time that I need to fill (current time is ~2:50, time that I need to fill is 3:00+). It's been pretty much a crash course in terms of orchestration for a large orchestra and it's been quite exciting using instruments I've never used before. This version is incredibly basic on the sound front - it hasn't been mixed, I haven't used proper VSTis at all, and some of it is rough as well. It's a straight export from Sibelius at the moment, so I'll work on a proper sounding version once I have finished the overall structure of the piece. Feedback and critique are really needed for this, so if you have anything to comment on, please do.
  14. Lots of the mixes I put up here in the past have been relatively unpolished, in terms of how much time I put into them. Realizing that was a problem, I put a lot more work (at least one month) into this one. At any rate, enjoy it! Version 1: http://soundcloud.com/jordanrooben/jurassic-park-eastern-forest Version 2: http://soundcloud.com/jordanrooben/jurrasic-park-snes-eastern
  15. Uh-oh.... Yep.... I think I did it again.... yep, it's definitely Kirby. Remix on SoundCloud As always: Comments and/or criticism welcome.
  16. Hi OcRemix Zakova here, Just a little pokemon remix i have been working on: http://zackblog.yolasite.com/resources/Pokemon%20Red%20Credits%20Ver.%201.1.mp3 as for the reverb junk after the solo breakdown im trying to think of something cool to do there and as for the solo synth what do you guys think about me leaving it in before and after the solo? Does it add depth or is it just weird and sound wrong? please leave lots and lots of comments and feedback thanks, Zakova
  17. hey everyone, i have been lurking around this site for about 4 years now and decided i wanted to take part in the awesomeness of remixing. anyways... i dont have any gear for recording live sounds and right now all i have is garageband since my finale is glitching out saying its no longer registered after 3 years. but heres an arrangement of MP2:E's sanctuary fortress in a bit of a dnb style Digital Haven im calling it done for the moment due to lack of gear and such, but i will continue to work on it when i have time.
  18. I did this a few years ago now, was hoping to have it recorded it properly by now but life got busy. I wrote it all in Guitar Pro and just put it into this midi to mp3 converter to get slightly better sounds but the levels got a little messed up, so don't expect anything professional mix-wise, but hopefully you'll get an idea for it on the composition side. I put a lot of effort into really making sure I wasn't just copying the original music note for note and had a lot of input myself, linking all the zones was difficult in itself. The themes in order are: Green Hill Zone Chemical Plant Zone Lava Reef Zone Ice Cap Zone Flying Battery Zone Starlight Zone So tell me what you think please. Cheers
  19. Please feel free to share thoughts or critiques. It's certainly not done yet. -Remix on SoundCloud - And guest starring (in the form of a medleying solo that got way out of hand and was a lot of fun to make ) :
  20. Alright, my first time posting on the forums! So here's a mix I've been working on. The whole thing's written, but I'm horrible with production and could use a lot of tips/help. Or if you have anything to say about the arrangement, by all means speak up. Remix on SoundCloud: "Shades of Home" It's based on the hometown theme from Terranigma, but with a much different feel than the original tune. Still nostalgic, but less pastoral. Sources (Youtube): Prayer - Terranigma A Place to Return To - Terranigma Really, I used the last two sources more as musical references then anything else. Thanks!
  21. Continuing with my Kirby trend, as expected. This time it's the "Oh, you're doing that one" song: Remix on SoundCloud Comments and critiques of any kind, as always.
  22. Hi again. This one requires a bit of an explanation. Previously I tried mixing together the Clock Town and Stone Tower themes from Majora's Mask, suspecting that one of the songs was derived from the other. Curiosity led me to dig a bit deeper, and I made this mix to expose what I think may be the root of most of the game's music: the game's opening notes. In this mix I take the game's opening theme and repeat it a million times with slight adjustments, trying to derive many of the game's familiar themes from it. At this point this is simply an exploration, not something I'm considering submitting. It uses two basic garageband instruments and there are some timing hiccups I haven't yet cleaned. What I'm looking for is some feedback about the ideas in this, and hopefully some new arrangements can be born out of it. Here's the mix. And here are the source tracks: , , , , , There's one particular thing I noticed from this that I think is pretty cool. The Clock Tower's bells are a very iconic sound in the game: they're two descending notes, and you can hear them used in the Last Hours song above. The melodies I explored in this mix all start with some ditty that has an emphasis on two descending notes in the middle, usually just before the melody repeats or shifts slightly. So perhaps the Clock Tower bells echo the game's main themes or vice versa. Thanks for listening, and hopefully this experiment leads to some cool new compositions down the road.
  23. So here's a remix from a pretty obscure game, thought it's one attached to me personally because as a kid I always used to play it! It had some cool music, and I thought, why not give it a swing for a remix? This is the result! Hope you enjoy! ReMix: https://www.box.com/s/e6dx3kr8plfbzbnwnuiy Source:
  24. Original Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks!
  25. http://tindeck.com/listen/asyy Guess what library. How does the samples sound?
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