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  1. http://soundcloud.com/jnel27/masterpaster-eyes-originalmix First pure original mix, hit up with some feed back. Thanks and enjoy
  2. So... while looking for some new material to remix, I found an old favorite of mine: Contra's stage 4 music, Waterfall. Because I was a bit bored with al the metal versions of the Contra soundtrack, I decided to go for an orchestral version with a strong rock groove. And because of my MSX gaming roots I picked the MSX version for inspiration of course Still needs an ending, but feedback is much appreciated! First version: https://soundcloud.com/jorito/contra-waterfall-wip/s-I07st Final version: http://www.jorito.net/files/Contra/Contra%20-%20Oh%20noes%2c%20there%20be%20aliens%20in%20my%20waterfall%21.mp3 Source:
  3. Here's my piece "Darkest Dream". You can listen to it over here: https://soundcloud.com/fulminis-ictus/dunkelster-traum-darkest-dream This piece was composed for a video game which was cancelled. So the ending is kind of abrupt because it would normaly loop back to the beginning after finishing. It was supposed to play during the fight against the last boss, a gigantic black dragon. I'm looking forward to reading your feedbacks!^^
  4. hey guys now a new pseudo remix from the awesome game mass effect theme galaxy (new worlds) enjoy download on soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/mellowsonic/mass-effect-new-worlds-galaxy cheerz
  5. Hey, everybody! Posted up a track based around the Arkham City theme mixed with the Terminator theme. It was inspired by the " " short that's been floating around; after watching it I needed to make this. Here's the youtube link, with a link to download the mp3 in the description (or just click here). I picked Arkham City's theme because it's pretty much every Batman theme combined into one new beast of a song.
  6. I borrowed a mic from my dad...he had this midlife crisis inspired idea of making ambient field recordings, and now it's just lying around it's a pretty damn good one, so i should be happy he gets these ideas. did a little cover of "no business" for testers. crummy guitar playing, flat notes and all, but so what, kind of like the vibe.
  7. Hey everyone, this is my first round track from the SZRC. It's a remix of Metropolis Zone (Sonic 2) and Hot Crater (Sonic Advance 2)! This version is slightly revised from my compo entry based on feedback: I replaced the snare sample, tweaked the percussion a bit, cleaned up some harsh frequencies in the lead, and toned down the reverb a little on the two leads. I'm thinking of subbing this one. Thoughts? "Urban Renewal" Remix (rev 2 - 03/21/14): https://app.box.com/s/ig4lj1oxic6r84on7o91 "Urban Renewal" Remix rev 1: https://app.box.com/s/fojnh41aaaxe774jzsuu Original SZRC Mix: https://soundcloud.com/superiorx/urban-renewal Sources: Metropolis Zone Hot Crater
  8. Hey guys, new mix! This is a remix of the Rainbow Road themes from both the N64 and Mario Kart 7 3DS versions. The mix blends the two themes in a orchestral/spacey/electronic tone with a positive and uplifting vibe. Rainbow Road is one of my all-time favorite themes and I've been wanting to work with it for a very long time. Enjoy! Comments and critiques are welcome and encouraged! Originals: Skybound Remix:
  9. A new arrangement I made for Evoland, an indie game I really enjoied!
  10. Here A New Remix, An Sonic Modern Remix: Click the Image to Hear the Song!
  11. https://soundcloud.com/kekopro/blackened-sky Feedback welcome!
  12. It's not quite as good as it could be, but I managed to get a decently-complete song finished before I got tired of it, so I figured I'd post it in case anyone was interested. Enjoy! Remix: https://soundcloud.com/jordanrooben/magma-atmosphere
  13. Song Title: I'll Face Myself Game: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 Composers: Composers: Shoji Meguro & Atsushi Kitajoh Feedback on any aspects would be really appreciated
  14. "Finale" This is the last part of my "Hypothetical Human Revolution Sequel" project. The goal was to create some original Deus Ex music, drawing from both Alexander Brandon and Michael McCann's musical languages. And this track certainly reaches a little farther back to the original Deus Ex. As always, I'd love to hear your feedback.
  15. 3 and a half men combo (or women? who knows??) https://soundcloud.com/skoshu/1303-1
  16. hi guys just finished remix Nights into dreams Glowing wings.I try to my best to kept the theme of the game bright dreamy tune hope you guys like it:)!! Youtube> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDYJq_W8XIk Source>
  17. Lufia II - Sinitral Battle - Metal Cover Game: Lufia 2 Song: Sinistral Battle Arrangement by Gamer Shredding Team. Any suggestions are welcome. Saludos desde México !! P.S.- we are working every day in optimizing our recording methods and musical technique. Any comment would be well received, and considering that our goal is to grow as a musicians, you must know that this proyect has been done just for the love to the music and videogames.Hope you like!! Thank you for watching and if you enjoyed this cover. SUBSCRIBE !! http://www.youtube.com/GamerShredding SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/gamer-shredding
  18. Long time listener and just recently starting recording my own stuff so here is my first jab at posting anything on here. Here are the links to my Breath of Fire 3 - Cedar Woods Cover: Tindeck Link Sound Cloud Link There are a few more I'll eventually post on here but didn't want to spam the board or anything. Thanks for taking the time to listen and all feed back is much appreciated!
  19. https://soundcloud.com/skoshu/conflict-of-interest
  20. Okay, so I wrestled with mixing this one quite a bit. Here's a very short snippet of a take on "Snake Eater": https://www.dropbox.com/s/4j2pq4llspppgez/eater-mix-r3a.mp3 I already recorded some bits for the next part of the song (after the pause), but I've been slicing and dicing it to heck, so I've just looped the intro for now. I think I got the mixing to a decent place, but I'm not sure. For one thing, the shaker really helps fill things out, but to my ear it doesn't seem to mix terribly well. If I remove it, things suddenly sound "cleaner" or "clearer", which I usually take as a not-so-good sign. I can't often trust my lousy ears though. I really have no intuitive grasp of this at all. Thoughts? Also, I'm curious if something like this would be too conservative for a future submission. Any guidance on this? Any input is appreciated! Thanks!
  21. https://soundcloud.com/josh-wright-57/through-to-flash I didn't think this track was good enough to submit for judging because I'm an beginner still. But I really need a good place to recive feedback on my track. So what better place than OC remix workshop. Please let me know what you think! Original:
  22. Hey Guys, I love Making Music, so here a New Rocking Song: Click the Image to hear the Song!
  23. Hi, I made a field music who(i think)can fit with nature. I'm open for advices. https://soundcloud.com/xouman/the-forgotten-paths Thanks !
  24. Source: Mix: http://picosong.com/eRAY/ - (version 1, see below link.) Drums need some (a lot of) work, but that's why it is a work in progress! I've always liked this source, and I tried to turn it into a dance track but to be honest I think I missed the genre mark a bit. I'm not really sure what it is. All criticism welcome, and appreciated. Thanks in advance! EDIT: Improved mixing so it isn't so difficult to listen to..: http://picosong.com/eyut/
  25. Here is our arrangement of the Level 1 theme from Double Dragon \m/
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