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  1. This was just for fun. If I ever ****ing graduate from college (well I graduate this december) I might actually have time to do more with this. For now I thought some of you might enjoy it. I'd love to expand this to having live bass/elec guitar (or good samples) playing along with the NES sound and expand on the synth aspects. I did record direct from NotSoFatSo (Winamp/ChipAmp) but if ever I work on this, I'm going to recreate the NES sound so I can change it up. http://soundcloud.com/elanhickler/double-dragon-remix-idea
  2. Well hey there! It's been a while since I posted anything, and I've improved a lot since I was last here, so I decided to give it another shot! I'm working on a remix of the credits song from Sonic 3. Check it out and tell me what you think! http://soundcloud.com/aviatorscompositions/sonic-3-credits-remix-wip
  3. Hi everyone. Here is my rock arrangement of the Metroid title screen: http://soundcloud.com/huile_smith/metroid-title-screen-rock-remix , then i recently heard about OCRemix. So I decided to improve it and share it with the OCRemix community.So let me know what you think about it! (ps: sorry for my english, I do my best )
  4. here's my wip remix of UFO - Enemy Unknown Geoscape 1 theme http://soundcloud.com/toilet-goat/ufo-enemy-unknown-mix-with what u guys think about genre and the narration? should I remove it and keep only the music
  5. Definitely WIP. The harmonica needs a lot of refining. Is the warp whistle recognizable? http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=11963153&q=hi&newref=1
  6. New link the other one didnt work lol This is my first remix in a long time so it might as well be my first. Im only working with the fl studio demo so it was rushed and didnt want anything to happen to it. Any feedback would be appreciated so I can get better at this.
  7. I was originally planning to add vocals to this, but now I'm not sure; I feel like it stands so well on its own that I don't want to add anything else. http://stuff.kingtigermusic.com/music/wip/Crystal%20Clear%20%28WiP%202.1%29.mp3 It's pretty much synthpop. It's a bit funky and very groovy.
  8. So, here's my newest project. It's a rock remix of DK Island Swing from Donkey Kong Country. I know the guitar solo is shit right now, I'm going to work more on that later, as well as figure out an actual ending. I'm just wondering what your opinions are on the mixing, arrangement, basically everything else. Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9PHNikoA5M Remix: http://soundcloud.com/mtm2/work-in-progress-kooooooong
  9. Hello there guys once again! Another project up and going. Tell me what do you think and of course, enjoy! https://dl.dropbox.com/u/817678/dune1o.mp3 BadLiZ
  10. With horror movie quotes! http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/symphony-for-the-devil-rob I think I'm nailin' Rob's style pretty well so far. If I could get a killer rock vocalist, I'd like to expand it into a full song. Happy (almost) Halloween and any feedback you have, I'd love to hear!
  11. Trying something new for a change and figured I'd come here for some critique since people here might actually have an inkling on the theory behind '80 electropop. Not to mention any mastering tips I can pick up. Let me know what you guys think. I might have used too much reverb in some areas.
  12. This has been asked for by a lot of people, so here it finally is! I really do need feedback fairly soon because there's a lot of things I can change at this point, and I won't be able to after tomorrow (meaning the project will likely be delayed for a few more months) so please tell me what you think!
  13. Heyas. I'm doing this pretty br00dal track at the mo. Wondering if any ears could lemme know how it's rolling? http://soundcloud.com/tobosaurus/daddy-was-rough-mix-2
  14. Hi guys I have been working on this remix for some time and I would love any kind of feedback. This is the first WIP I made if you can be bothered with it. http://soundcloud.com/kammo64/golden-sun-venus-light-house This is the latest remix which I feel is much improved. http://soundcloud.com/kammo64/golden-sun-venus-light-house-1 Let me know what you think
  15. I've been working on this on and off (mostly off) since I first conceived it back in 2007 or so. (Yes, I'm lazy.) http://soundcloud.com/jesse-ingram/jilost-castlevania-bloody To do: * put the organ solo from Dracula X/Rondo of Blood right where the mix "ends" currently, complete with guitar solo over top and original chords following * follow that up with the prologue/epilogue version from Legacy of Darkness for the "big finish" * modify the guitar work in the first solo section to sound a little more like a real guitar player might do it (more variation in note length, more pitch bends/hammer-ons/pull-offs, etc.) * change the drums in the section immediately following the first solo to match those in the intro to the Bloodlines/Haunted Castle version rather than the current lifeless ride cymbal from Dawn of Sorrow * clean up the mixing/balance issues (been struggling with this since I first started) Three questions: 1. Given it's meant to be "complete", are anyone's favorite element(s) of some game version missing? 2. Is the arrangement pretty solid as it is (once I finish the To Do) or should I do more with it? 3. Once I finish the To Do, would this meet OCR standards? (I'm not as worried about this one, as I plan to release it on my own regardless; I'm just curious about releasing it here, too.) And finally: Yes, it will sound a bit "MIDI-ish." That was the idea. I figured if Konami could get away with releasing an entire series of albums containing Konami remixes done solely with the SC-8850, an ambitious fan can certainly get away with releasing a few SC-8850 Konami remixes of his own (and possibly even doing better than Konami themselves), right?
  16. Hey guys. Kuolema gave me some MIDI files to play with and then I made this out of them. Apparently the source is a Legend of Mana track, but... er, look. I've never heard it. Which song is this supposed to be? Yes. I have effectively remixed a track I've never even heard. I am a genius. http://soundcloud.com/tobosaurus/jesus-christ-that-tree-has-a
  17. Recently I started a new attempt to this one first remix for me http://soundcloud.com/colth/colth-raptor-call-of-the
  18. Check this out! I made this in about 3 days! Thanks to Andrew Aversa for composing the song and to Jillian for singing it! The vocal samples were provided with FL Studio 9+. https://www.box.com/s/ia83487mrnitg7dc3n1y (WIP) I made some of the Zebra2 patches again. xD i.e. The wind, some pads, the effects at each bar during some verses (it's hard to explain; maybe it's like when an LFO is really quick, and an envelope is applied to gradually decrease its speed. Like at 0:51 and 1:16), the basses, and some others. zircon made the leads during the instrumental sections, the white noise hit patch, and one of the pads I layered in the breakdown section, among others. EDIT: Ultimately it's not finished, and I'm going back to fix up stuff later. It's close, though.
  19. What's up! I'm currently in progress of my first remix EP. Thought I could get some constructive feedback from you guys! I'm experimenting with punk, ska, breakcore, and chiptune elements. It's heavy and super happy at the same time. Enjoy! Link:http://soundcloud.com/blen1/bubble-wars-bubble-bobble
  20. http://soundcloud.com/swifthom/have-you-raised-ur-low H.Y.R.U.L.E... Yeah. it's yet another Zelda remix ( ).To be honest I was just messing around with drum sequences and this sort of came to me. Don't know if it's got potential to go anywhere but though I'd share what i've done. (This is in no way at all connected to any other projects i'm involved with )
  21. Hey, so Some years ago I was faced with the unique challenge of scoring an RPG project for the first time in my life. My partner for this project, a Canadian gamer named Troy, helped me to craft some truly memorable tunes. What I have here is a chronicle of our efforts toward the final boss theme, the fight against the great dragon ADIRA and the demon king BELIAS. I hope you like the sound of our work. Please do tell if you find it interesting. http://soundcloud.com/dmguillotine/sets/adira-a-final-boss-battle-in/ -Dave G.
  22. Edit: Here's the updated version. Hey everyone, first timer here. Here's my track: http://soundcloud.com/dan-merrill-1/under-the-mask-v2 (Based on the and themes from Majora's Mask)This is the first time I've attempted something like this. I had a sense that the Clock Town and Stone Tower themes were related to each other, so I started playing with them in Garageband to see how much they had in common. Eventually I started working on a decent structure for the track itself, and then started playing with instruments. I wasn't planning to make a nice remix out of it, but I was having fun so I just kept polishing the track and now I'm pretty happy with it. My main goal with this was to expose how the two themes fit together, since I think it's an interesting thematic connection. I tried not to modify the original parts much since I wanted them to speak for themselves. As I made this I was thinking of a person going through an average day pretending to be okay, trying to hide what he's feeling. The song ends with the upbeat, everyday Clock Town theme suppressing the lonely despair of the Stone Tower theme - the mask falls back into place. I based the structure of my mix on the song from Godspell, which shifts abruptly through a number of parts before throwing them all together into a mess of sound at the end, where certain parts fade in and out of hearing as the jumble goes on.Thanks for any feedback you've got. I don't know if I'll keep working on this and submit it or if I'll just post it to youtube and call it a day.
  23. This is my work in progress remaking metal tune I wrote four years back. http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/metal-wip Doubt I will finish it.
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