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  1. https://soundcloud.com/kekopro/lingering-whisper Let me know what you think!
  2. I meant to post this awhile ago. So I'm posting it now. Let me know what you think about it. Please listen in 720p or 1080p for the best audio quality. [Really get's going around the 1 minute mark]
  3. Hello there guys, it's me Badliz! Long time no see and I'm here with a new piece. This is my third attempt of a remix(there are two in my Youtube channel) of this awesome song. It is not yet mastered. https://soundcloud.com/badliz/nes-batman-stage-4 What do you think? Enjoy, Badliz
  4. Hey guys, just wanted to post a thread about a remix I finished up awhile back. One of my stronger works as of late, though a bit too different for the site, I would love some more feedback and opinions of the mix. A more electronic take on the Iconic 'Fear not this night' theme by Jeremy Soule. One of my absolute favorite tracks from Guild Wars 2. I thought the chord progression and lead would lend itself really well to this sort've an arrangement, and I had a *lot* of fun playing around with the lead in the 2nd portion of the song. It's also worth noting that the introduction is pretty orchestral, and I keep a lot of those elements throughout for a pretty interesting soundscape. In the end, it kinda reminded me of snow for some reason; thus the title. Flurry of Snow Youtube Link: Direct Download: http://kwixmusic.com/remix/k-wix_-_Flurry_Of_Snow.mp3 Original Source: Hope ya dig~ -Dusty
  5. This track was inspired by two well known composing juggernauts. (Shoji Meguro & Zircon) I love that blend of hip-hop and elctronica! Let me know what you guys think https://soundcloud.com/schematist/limitless
  6. Forest of Roses | Inspired by music from Secret of Mana http://youtu.be/XbJI_hSvDlo
  7. Hi everyone, This is the new track for 2014 ! An electro house progressive track made with no sample, totally mine !! Give me your opinion, let me your soundcloud page and i will follow you ! Rudy D - Lost in Amsterdam (original mix) https://soundcloud.com/rudyd/rudy-d-lost-in-amsterdam HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE !!!! Rudy D ! https://soundcloud.com/rudyd
  8. On "Thanksgiving Day", 2013-Nov-28, I used Rytmik on my Nintendo 3DS to create a remix of the theme to Pixel's game "Ikachan". The original theme is very pleasantly soothing, but I decided to make something a little more intense: Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/krichotomy/ikachan-theme-remix YouTube: Newgrounds: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/558075 I hope you enjoy listening. Please feel free to criticize. :]
  9. So, far the past few weeks, Timaeus and I have been working on this remix. It started when I sent T some MIDI I had been working on for an arrangement of "Rain" from Tenchu: Shadow Assassin's and the chorus melody is that of the end credits from "Street Fighter X Tekken". Because we need more modern VGM remixes, that's why. T's mixing skills are epic! Here is the remix...I've been hearing it in my sleep lol. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/aco-timaeus-tenchu-street The two sources http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGzuZljW0xk Thank you for listening!
  10. I thought i should continue with my castlevania jazz remixes. Here's another one i'm working on. It's a jazz trio this time ( Piano, Bass, Guitar). Maybe i'll add more instruments like a vibraphone, and some solos. Remix: https://app.box.com/s/ym556jyc47fyyvms8np9 Source: http://youtu.be/0AZ5XZHIDh0 dada-da-daaa!
  11. Hey everyone, I'd thought I would chuck my entry for this years Sonic Zone Remix Competition up on the forums here. Partially to prevent it from sitting on my hard drive for half a year or more. I went for an 80's inspired sound and while there is still some work that needs to be done to the remix I am pretty happy with how it turned out. Sources are Cosmic Wall(SA2) Lava Reef Zone(S&K) Remix: https://soundcloud.com/garpocalypse/no-love-lasts-forever-cosmic
  12. Hello everyone. I spent my entire day yesterday making this medley. It features the songs Wood Man's Theme, Dr. Wily's Castle Theme and Mega Man 2's Intro/Title Theme. I honestly don't know how I did all this in a day but it was pretty brutal haha. As for putting keyboard into my music, this is honestly my second time doing that. I'm not very experienced in it so if anyone has any advice on how to with metal music, I would seriously appreciate it. Anyways check it out, thanks for the listen! https://soundcloud.com/profound-obscurity/mega-man-2-metal-medley
  13. Here's some tunes I've composed for a retro styled project I am working on. https://soundcloud.com/tm0135/sets/video-game-compositions And here's an example of my "real life" music. I wrote this for my big band album which was released in the Summer of 2013: Hope you enjoy! -Tyler www.tylermiremusic.com
  14. Its a Song Originaly written as an Instrumental, but some years ago i've made a Vocal Song out of it and still were not satisfied. So i've gone back to the previous concept and rearranged it. I'm not satisfied with the mini dizi as the lead instrument and some other parts as well, but its very close to the result i had in my mind, so i hope you enjoy it. Feedback appreciated
  15. Well This is a touched up version of what I submitted back aways. Was asked to resub, the drums needed some work, so added some variation to the drums. Fiddled with some stutter effects. It's jerky, it's a little out of tune, garbled, a little too loud, little to soft, thin where it should be fat and fat where it should be thin. Not much else to say. I can't really figure this one out....I guess if I had to venture a guess, Ill know what I was trying to accomplish if 1/2 of responses love it and the other 1/2 hate it, (if that makes any sense at all) I had been listening to a lot of Devo and was inspired by their take on Satisfaction and loved how they imparted a feeling of "we know how it "should" sound, but we're gonna do it our way" but nuff talk have at you! https://soundcloud.com/daniel-lesuer/its-a-series-of-tubes-rewired
  16. Hey guys, I've decided to upload my best non-chip tracks composed roughly between 2011-2014 into one neat and tidy album. Some tracks on my Soundcloud page Back To The 90's https://soundcloud.com/groovemaster303/back-to-the-90s House Of Sorrow: https://soundcloud.com/groovemaster303/house-of-sorrow Step To The Funk: https://soundcloud.com/groovemaster303/step-to-the-funk-korg-gadget Portable Musician Album: https://groovemaster303.bandcamp.com/album/portable-musician
  17. My job class is Thief This is a revised track from the OHC.
  18. Hey guys, here is my snes metal medley. I hope you'll like it
  19. Since it was a while ago I posted anything I thought it would be time now since I have just upgraded both software and hardware. More will come up on my tube channel but in the time you can check out my cover of Blast Hornet from MMX3 I hope you like it =)
  20. I already composed a song called The Reaper of Notes with orchestration, and just finished this version with synths and electronica drums. Hope you guys like it!
  21. Worked a good while on this song. It's 8 minutes long, but its a medley of the "For The Commanders" map theme, and the boss themes for both Zephiel and Idoun. It's really something I take to heart, since I love FE games. I wanna submit it, so I really need feedback. Hope yall enjoy! Here is just the mp3, but the video shows what is going on during that point in the song, so I suggest you stay with the video! http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/565980?updated=1
  22. Town Theme of Final Fantasy I Cover Song. Remixed by Me. I Play GBA Version, cause it's more Color than NES Version, but NES Version is Good too i wish this song will brought you back at the time (child memories, maybe...?) Town Theme Copyright & Original by Nobuo Uematsu and Square Enix here the song : Check this out! Soundcloud need a comment thanks
  23. Er, happy early St. Patty's Day! Let me know what you think! https://soundcloud.com/kekopro/fathers-blessing
  24. A remix I did with Chernabogue for this Dwelling of Duels thing. This version on soundcloud is the arrangement without my pitiful attempt at playing keyboards (I'll put a link to that, subbed version) and instead just features my pitiful guitar playing. We placed 15th, though. So I have not entirely shamed Chernabogue's name. Soundcloud Version DoD version can be found in the .rar here If you heard it, liked it and/or maybe even voted for it - Merci, Danke, Toda, Gracias, Multumesc and whatever of other form of "Thank you" we can throw at you!
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