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  1. Arrangement from SF2 Music Masashi HAMAUZU ORIGINALS: Thema: Missgestalt: REMIX: http://soundcloud.com/bluelighter0085/wave-of-blood-in-paradise
  2. I noticed a surprising lack of Progressive House Zelda music. So I'm making some. Here's what I go so far. https://www.box.com/s/fac72a647b7e637e9540
  3. http://soundcloud.com/yannick-jason/johto-batteru_wip ^FIXED LINK^ Just a little something. I hope to get it done soon. Let me know what you guys think!
  4. So this is the second song I'm doing for the Mario Kart: Road Rage album (first one - mix of Maple Treeway - here). As you can see by the title, it's a mix of Mushroom Gorge. The mix is also untitled as of now (you most definitely can be awesome and suggest a fitting title ). This mix has a slow orchestral feel to it. As stated in my Maple Treeway mix: Please comment and criticize to your utmost pleasure; tell me it's terrible, tell me it rocks, tell me what you think I need to work on. Draft: http://soundcloud.com/imazi643/mushroom-gorge-remix
  5. So here's one thing I'm working on for the Mario Kart: Road Rage album (other mix - for Mushroom Gorge - here) It's kind of a synthpop feel. It's from Maple Treeway, so I'm sure since most of you loved the track, you can love this (music) track. Please comment and criticize to your utmost pleasure; tell me it's terrible, tell me it rocks, tell me what you think I need to work on. Draft: http://soundcloud.com/imazi643/synthpop-tree-chop-maple-1 Note: This is noted as version 2 on the link...version one was created using different software...please comment pertaining only to this one.
  6. Hey all- here's a track that starts ambient- kind of underwater or something, then transitions into a bit more of a "tune". However, I'm really new to mixing, and I can't seem to get levels right. I think I got them close, but everything sounds kinda flat (dynamic, not pitch)- did I use too much compression? When I bring levels up on the ambient synths, they go overboard and wash out the other instruments. Any tips? Thanks in advance! Free MP3 download: atmosphere 1.mp3
  7. This is a really early proof-of-concept at attempting to remix the classic Little Big Adventure 1 (or "Relentless" as it was called in the states) tune "The Village". I'm looking for feedback to see if I'm on the right track here. http://soundcloud.com/groboclown/surfing-the-village-1 Original by Philippe Vachey:
  8. This was just for the hell of it, I guess... EDIT: The rest of the song will be done some time (as in more lengthiness). Listen on box.com at ---> this link Title - Blues, Greens, and Fire Artist - Enemy Onion Original Artist - Go Ichinose Game - Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald (GBA) This track is almost (pretty much is) an exact copy of the original. Not one note in this piece is quantized (snapped to beat) so that I could keep an organic sound. This was all handmade, with absolutely no reference to any MIDI file or anything like that. I wanted to do some ear training so I did this all by ear. And GBA is a HARD sound to copy because the fuzziness sometimes brings out frequencies and sub-tones that fool you into thinking something is there that is not and/or covering up something that is supposed to be there. Thank you and please enjoy. This isn't finished yet and it may take me some time to get to the rest of this.
  9. So I'm scoring indie game(s) for a friend, here's one: http://fullmetal-0240.deviantart.com/art/Rubber-Bullets-Complete-first-level-287435692 Here's the Level 1 theme: http://soundcloud.com/nintendude794/narrowed-hollows-sketch-2 Here's Level 2, if not instead a Bonus Room: http://soundcloud.com/nintendude794/swell-n-well-sketch-1 And an attempt at the first Boss Fight: http://soundcloud.com/nintendude794/bouncing-on-the-balls-sketch-1 Another of his games I've already started on music for is called SketchBook Adventures: Although he says it's pretty much a dead project, here's all the variations on its theme I've composed for it: http://soundcloud.com/nintendude794/sketchbook-adventures-theme I post these here with a few questions: -constructive criticism and compliments, have you any? -do these three tracks feel like they belong to singular, coherent game(s)? -not a priority in posting this, but if you're interested in helping me produce/mix/master if not co-compose, PM me about it Sincerely with thanks, Hunter "Rubix" Short a.k.a. nintendude794 P.S. Unrelated, my debut recently got posted! http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02427/ Yay for not-so-good one-and-a-half year-old piano solos! _________________________________________ This is just one of many musical projects I'm involved in lately: -Music Supervisor for recent and future videos at MrDrBrettMan (BrettMetz Studios) -A Christmas Musical Zelda Parody, also for the aforementioned YouTube channel (Brett's my roommate at university next year, we'll be freshmen) -Composing songs for my high school's best poet's lyrics -Scoring games for the friend whose game is the subject of this post -OCremix project participation, and aspiration direction -Original albums -etc.
  10. Hello everybody, since I'm new to Fruity Loops, I decided to post the current status of my remix here to learn from your advice. I have started remixing the title theme from the freeware adventure 'Dirty Split' as a chiptune. Currently, everything you hear are basic sounds from 3xOsc. The only streamable version of the original I could find is over here, just select Track 1. Here is a list of things I have to do but I may need your help with: Figuring out how to do a tremolo. Making the arrangement less repetitive and longer. Replacing the solo from the original with something more chiptuneish. That's why there's a lot of nothingness after 50sec. Finding out what the organ actually plays. Using something cooler than 3xOsc, and also adding better percussion. Learning how to master. Other things I didn't think of when posting this. I am not aiming to make an OC Remix, I just want to improve my skills. Here is the first WIP version: Now going to bed, looking forward to your comments! Edit: According to tindeck, three people have downloaded this already. ó__ò In case 'DL' actually means 'downloads' and not 'people who streamed this'.
  11. This is a chill remix of the Nightfall theme from Shenmue. I plan on mixing another song in there with it. I'm just trying to decide what. Original song: http://youtu.be/gisvHDO_pvw Remix: http://soundcloud.com/user7666413/shenmue-a-breeze-in-the-night Check it out and let me know what you think.
  12. Okay, so I've been getting mixed feedback on the progress of this song...here I've posted two versions of what I'm working on. The first version I'm actually currently okay with, and the second comes with some changes allowed for someone else, but I'm not sure works well. Perhaps I could just get some initial reactions? Version 1: http://soundcloud.com/dj-verticai/coconut-mall-monopolized-remix Version 2: http://soundcloud.com/dj-verticai/coconut-mall-monopolized
  13. Here's a small part of WIP remix of the MarioKart64 Title screen dubbed - "Sunday Drive". I haven't really added reverb or other effects in yet as I'm still working on the composing the rest of the track atm but I wanted to see what other thought of it so far and get some feedback. It's really just a re-orchestration right now but I hope to really spice it up! -Edited out dead link-
  14. (I can do this. I can write this without being self-defeating.. ) I wanted to make a fitting remix for a Journey video montage. I sampled the original track so I guess it doesn't meet OCR guidelines, but that's fine whatevs yo. It's also very incomplete, as in missing instruments toward the end. I need help. Please, any advice simply to make it sound professional and intelligent. Thank you. http://tindeck.com/listen/evwy You'll find the link contains a sufficient amount of suck and awFFFFFUUUU--NOI'MDONETYPING.
  15. Here's my remix of Fear Factory, which I started early yesterday. I think the source itself is still in need of more arrangement but I played around with the harmonies, bass and such. IMO the B section that starts at 1:09 is the most fleshed out part so far, but I'll let you be the judge. So, judge away and let me know how it is so far! Latest WIP http://soundcloud.com/ccricers/fear-factory-remix-2/s-gPnUr First one http://soundcloud.com/ccricers/fear-factory-remix/s-6VvNS Source:
  16. Hello, Once again, trying an electronic sound - this time leaning more towards trance. I am in no way happy with the leads. Enjoy! http://soundcloud.com/ellywu2/chrono-1
  17. The Pokemon games are just fantastic and so feel like I should have had a go at rearranging some of the music ages ago, but hey ho, having a go now. Remix: Original: For the most part, its more of a sketch of the arrangement. Its very early days but I was hoping to get some feedback. I'm still not sure if its gonna end with some guitar in there but anywho, enough waffling.
  18. Hey guys! I would really appreciate any sort of feedback you would like to give. The things I'm most worried about is the use of the saxaphone and if it sounds corny or not super duper, to me it sounds pretty good but I would still like to hear opinions. Also please PLEASE help me with any advice on composition, I think it's one thing I'm not super duper on. It's not mastered yet but still I'd like to hear any bits on my production too. http://soundcloud.com/zachnichols-1/what-am-i-doing-wip EDIT: Sorry about the levels being so low, I'm aware of it. I have gone with the method of not limiting the entire master, but just turning down the volume to around -8db. I think it'll make a big difference when mastering since I won't have compressed everything too much. For now just turn your volume up.
  19. not much to say really. just listen http://youtu.be/nuVFxFZf4IM
  20. Hey guys, I finished my album 'Heaven Journey' a few days ago and started to work on a new one. It is called 'Pixelated Enemy' and I already made a track. Listen! (: This is totally original. No Remix.
  21. Very beautiful, hope it touches your soul too, enjoy! Also please tell me what I could improve on this. ty
  22. http://soundcloud.com/2point0sounds/release-the-fire Just the rough draft. (mp3 quality is shit..) I'm already working hard on the finished version. But Please give feedback if you can, I'm only in the writing process still.
  23. Here's a short, funky electronic track called Big Ideas. Most of it (with the exception of the beginning) was written for an entry into a company's "audio identity" contest. I'll probably expand on it in the future and make it into a fuller song. http://soundcloud.com/drakken/big-ideas My job (working for an accountant) kept me busy the past couple months, so I haven't done much in the way of music lately. Nice to finally be composing again!
  24. Good evening. As I promised them, here I bring them a new remix. This time is of Bloody Tears of the Castlevania 4 of the Super. But as it is sad and i do not like, I passed him to greater. Now he sounds happy, like he should be. And so that he hit with the wave, I added him a theme that impassions me: that of the first level of the Truxton, a juegazo of the maquinitas of the '80. Now, like they will see therefore, the notes are more to time, since I learned to do the instruments with the publisher of score of the Cubase. Is good-natured person that publisher. Good, here them abandonment the link to it mentions. http://soundcloud.com/josecito-guadalajara/lagrimas
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