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  1. I've been working on a new remix, let me know what you think: EDIT: Updated version as of 3/26/15: https://soundcloud.com/sauraen/at-the-bottom-of-twilight-6 Sources: Chrono Trigger - (Yasunori Mitsuda)Zelda: Twilight Princess - , , , Main Theme B Section [credits version] (Koji Kondo, Toru Minegishi, Asuka Ota)I am planning to include some sound design at the beginning and end--"night" ambience at the beginning, and "morning" ambience at the end. But I don't really know how to do this (and of course it's secondary to the actual arrangement).
  2. Finished this today. It's called Behind You In The Mirror. Inspired by spooky TV themes like Unsolved Mysteries, American Horror Story - and also by westerns. It was supposed to be a western sounding song but it developed very differently. I really like the final product though. Check it out! https://soundcloud.com/brad-charles/behind-you-in-the-mirror Made using EWQLSO Platinum, EWQL Symphonic Choirs, Shreddage II, Superior Drummer 2.0, QL RA. I think I listed everything
  3. Remix: https://soundcloud.com/planarianhugger/darkmoon-dance-party Source: Here is a remix of Darkmoon Caverns from Diddy Kong Racing for N64. This is my 3rd or 4th time trying to remix this. I was trying to make it fun and dance worthy. Always trying to get better and criticism is welcome.
  4. An Angel's Wish for the Forest ReMix by Sebastian Freij / AeroZ https://youtu.be/rnWbx2CReCA
  5. https://youtu.be/ctnf_BOPhiM Here's the latest, I think this might be the first time I went full orchestral. Hope you enjoy it!
  6. Original My arrangement here Don't really intend to submit this... I don't think this has enough interpretation to warrant it anyway (and I'm not really interested in changing/adding more than I did). Did this for fun and to try and experiment with/learn some of my stuff better. Also the first time I used Reaper 100% to make something start->finish. It took a while to configure everything, but I really liked it's workflow (for the most part) once I got everything more or less figured out. Any thoughts/critiques are welcome. If you're at a loss as to how to direct your comments, I'd be particularly interested in hearing thoughts on the overall mixing/production and/or thoughts on the bits I added/changed (if you thought they fit in or stood out, didn't like them, etc.).
  7. Here's somethin' for Easter! Yep, it's that song from the Cdi bible games! LOTS of samples, wonder if anyone can find em! Enjoy!!!
  8. My attempt at making one of these crazy modern eletronica tunes. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/shakin-all-the-rules I'm pretty happy with it personally, but feel free to tell me it sucks anyway.
  9. I actually transcribed this track, pulling apart the original audio. It was a huge undertaking, all for an april fools video. I hope you can appreciate the idea of covering one of the worst songs ever written for a game. https://youtu.be/ftRIa7ROwSw
  10. Hi This is my take on this awesome song. I hope you like it. I recommend headphones or stereo speakers I did some panning with my guitar not a big deal just having some fun with panning. Greeetings Please leave your comments, critics, and if you like my work please subscribe & share
  11. Hi, new person here, so hope I'm doing this right, not sure if you want to call this a remix, or a cover, I call it reprogrammed to keep with the robot motif, anyway this is Elec Man's stage, but I did a lot more Mega Man songs, all should be in the playlist, hope you like it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWdEQ2Dg_aQ
  12. https://youtu.be/Mcky3ndVuRo I was originally going to do Lenna's Theme and then come back to do this song at a later time, but since I felt they compare/contrast in a very interesting way, I thought I'd work on them at the same time! Hope you like it!
  13. I just finished an original chiptune called "Bated Breath." I've been told it sounds kind of Mega Man-ish. Anyway, enjoy! -Karl
  14. hey, just thought i'd share with you guys a few dungeon pieces i've written! "Dungeon 4" was done in a style i'd never really done anything with before. while i like the style, i'm not used to writing this kind of electronic music, so i hope the mixing and whatnot is okay. "The Unlit" was very SNES-inspired. i've been told the harp sample sounds a bit strange/out of tune, so i might look into fixing that. "Dungeon 5" is a piano piece, but i'm not a pianist (can't play any instruments), so i had to sequence this note-by-note. some advice on nailing the realism would definitely be handy.
  15. https://soundcloud.com/chernabogue/recuring-nightmare-poison-mind Source: Enjoy.
  16. Hello. I know I'm new to these forums, but I've been following this site since I was wee lad (haha) I'd say 10 years, at the longest. Back when AE, Darksworde, and The Wingless, were my favorite artists on the site. But I kinda stopped following the site all together, because I noticed a drop in quality of actual video game music (solely my opinion though), so I got less interested in the remixes that could have popped up. But anyway I've been making and remixing music for a long time, but finally got confident enough with a few tracks I may submit. The first one is a Trance remix of Requiem of Spirit from Ocarina of time that I've branded under my Trance alias "Trancera" https://soundcloud.com/keitomine/requiem-of-trance Edit: Noticed the rules. Lols I'll post my other remixes separately some other time.
  17. Hi everyone. Here's my new cover, wicked child, with a little surprise for all Deep Purple fans out there Please dont hesitate to post your suggestions, comments or anything. Here is the video version: But since youtube's compression sword is legendary. Here's the HQ mp3 https://soundcloud.com/the-game-civilization/castlevania-wicked-child-a-deep-purple-tribute Greetings from México
  18. My cover of the title theme from Journey to Silius. Although I decided early on to focus on recreating the track rather than adding solos, I did change and add a few things to this.
  19. https://soundcloud.com/kekopro/bounty-hunters-ballad This is a theme for a bounty hunter, taking some inspiration from the likes of Morricone and Red Dead Redemption. The client wanted a distinct moment (2:11) where, if a mark heard that part playing, they knew who was coming for them. Thanks for checking this out!
  20. Hey everyone, I just finished a cover of the overworld music from Dragon Quest (Dragon Warrior) II, and I'd love to hear what you think of it!
  21. any and all feedback welcomed. https://youtu.be/Xfy3U7zyBng .MP3 Download .WAV Download
  22. Original Theme: https://youtu.be/gSjf5ChDDqQ My Remix: https://youtu.be/UJZe97PYc0M Hope you all enjoy!
  23. Trying to get out of my Orchestra and Acoustic comfort zone and do something different for once. These two tracks were both inspired by the incredible Transistor soundtrack: Resistance: https://soundcloud.com/sound-phenomenon/resistance Deep Zone: https://soundcloud.com/sound-phenomenon/deep-zone
  24. This is a remix of the FFVII Crisis Core song "The Price of Freedom" I made waayyyy back in 2011. Yeah, it was kinda lost in my backup harddrives and it took me a while to find it again. Free download link is given in the description. https://soundcloud.com/bluewolfie/ffvii-the-price-of-freedom-remix I kept the basic chord progression the same but changed around the melody here and there. I guess it kinda has an ethnic feel to it with the plucked instruments and strings. I guess my mixing kinda sucked back then. Listening to it now, it sounds a bit overcompressed, probably a bit too sharp in the high end and muddy in the low end.. But anyway, Let me know your thoughts and I hope ya'll enjoy it as it was an awesome song and was great fun to remix it!
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