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  1. http://halc9bit.com/private/Frozen%20Megadrive.mp3 feedback appreciated!
  2. Hello again. Yes, I'm already starting another remix. I'm feeling rather prolific lately (with music in general). The source this time is Rusty Ruin zone from the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive version of Sonic 3D Blast. Check out the source here: http://info.sonicretro.org/Sonic_3D:_Flickies'_Island_OSV_(Mega_Drive/Genesis) So I've just got a base groove set up here, not a lot of structure yet. My goal is a very funky sound, but sort of '80s-filtered. I'm not quite sure yet where the song is going to go. At a minute into the first act variant there's a breakdown in the song that's definitely going to be part of the structure. I really love the part that comes in at 1:16. I think a key change toward the end will sound pretty good, as well. So here's the WIP. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2466844/Rusty%20Ruin.mp3
  3. New WIP. I am not going to say anything else. this is for the Donkey Kong Country 3 track "chase". That's all I'm going to say, I'm strapped for time.
  4. Hiya. Im pretty much totally new to the remixing thing, but have decided to give it a try, after finding this site, and the loads of awesome music. Well, not much else to say. I appreciate any and all criticism, helps me grow, y'know.
  5. http://www.tindeck.com/listen/bplk - Got a LOT of work yet to do. I'm pretty happy with the build-up, so unless I get some more ideas for it it's finished. However, I have JUST started the melody after that, and will get working on it again tomorrow. Learning lots of techniques from listening to other trance tunes on YT, such as what I call a "tone sweeper" which you hear in the buildup. Enjoy, so far, heh
  6. Here's my take so far on Koji Kondo's 24-year-old invincibility theme: Undefeatable-Mood-Demo-5.mp3 The version I used for inspiration is mostly SMW2: Yoshi's Island - Powerful Infant: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wbX3lqbcfE I also took a few ideas from a new opening added in Super Paper Mario - An Unrivaled Battle: Let me know what you think. Thanks!
  7. Well! It's been a while! Here I come back to work on a project I started two years ago. Now, I started COMPLETELY from scratch! And as you can guess, this is the "Shadow Queen's True Form" theme. Now, being as this only took a few hours, it needs a lot of improvement, but I feel I can finally finish this time! Also, I'll be modding the Keyboard solo somewhat. I want more of a melody. I desperately wanna catch that fear that was in the original... SO GIMME ADVICE! ^__^ Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro-LJ8vHTn8 This one down here was the ORIGINAL remix I was working on before my computer blew up. D: You may like some elements more from here.
  8. Alright, I think some of you know that I've been doing work for a game project (which as always, I'm not at liberty to talk about). Either way, I have a Ruin Theme here that I'd love some feedback on. I have two different versions. One that has no EQ settings touched, and one that does. Feedback-wise, what I'm looking for is if the applied EQ settings are good...and if not, how I can improve them for each individual instrument. And two...is the composition good and if not, what suggestions do you have to improve the composition. Overall, I just hope you guys can enjoy what I've created, even though it's a WIP. Happy listening guys. :3 Without applied EQs With applied EQs
  9. Hi, Here is a little remix, in the form of dubstep and chillout, of the "Eria the Water Maiden" from Final Fantasy 3. Love this tune so can't help but make a remix of it. Any feedback would be lovely. Click here to listen Cheers to all soundtrack lovers.
  10. I've always loved Brinstar 1, so I thought my first mix could be a mix of it. http://www.mediafire.com/file/972cwq9b2gd21ct/Floating%20on%20Stars.mp3 I wanted it to be a ballad type thing, with piano, bass guitar, and acoustic guitar. I was talking to my new friend ProtoDome, and he said I should post here for advice. Feedback please? (Original is here. )
  11. Hi Guys, I have two different versions of a song and I wanted to know which one you liked better and why if you can tell me. Any help is appreciated! Title of Song: Asteroid Boogie Version 1: Version 2: Thanks, all!
  12. Here is a preview of what I'm doing: Millennium 2 (preliminary title, 4:11, approx. 8 MB) Included in this arrangement are: 600 AD and Schala's Theme. There are a few short little nuggets included as well. I have been working on this all summer, and have wanted to do this for a couple years. After a few false starts earlier in the year, all these pieces are finally together to create an early preview of what I'm trying to do. It's better to release an unfinished product than to work indefinitely when no one can hear it! So.. I hope fans of the game will enjoy it, and I also hope the next version of this track will be even better!
  13. http://hunterbridges.com/mp3/WeCanSaveTheWorld.mp3 I am sure you are familiar with the source. Don't take this mix too seriously... Just got new studio monitors and had an urge to make some silly epic metal out of this tune.
  14. I'm titling this: Polar Opposites. I thought I'd slow it down a bit after all my hardcore techno/trance. A nice slow, calming, relaxing House beat that could really take you to some fond memories. This one was engineered to send you off into the memory bank and relax you to your soul. When I listen to it, it sends me floating down the musical highway. I love how it's coming along. What do you think? http://tindeck.com/listen/nfnn EDIT: Sources! Bolero of Fire: Serenade of Water:
  15. Chilled out mix of the Gerudo Desert theme from Twilight Princess. Any feedback, comments, and criticism welcome! Original Track: Gerudo Desert (youtube) Thanks!
  16. Any sort of feedback and constructive criticism is much appreciated. I have a link where you can get all of the songs free with just one download if anyone is interested. http://www.myspace.com/staytranquil http://soundcloud.com/gerryroche
  17. Hi Guys, It's me again 8 months later... After finally getting my computers back to the way they should operate, I had some time to compose some more music and work on creating cleaner music. Here's a remix that I worked on: I'd like to know your thoughts!
  18. I was playing around one day and came up with a track that sounds like a fusion of drone, shoegaze, ambient, and lo-fi. What do you guys think? http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/355760
  19. Hey all, first post here and decided to post a new song, infact my first remix. I've been doing music before but never remixed any game music like this, and after hearing the incredible work on this site I decided to give it a go aswell. I started with a relatively easy song to remix, the Chrono Trigger theme (yea I know, it's been done a thousand times). I made the theme into a sort of Jazz-fusion / Funk song (first time doing anything in this style too, double the challange! ) I'd love to get some critique and opinions on it, what to improve and what works etc. Thanks! http://robinsalonen.com/temp/Time%20Fusion.mp3 Update 2 - http://robinsalonen.com/temp/Time%20Fusion_02.mp3
  20. incomplete , min and 43 secs of music, and i think i need opinions...... yes this is the name of this remix http://tindeck.com/listen/ezca source ::
  21. I know there's tons of Gerudo Valley mixes appearing left and right on the forums. I just came up with an idea and need people's opinion about whether to move forward with it or not. This is very very short and just a sample of what I wanted to do. I'm going to mix Chillout and Cajun style together with a little taste of middle-east. Acoustic guitar work is rough and not final at all. Not many bg elements are present at the moment. @Hewhoisiam: Just like last time, I think I need your expert and motivating comments once again. Feel free to crush this one if you don't like it WIP Link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3443029/My%20Remixes/WIP/OoT%20-%20Gerudo%20Valley.mp3 so is it worth finishing?
  22. This is "cave of mystery", just a little tune I recorded with live guitar/drums/piano/violins also some bowed cymbal/bowed glockenspiel. The guitar is a little out of time, but it's not finished. A jingle with mostly live instruments. Short jingle that sounds like an sort of ending in a sonic game or something. All midi, using cubase. I'd love any feedback on any aspect of these!
  23. Ok so this is the first song I've mixed on nice Monitoring headphones. Beyerdynamic DT770 Pros. I would like to get some feedback on how it sounds to you guys. Specifically the mix. Thanks http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/355143
  24. So my friend wanted me to do this remix for him, but I'm finding it increasingly difficult to make such a boring song into a bulky evil, interesting mix track. I'm having some trouble. Tell me what you think. And don't comment on the bass solo. I haven't decided where that's going yet, or if I'm just going to leave it there.
  25. This is a bluegrassy remix based on a common theme from one of my favorite soundtracks of all time. This is my first near-final remix, and also my first foray into bluegrass. I don't routinely listen to the genre, but for some reason the idea popped into my head and I ran with it! A few details: Voices are all from my S90ES, except for the nylon guitar, which I snagged off of HammerSound. Sequencing, recording and mixing were done in Ableton Live Intro. I applied frequency filters to the fiddle and mandolin to make them sound right (to my ears). Although they're all digital instruments, I've worked very hard to get an organic sound using expressive dynamics and articulation. I've taken this about as far as I can go right now, and am eager for some feedback. Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abTeHCBz2_Q
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