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  1. been a while since I've posted something on here, so here ya go! comments appreciated wip: http://halc9bit.com/private/ffx_3.5.mp3 source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EInRqOrdLmI
  2. So here's my Mega Man Battle Network 3 N1 grand prix battle theme remix. Damn, that's a long title! I feel this is almost finished, but i really need some advice to polish it off. I usually do straight out metal remixes of songs, but i feel that's sometimes a little overboard. I spent a lot of time on this over the past couple weeks and really trying to nail it down. My hope is that one day, i make a remix worthy of this fine website. Source : Remix:
  3. So this one is fairly close to being done, but needs a lil more polish first. I have kind of an abstracted to do list for it [i.e. the intro], but I'm interested in what other people think needs work too. www.soundcloud.com/drinkeekrow/chicago-remix
  4. I always loved this song when I was playing this game (Top Gear, SNES). It felt so badass. Now... It feels a little calmer in this arrangement. But it's relatively conservative... Thoughts?
  5. Well.. I've posted two songs here before and never got any feedback Just so you know.. I'm not going to get upset if you tell me it's awful. I have no ego, no experience to warrant such a thing. I've read the threads where people are ripped to shreds and I'm ok with it. I just want to improve. This is my second song, borrowing elements from the Song of Time and the Wind Waker title screen. Was a lot of fun to make though I'm sure there's plenty of problems to discuss. Thanks for any feedback. http://soundcloud.com/exobyte/hero-of-wind-of-time-wip
  6. EDIT 2 (FOR TRANSITIONS)DELETED FIRST ONE! http://soundcloud.com/aires/ice-cap-crater-v2 LolOlolololOlolOl (Warning MILDLY PROGRESSIVLY HOUSE'Y) some loud parts, still gunna adjust some vol IF need. and NO this is not a revised version of Friged Ice Cap, this is straight house with straight up synths and drums. made this in ableton and fl studio
  7. In fact I basically made this as a fan thing to send to the Bit.Trip guys and wasn't going to bother naming it, but then I thought hey, might as well get some feedback on OCRemix. http://www.negativeworld.org/mymusic/electronic/bittriptest.mp3 Although it's probably not good enough to try to submit seriously to the site. I think the melodies and song writing and everything came out well, though I still don't actually know much about production values and I'm kind of winging it there. I know what *I* like and don't like about this work in progress, I wonder if it will be the same stuff that others like and don't like? What do you guys (and girls?) think?
  8. I recorded this with a friend about a month ago, went on a trip, came back, and just today did the final mixing and arrangement. I'm proud of it, but I'm looking for some feedback before I call it done. Tell me what you think of it! :] http://www.mediafire.com/?112tqrcxap3o24x
  9. Need some feedback for this. :3 http://soundcloud.com/creast/bat-country-extended
  10. here is my WIP remix for WoW's Lament of Highborne: constructive criticism welcome(I had to pick out the melody notes by hand from the OST, listening to it over, and over again. so at some points I improv'd)
  11. I need some help with this one, people. I think I'm getting the right "house" sound, but then I think my sound is a little thin, or weak. I want to know what people think of the arrangement. Give it to me straight, yo! http://tindeck.com/listen/xlrm
  12. This is just a little bit of VG R&B using some Wind Waker samples & cubase. Only the first chorus/intro kind of thing but I wanted to post it to get people's opinions! It's kind of mid-way between a Remix & an original so I wasn't too sure where to post it.
  13. Hey all I have a new mix I'm working on, and I'd like some feedback! I know the drums aren't great yet and there's not really any direction, but this is only 2 days worth of work and I thought I had a few good ideas so far. Originals: http://ecco-darksea.com/music/ecco2_04.mp3 http://www.ecco-darksea.com/prototypes/e2md_x11/audio/X11_07.mp3 And my renditions: http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=871 http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=870 As always, listen and comment!
  14. well I won OLRmegeddon with this but I really think this has potential for this site. I spent way to much time on it than I should have. I can redo vocals/lyrics or anything else really. http://tindeck.com/listen/wzno source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHfXMxxYv28
  15. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is my favorite game to this day, and is still one of the most impacting video games I have ever played. Since I love the game so much, and I honor the music (because if not for the music the game would have just been mediocre) I have made several cover songs from the game. I plan on adding more to this list because I don't think they had good enough quality sounds to work with when making that game back then. These are my tribute to the best game. http://soundcloud.com/clayjrjr2/sets/the-legend-of-zelda-ocarina-of-time-covers
  16. Hey guys.. this is just a short short short little bit of what I have for a corneria remix. doesnt go too far, just a little sample, even though its short feed back would be appreciated. Note, I just got symphonic orchestra silver a few days ago, so i'm on a 'high' of creating symphonic pieces. http://www.mediafire.com/?tp0e9e7r2tf1n2q (2nd Version) http://www.tindeck.com/listen/gfch (3rd Version) http://www.tindeck.com/listen/nizt (4th version) http://www.tindeck.com/listen/ctfx (fixed)
  17. sup guys? i thought i would share a few of my very old wips that i may be scrapping of probably might work again eh who knows? ive come a long way i dont even sound like this anymore Phoenix Wright- Trails and Tribulations (Objection theme i believe cant remember) http://www.tindeck.com/listen/syuh Doomsday Zone (Sonic 3? or S&K? i always get it mixed up) some of you mightve heard this before as my green hill zone remix http://www.tindeck.com/listen/aciz Skies Of Arcadia (Battle Theme) http://www.tindeck.com/listen/xuoz Lufia 2 (watchman seal??) cant remeber the name of the source http://www.tindeck.com/listen/dlpv Scrap Brain Zone Sonic 1 http://www.tindeck.com/listen/seug
  18. Hey guys, its been for ever since i've been on here. I just recently decided to start up again in my music. Just because it seems like thats really my best talent/skill. This song was going to be longer, but for some reason I shortened it, but I think now I might extend it longer. I also just recently got EWQL Symphonic Orchestra Silver. So this is made with it. Anyways, please comment. http://www.mediafire.com/?unom5udlb8c9za3
  19. I'm working on this remix of "The man with the Machine Gun" from Final Fantasy 8, got a short background melody partially finished, then realized I had the notes wrong, so I'll be going back over it, but I think it still sounds nice. Have a hear, let me know what you think. http://soundcloud.com/mirev/prison-wanderers EDIT: FINAL version one: http://soundcloud.com/mirev/prison-wanderers_five_seven
  20. New version here: http://soundcloud.com/cc-ricers/cc-ricers-big-hands-to-fill-wip-2 First version I'm flexing my dubstep muscles again. This is what I have so far. I'll try my best not to post an update until I get this to 3 minutes. I expect the final version to be around 4 minutes long. It's not really dark sounding, considering the source, but it does get loud. Well, take that back, it does get darker at the end. I may add some voice samples, but just not as much as in the source
  21. At first I had started on this as a license track or whatever you want to call it but now I've decided that I want to make an album of breakbeat tracks with this being one of them. It's a wip though so it can go anywhere at anytime but for the most part it'll sound like this just way more refined since it's part of an album project. Try playing this to some action sequence whether it's fighting, or a car chase scene, or gun fight, whatever I think it fits nicely lol anyways hope this is enough to spark some interest... Rush
  22. "Oh, come on, now you're just spamming the forum." Nah. I forgot to post this one up - and to take the other one, the "dream" one - down. But this is, as you can probably tell, a Windmill Hut remix. Only now, it's mainly strings - cello, violin, harp, and guitars. And a piano. So, what do you think? It begins with original content, then progresses into the well-known theme and follows up and out. What do you think?
  23. "Hey, DJSoto13, why are you rushing out all these 'remixes'? They're pretty bare, yet you keep moving on." Eh. When I hit a creative wall on one song, I save it and move on to another song. After slowing down while working on the Orchestral Link to the Past one, I threw this together - a pretty conservative, yet nice-sounding (in my opinion) version of Gerudo Valley (Ocarina of Time). Too conservative for your tastes? I know it's not balanced THAT well (fades in/out, mastering, etc), I KNOW. This is just a rough draft.
  24. This is my first stab at 'remixing', though this may be more like a cover. I recorded by ear and it doesn't quite sync up with the original, but it's close enough to tell what it's modeled after. I'm guessing it's pretty far from what it can be polished, and I'm looking forward to some critiques that might help me make it better.
  25. Hi! I'm working on a song that mixes Drum&Bass and Orchestra. It's mostly DnB though, with some Dubstep type stuff at the beginning. Just wondering what everybody thought of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kQQIdwFFws I know it's a lower quality version, being on youtube, but I wanted it to be accessible (and I'm more interested in arrangement/sound ideas rather than quality). Thank you for your time! Kruai
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