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  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqhn1muwVoA&ab_channel=Kamex Here is the original theme for comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hSrrXJkHjQ&ab_channel=dialga328 Hello again! I just want to drop in with another finished song that I still have the project file to so I can treat it as a WIP. So any suggestions would be appreciated!
  2. Link to mp3: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4gs06u4wxmu41pf/dkc2hotheadbop%2010072015-FINAL.mp3?dl=0 Been working on this for a day or so, I know the piano is a bit off as far as timing so I'm already working on making that better, but looking for some feedback on everything else. Source:
  3. So I attempted to ReMix Super Smash Brothers Brawl's "Final Destination" theme in a DnB style. Any feedback or tips to help me do better are appreciated! It is a finished song, but I can always go back and change things, so I guess treat it as a WIP. My ReMix: https://soundcloud.com/kamex97/kamex-final-destination Specifically, I need guidence with the violins that start at 0:41 and 2:46. They are very hard to mix into the song. Any suggestions on what I should do to blend it in better with the rest of the track? Other than that, if there are any other flaws, please let me know! I would like to give submitting this a try one day! Source track:
  4. I'm looking for feedback for this ReMix of Zinnia's battle theme in the genre of Drum and Bass. Though it is uploaded, still count it as a WIP since if something needs to change can be changed. Here is the ReMix: Here is the Original: Any issues with the ReMix? Things that were good or bad? Anything to help would be very appreciated. Thank you for your time!
  5. Hello everyone! Here is a short orchestral remix I did, using the Sonic 3 Boss theme. I hope you enjoy it!
  6. Updated version of my FTL Milky Way Battle Remix for the Artist Appreciation Competition. I changed up a few parts from the original competition version and added some sound effects. For fun I also did a version with a rage scream by Brandon Strader. Enjoy! Remix: https://soundcloud.com/garpocalypse/ftl-fate-of-my-crew Rage Scream Version: https://soundcloud.com/garpocalypse/ftl-fate-of-my-crew-rage-scream-version Source:
  7. Hi all. I've got a nearly-final draft of a remix I've been working on for a while. It's of my all-time favorite DDR tune, Sync, by Outphase. Original: Remix: https://soundcloud.com/tonalysis/outphase-sync-tonalysis-mix-version-2
  8. Name of the Arrangement: Menu 1 Original Game: SSB Melee Source: Link to Arrangement: Yesterday i tried to arrange this piece with a guitar and a recorder. Failed miserably at it, so i ended doing this. I hope you enjoy it.
  9. Hi guys, been working on this one for a couple of days now. It's still in its very early stages, but the general idea is there. Looking for any feedback so far even as I make my own adjustments and keep working on the song. Note: this isn't even the "full" remix yet, but it's as far as I've gotten. It will be longer. Just trying to get feedback as I go. The Source: The remix (updated 28 June 2015) https://www.dropbox.com/s/zw826kg3o72anvx/Fester%27s%20Quest%20Overworld%20Remix%20updated%2028%20June%2015.mp3?dl=0
  10. Hello everyone. I've been aware of ocr for the longest time and always wanted to try doing something but never had the guts to sign up. So I signed up at the beginning of this year and never posted. So this is my first post, but I've been doing lots of Touhou rearrangements on the side for a while now. So this is a post-rock rearrangement of "Dullahan Under the Willows" from the most recent (full) Touhou game. I feel like I used a lot of the source, but because my arrangement is 7 minutes long, I am worried the percentage is off. Either way I am finished the arrangement, so please lend me your mixing advice. source tune: updated May 17 2015: current revision (wav): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8406298/20150517x.wav mp3: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8406298/20150517x.mp3 album There are several drum homages so I hope that's not a problem; kudos if you recognize them. Thank you for your time.
  11. Orignial- Remix- https://soundcloud.com/yoshiblade1/target-acquired-2 "For those regarded as warriors, when engaged in combat, the vanquishing of thine enemy can be the warrior's only concern." -HH If the word "infamy" could be placed in musical notation, this is what we would hear. How does this little tune has within its few notes passion, anger, fear, determination in so many words this was my favorite part of the MM series. It's as if the Robot Master is both taunting you or the voice of a God demands "This is your foe, kill or be killed". This song is right up there with the James Bond Theme or the Mission Impossible Theme for imparting the urgency and danger the task at hand possesses. As a side note 2 things. 1) Yes the intro must remain that long, I'm taking you on a trip back, many things change in MM, but the song remains (mostly) the same and I need every second, TBH I would have made it longer, but thats another story. 2) These drums an in need of help, The very drums were done by me live on the radio, back in march and I liked them so much, I tried to recreate them at home, not satisfied. If anyone is up to the challenge of trying to add some drums, PM me and we'll figure something out. As always Thank You for listening and all feed back is necessary and welcome.
  12. My arrangement can be heard here And here's the original for comparison. I know the drums are a big area which need improving, but I'm terrible at writing percussion. so some advice would be much appreciated. Other than that, I think it's mostly mastering I need to take care of, but that's also a field I'm pretty new to. I did my best, but I'm sure it needs more still, as well as any fine-tuning to the arrangement that I might not have noticed. Sort of in the same vein, should I pan some instruments more? Thoughts/suggestions on what could or shouldn't be panned? EDIT: New version can be found here.
  13. New version: LINK Sources: - DK Escapes! (heard at the very beginning of the video)Judges' Decision: HERE Basically trying to get it on OCR. Feedback me!
  14. This track combines 2 songs from the game Shovel Knight into a sad, lamenting song with vocals. It features the songs 'Requiem of Shield Knight' and 'A Thousand Leagues Below'. It was made in one week for the Knights of the ReMix doubles compo. Composition and arrangement by Jorito and evktalo, lyrics by evktalo and vocals by Xarnax42. Mixed and mastered by Andy Booth. We did some more polishing and finally deem the song finished. We're very happy with the final result, but we're curious what you guys think of it so feedback is appreciated! Source tracks: http://virt.bandcamp.com/track/the-requiem-of-shield-knight http://virt.bandcamp.com/track/a-thousand-leagues-below-iron-whale-manami-matsumae ReMix: https://soundcloud.com/jorito/shovel-knight-shovels-lament Or if you prefer it with visuals: Source breakdown: 0:00-0:07 Celeste intro, based on the Requiem lead at 0:03-0:05. 0:08-0:16 Cello enters, riff is from A Thousand Leagues Below @ 0:55-0:57. 0:16-0:32 Variation of the main melody from Requiem with different bass. 0:32-1:04 Two first thirds of the first verse, based on Requiem's 0:02-0:24 (though on 0:02-0:12 more clearly); ATLB 0:55 riff from the intro features at 0:55-1:04. 1:04-1:35 Final third of the verse follows the 0:25-0:47 portion of the Requiem (ATLB 0:55 riff again ata 1:12-1:20). 1:35-2:08 The chorus is based on ATLB 0:55-1:05, which is easiest to hear 1:43-1:52 and 2:04-2:08. The vocal melody is based on 0:57 and 1:00 of the source. 2:08-2:40 The second verse follows 0:25-0:47 in the requiem. The cello adds some ATLB from 0:19-0:24 at 02:31-02:39. 02:40-3:10 Is the second chorus. 3:10- 3:44 From ATLB 0:19-0:36. 3:45-4:00 From ATLB 0:36-0:46 (acoustic guitar), trumpet solo based on the main Requiem melody. 4:00-4:16 The same, actually. especially audible at the end. 4:16-4:32 From ATLB 0:46-0:55. 4:32-end Repeats of the chorus (continuing the ATLB coverage from 0:55->). Lyrics: sky is clear the thunder gone no gold at the end of the rain we fought hard we fought long nothing left at the end of the day I'd be king you, the queen we'd beat them, we would drive them away turns out we were not the heroes we were made out to be chorus: if I lose my place you're there, you'll catch my fall promises break and you are still my all with you there shielding me I have faith, I can dig our way through we've got all the treasure we need if I lose my place you're there, you'll catch my fall promises break and you are still my all (middle part) nothing remains apart from the ash, still warm ambitions fade and you are still my all though I've lost my grace you're there, you'll catch my fall catch my fall catch my fall catch my fall Enjoy!
  15. (Yes, i know i submitted another piece for mod review recently, but i am kinda stuck with that now for now) Link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/93823550/The%20Forest%20of%20Melancholy.mp3 Name: The Forest of Melancholy Sources: Mining Melancholy and Forest Interlude, both from Donkey Kong Country 2 Comments: I consider this one pretty much done arrange wise, maybe a non looping ending ending could be done (But i kinda like loops hahahaha), aside from that i think did arrange, blend and mix both pieces together pretty fine.
  16. So here I am running Cubase and Reason trying to get them to play, and all they do is when the music starts to pick up I get the gremlins and all the sound goes to hell, in this grabbled mess so i figured when "life gives you lemons, make lemonade...then throw it in Life's face for giving you lemons when you asked for oranges" -P.H Yeah so here it is, any thoughts? Im aware the drums can be repetitive, but that is whats holding this song back and Ive tried nothing and Im all out of ideas!!! Seriously though, I need much help with these drums. (preemptive shout out to timaeus222, Whats up?) (I know its a long play, but bare with me here) https://soundcloud.com/daniel-lesuer/gremlins
  17. Meet the Workshop Moderators! The purpose of this thread is to give any would-be workshop denizen the ability to best utilize the staff here. In other words, here's what you need to know about each one of us! Each of us are here to help you grow as a musician and (hopefully) into a posted ReMixer. However, not all of us operate the same way, and we each have different backgrounds. Some of us are in different time zones, and we all have projects, lives, family, and music of our own to attend to. Nonetheless, the reason we're workshop mods is because we each have a passion for helping others improve. ambient (yes, with a small "a") Real name: Alex Gventsadze Location: Georgia Occupation: Professional Services Preferred method of contact: PM Also reachable by: TBD Five OSTs I recommend: Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Streets of Rage, Streets of Rage 2, Tekken Tag Tournament 2. About me: Far from a professional musician (though I have a bit of a background in classical piano and upright bass), my involvement in any kind of creative process associated with music is limited to what I do on OCR. I mainly focus on electronic music and could offer only limited input when it comes to other musical styles. I've been a part of the OCR community since the early 2000s. Argle Real name: Adam Kirby Location: Tinley Park, IL, USA Occupation: Programmer analyst Preferred method of contact: PM Five OSTs I recommend: Chrono Trigger , King's Bounty: the Legend, Rayman, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Super Mario Galaxy About me: just a dude who likes to make teh remixes. Been at the music thing for over a decade. I play violin and guitar but I consider that secondary to composing computer-based music. I try to write in a variety of genres to prevent myself from getting bored, and would like to think I can give feedback on pretty much any genre. Look forward to helping people out! Gario Real name: Gregory Nourse Location: Palos Verdes Estate, California, USA Occupation: Electrical Engineer (Student), General Contractor Preferred method of contact: Skype (TheGreatGario), PM Also reachable by: AIM, Newgrounds PM (Gario), FB Five OSTs I recommend: Dragonseed, Megaman Soccer, Final Fantasy 8, Utopia (SNES), Saga 2/3 (Final Fantasy Legends, in USA) About me: I have my degree in Music Theory and Composition from UNM (back in 2008... hard to believe it's been that long already), and as such I've actually had a lot of experience listening to all sorts of styles of music (both tonal and atonal). As such, one area I'm particularly keen on is arrangement, voice leading and orchestration of the track. As of 2008 I've done a lot of work on my own learning the ins and outs of production, so I can give some solid advice on that front, as well. I'd like to be as diligent as possible on these boards, though unfortunately I've only had time to browse them actively once a week, roughly. If you send out a PM I'd be happy to direct some Mod Review justice your way, though - a friendly request often serves you well! Rozovian Real name: Ad G Location: Finland Occupation: TBD Preferred method of contact: PM Also reachable by: AIM, Skype, email Five OSTs I recommend: Seiken Densetsu 3, Halo 3 ODST, Bastion, Super Metroid, Mirror's Edge About me: I complain about the compression in your mix, and leave figuring out source usage to the other mods. And I have a beard. XPRTNovice Real name: Joseph Zieja Location: Northern Virginia (changes almost yearly) Occupation: Voiceover Artist Preferred method of contact: OCR PM at the moment Also reachable by: Skype, mIRC sometimes, pigeon OSTs I recommend: Xenogears, Persona 3 About Me: Relatively new to OCR (joined January 2012), but I've been a musician for over 20 years. My highlight seems to be the amount of instruments I play (at widely varying different skill levels of course), which include 4 saxophones, clarinet, guitar, mandolin, trumpet, french horn, flute, piano, and oud. I'm also a voiceover artist and fantasy/science fiction author on the side (hopefully some good news about my books coming in 2014). I'm glad to be a part of the OCR community and now I'm thrilled to be a part of the staff as well. I look forward to growing with you all. WillRock (Judge) Real name: William Harby Location: UK Occupation: Composer Preferred method of contact: Skype (WillRock07), PM, Facebook Also reachable by: AIM, IRC Five OSTs I recommend: iunno About me: Dunno. You guys can look me up here. Also work as a composer for edgebee studios. Got a degree in music tech. Etc. Reason i'm posting here is because I don't frequent the boards, and i'm technically still a WS Mod. but I DO like to look and help out people with their tracks, particularly if they come to me in person. Its better to send me a direct message (AIM/IRC/Skype) rather than PM because otherwise I may think "i'll look later" and not get around to it, but contact me and i'll more than happily help out anyone who needs it. I wouldn't class myself as particularly great with a specific area of critique but i'm a good all rounder and can probably give a decent idea if something will pass the panel or not. Hit me up on Skype!
  18. I found this lying around, fixed it up. Would love some critical commentary. <3 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bxt6WgDzOmkneFBRVXR1a1ZfWlE/edit?usp=sharing Comprising Portions of: 1. Final Fantasy 8- "The Man With The Machine Gun" 2. Super Mario Brothers(Bros.)- "Overworld" 3. Donkey Kong Country- "Theme" 4. The Legend of Zelda: "Song of Storms"
  19. Preview Listen & Buy 4tha3rdtime Soundcloud Page Bangtraction EP on Beatport Bangtraction Ep on Ttraxsource
  20. Update 08/12/12! +Different pianos used +Mixing/Mastering fixed +Altered sections After the *NO*, I'm fixing this up for resubmission. Apparently - according to most of the judges - the arrangement was fine, so I've upgraded a few of the issues they had with the sample used and feel of the piano. Submitting for Mod Review just to get a final opinion before I resubmit this for good. Tindeck - Free MP3 download: Kingdom Hearts - Hollow Bastion (Piano Version).mp3 So this is a 5-piano remix of the Hollow Bastion Theme from Kingdom Hearts. I really don't know the genre to define this as to be honest, but I hope you guys enjoy it. Updates: Version 1.1 +More reverb +Middle section included +Velocities and volume levels slightly altered Version 1.2 +Created a more solid ending +Cleared a few things up +Several minor changes Version 2.0 +New soundfont for some parts +Changed melody of middle section slightly +Included a more personal interpretation of the major section in the repeat +Fixed a few issues with volume and velocity +Submitted for Mod Review Version 2.1 +General fix for most sections +Proper linking between first section and middle section Version 3.0 +Humanisation and velocity changes for the melody and other pianos throughout the piece +Newly programmed reverb +Mixcraft 6 +A couple of fixes for note patterns that didn't work so well +Volume change for base-chord piano Version 3.1 +More humanisation +Fixes to the reverb and volume +New soundfont (Piano One) Version 3.2 +Fixed distortion +Fixed melody crackling Version 4.0 +New soundfont (Pianissimo) +A great deal more humanisation +Fixed every audio issue of crackling, distortion, and volume problems throughout the whole track +Added just the right amount of reverb +Finished every section by adding some new notes and removing some unneeded ones +Moved down a single semitone to avoid soundfont issues (it's incredibly temperamental with high 'B' notes) Version 4.1 (FINALISED, SUBMITTING) +Fixed final crackling problems +Moved back up a semitone after resolving soundfont issues +Added more variation in the repeat
  21. First time submitting something here, but I figured it'd be worth a shot haha. So this is a remix of the game gear version of "Scrap Brain Zone" from Sonic the Hedgehog that I did last year for the Sonic Stadium's 2011 album. It includes some "cameos" like Never Let It Go from Sonic the Fighters, Sonic 3's Boss theme, and a tiny bit of Mad Gear Act 3 from Sonic 4: Episode 1. I touched up the mix a bit since it's release, but I guess this is where I see if it's up to snuff or not XD. EDIT: (Current/Final version here) Building the Empire - Wolfblur https://www.box.com/s/sku7qconzdrijnqkilxk And the original source if anyone is rusty on what the song is:
  22. Hey! I've been experimenting with remixing stuff for quite a while, but I'd never get anything quite satisfying to me. I think I might finally be coming up with something good. I'd like to know what you guys think about it. It's still far from finished, though. Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2IXKsYHGJ0 Remix: http://www.tindeck.com/listen/hvmd Thanks! EDIT : FINAL VERSION : Nostalgic Waters v3
  23. Remix: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/4556435/wang_you_want.mp3 Source: Previous version: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/4556435/wang_you_want_old.mp3 This is a remix I originally did about a year ago, but never got around posting it all the way to the judges. Thought I might give it another spin now. The original Shadow Warrior soundtrack is pretty much pseudo-asian ambient, Everybody OFF!!! included, so I expanded that concept and worked in the beats, bigger percussions and more realistic oriental instruments. The result is this sort of dubstep-ish thing. "Shanghai step", I call it. I'm marking this as "finished" (because it pretty much is IMO), but maybe someone could lend me a fresh pair of ears and tell me if there are some areas that still need improving before I label it for mod-review and forward it to judging. It would be much appreciated.
  24. This is a remix of 'To Galaxy' from the Halo 4 soundtrack. It uses the percussion stem from the original, and everything else is made by me. Some of the strings got a little whiny, but in most cases everything is going perfectly so far. Any suggestions/criticisms? EDIT: The track starts at about 0:11. Sorry about that. XD EDIT: And it's finished! Soundcloud Link
  25. Inspired mostly by "Skyward," I decided to take a crack at remixing the Ballad of the Windfish. I think it's coming along nicely so far, though it certainly has its flaws. But I'd like to get opinions on how you all think the first minute or so is sounding, since I'm still relatively new at this. Thoughts, anyone? Original: Link (v1): http://www.box.com/s/2pct4mf99bq7huqqjafx Version 1.2: http://www.box.com/s/tvupkmb0gmkilkqli8dh Version 1.3: http://www.box.com/s/73e69713c17dd0f8bac7 Version 2: https://www.box.com/s/626be9cf23480b131969 Version 3: https://www.box.com/s/878392f48680e0edc6fb Version 1.2 changes: Essentially took most, if not all of Jean Of mArc's suggestions Version 1.3 changes: Started to work on the bridge Version 2 changes: First version of the completed song; added cameo themes: Kakariko Village, Great Sea, Clock Town, Mabe Village, Island in the Sky, Outset Island, Hyrule Market
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