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Found 16 results

  1. A synthwave rendition of Hurry! by Nobuo Uematsu, featured in the game Final Fantasy VII. This is my remix. This is the original song for reference. My arrangement is done on synthesizer. I kept the same BPM to give the same overall timing but manipulated the beat into an electronic/synthwave style. I also introduced many new instruments, micro-rhythms, and timbres.
  2. Me and my good friend Vincent Moretto made this cover of Otherworld from Final Fantasy X by Nobuo Uematsu. I'm really happy with how it turned out and any constructive thoughts would be appreciated!
  3. Hi! I'm a self taught audio engineer and composer! A friend of mine told me about these boards and I wanted to say hi! share some stuff I've done and see how you all think it could sound better! I love criticism the more detailed the better, what did I mess up what did I actually do right and so on. I use FL Studios Producer Edition and free public VSTs.
  4. Hi, Here is a piano arrangement of "If you open your heart" from ff7. This is not a major theme of the game. But I find this music interesting to work on. About the inspiration, there are a lot of Asian harmonies. I was also influenced by some pieces of Debussy, an author that I like a lot. Any feedback is welcome!
  5. Here is an orchestra arrangement of "Cleyra" and "One danger put behind us" from Final Fantasy IX Original music : Nobuo Uematsu Arranged by me : Flute : @Bowlerhat Violin : @Chris ~ Amaterasu I had several influences for this arrangement: Celtic, movie, march band… I came where I wanted, following my inspiration and my mood of the moment. Enjoy!
  6. Hi, Here is a piano arrangement of "Airship" and "Legend of the Deep Forest" (final fantasy 5) https://soundcloud.com/bluelighter0085/final-fantasy-5-flight-over-the-enchanted-forest In its original version, "Airship" was in a heroic mood. I've tried to play it in a different way. After that, it was natural to marry with the forest theme. Enjoy
  7. i'm looking for people with a background in both classical and video game music(Final Fantasy mostly) to be part of a youtube documentary I wanna make for my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Videogamearrangements PM/email me if interested for more details: caitrin7@hotmail.com People I would like to get: @XPRTNovice no @sphexic @Jillian Aversa Jeremy Robson Derek Oren @Chad Seiter @Rexy no @BogusRed got @djpretzel site founder Jake Kaufman Tommy Pedrini And of course(tossing wishes at unicorns here): Nobuo Uematsu these people worked on ff15 Yoko Shimomura Yasunori Mitsuda ep ignis Taku Iwasaki ep. ardyn(who else teared up at the main menu theme?)
  8. As iconic as the Final Fantasy series soundtrack is, I've always made the argument that its hard to judge if you've played the games because you have to ask yourself; "Was this song REALLY that good or was it the associated emotion from the games plot that makes me like it?" The soundtrack is also highly derivative. Jenova's theme "J-E-N-O-V-A" from Final Fantasy VII is clearly, at the very least, "inspired" by the ending theme to the film "Blade Runner", which was scored by Vangelis. The motiv from Sepiroth's theme "Those Chosen By The Planet" sounds eerily similar to parts of "Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary" (a synthesizer version was used as the intro to Stanley Kubrick's film adaptation of "A Clockwork Orange") And now I think I've found yet another one: I know the intro in this song is almost identical to a final fantasy song, but I don't remember which song or game. Anyone have a clue?
  9. Thought everyone would get a kick out of this; rock/metal cover of “Devil’s Lab” from FFVI. Let me know what y’all think! I’m particularly pumped on the solo in this one, haha.
  10. This is our first remix, uploaded to Soundcloud and feedback is appreciated. It has been recently submitted but, not yet uploaded to OCRM. Thanks a lot! Digital Season.
  11. Hey! I am looking for feedback on this arrangement I did of Endless Sorrow from FFIX. I took the original and created a completely organic sound using European Folk instrumentation. Musicians are: Violin: Michaela Nachtigall Viola: Andrew Steffen Guitar: Jordan Chin Bodhran: Ian Martyn Mixing by John Montoya So what does everyone think? Would you like to see an album of music like this?
  12. This is a rock arrangement that I created of FFVII's "Let the Battles Begin!", more commonly known as "Those Who Fight" or "Fighting". I used Logic Pro 9, a Sterling JP70 7-string guitar, Guitar Rig 5, and a Focusrite Scarlett 2i4. There are eight instruments; electric guitar, electric bass, drums, rock organ, grand piano, violin, trombone, and a synth lead. Everything beside the electric guitar is programmed. Hope you enjoy, and tell me what you think!
  13. Hello to OCREMIX Community. This is Marcel Gherman alias Megatone, a musician and prose writer. I wish to present you my album Realms of The Cosmic Tree, in the style of old school Japanese fantasy RPG games. The album is inspired by my science-fiction modular novel Multiverse and my cycle of fantasy prose Chroinicles of Pandava. Last track on the album is a short fragment from an audiobook based on my fantasy story The Path to Avalonia. Enjoy! https://archive.org/details/arboruniversalis
  14. Hi everyone, Friends and I just uploaded our first cover of our new project on YouTube. It is a metal cover of the theme Force Your Way from Final Fantasy VIII in symphonic and progressive style. We would love to have your thoughts about it, since this forum loves OST as we do ! Many thanks to you ! Greetings from France
  15. Hope everyone can enjoy this! We've been wanting to tribute not just this game, but many from the same generation (1995-2000). Please check out our album for more pieces at http://legacy-sessions.com A Tribute to Final Fantasy VII (Legacy Sessions: GAME Generation 5): Arrangement by Casey Ormond (official FFXII Piano Collections, Valkyria Chronicles Piano Pieces) Co-created by Demetri Potiris (production co-ordinator for Valkyria Chronicles, Tekken 6, Tactics Ogre remake live recordings, as well as Casey's albums) Any questions or comments you have are most welcome! Demetri will answer any production questions, Casey will answer any arrangement questions.
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