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Found 11 results

  1. Thanks to the talent of @TeraCMusic, @VelkkuEvilBastard, @pixelchips and @Dextastic, here is a remix from "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night" to celebrate the holiday season ! A huge thank you to everyone involved in this project -- you guys are the best ! HAPPY HALLOWEEN !!
  2. Though it was meant to be sung by the fairy in the Playstation game, I always picture Sonia singing this lullaby to young Trevor at the end of" Legends" ! I also thought arranging the piece in the same style as A2's "Chosen One" might be a good idea -- tell me if it is Original: Remix (Instrumental): Feedback is welcome !
  3. A pretty little track from an underappreciated game.
  4. I desperately need more "Resident Evil" remixes... or an official OCR Album -- a man can only dream But for now, I want to see how far I can go with this piece of my own. Inspired by Tony MacAlpine's "Tears of Sahara", I'd like to see if I can come up with a sweet rock ballad version of "Sleeping Beauty", which I fell in love with. Original: Remix: I need to reach some friends of mine in order to help me record the final version. In the meantime, feedback is very welcome
  5. I kinda realize what Capcom wanted to go for in Juri's SFV theme. And I actually somewhat like it. BUT, to be honest, we all know it doesn't fit her. So, here's my take on it.
  6. Hi, here is my remix of the Roxas Theme from the Kingdom Hearts 2 video game for PS2. My second ever mix originally done on Sony Acid. Unfortunately I lost the ACID DAW file with the actual arrangements so I can't actually make any changes besides filters and what not. If anyone is good at manipulating filters and gates and have a way to make the sound better please leave any comments and thoughts. If you think it sound fine the way it is thank you too. Original My Mix
  7. Hi, I sampled the first few bars from Final Fantasy X-2 Theme Song Wind Crest The Three Tails (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQm2dO0qI5g) with FL Studio. Was aiming for a new soul sound with epiano and bass. Near the end of the song it kind of gets away from it because the song transition felt like it need something slightly different so added a some synthesizers. I don't think it sounds too bad but good criticism is welcome. I would like some feed back. Enjoy. Thanks for listening.
  8. Yes, yes. I know. We're supposed to be getting Alex for this month. And I'm waiting for that heavily. But if it's an Alex concept you're looking for, Check out MaxieDaMan's concept here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KtVq...If any of you played 3rd Strike, you know that was the game to come home from school and start playing. While New Generation and 2nd Impact were good, the hugest mark left on us was by 3rd Strike. And with Urien and Alex joining the roster along with some returning cast, you know it's gonna be lit. 3rd Strike had some of the greatest music (Aside from the online remixes. Some of which were good and I enjoyed. You'll hear a bit of that here.).I'm gonna try and make a new theme every week. But I have a surprise in September for you guys. Keep watch.
  9. Since Street Fighter V is well on it's way to PS4 and PC in less than sixteen days, I decided to do a short little project and create a concept theme for a character in another Street Fighter Universe. Kairi Mizukami is a character (A favorite of mine, actually) from the Street Fighter EX series, which was born from the collaboration between Capcom and Arika. There are a lot of EX characters that I want to see return and hopefully, Arika decides to work with Capcom again later on down the line.In all honesty, I was thinking about doing a concept album for characters, EX and all, who aren't in the game. I don't know yet, depends on how people like this one. I wanted to capture the essence of SFV while still keeping the original sound of the EX series theme. Lemme know what you guys think.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-2J1PjMY5F3oWURd0gv-mg I've made a new Gamertag (Zer00-1nfinity) and play USFIV on PS3. I upload a lot of replays from online onto my channel (most of which is Ryu [Me] vs. Evil Ryu/Ken/Dan), so if you want to grade how bad I am at the game, feel free. I usually upload a new replay a couple days a week, since I play it every time I turn on the PS3. If you would like to fight against me (and probably beat me), feel free to add my Gamertag, or vice-versa. Also if you're a good Ryu, Ken, Guile, (Balrog, Rolento, Vega) or Yun player, let me know because I would love to learn some new combos and stuff like that with these guys.
  11. I don't usually like vocal remixes, but its usually cause I don't like their singing. I think this song could be made into a good into a good song if done right.
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