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  • 2 months later...

I'm thinking about building myself a new computer from scratch but it's been about 5 years since I've done so and all these dang fangled new CPU/GPU/mobo brands and labels confuse me.

I don't suppose you mind giving me some advice as what pieces go with what other pieces based on price point would you?

I'm thinking about building myself a new computer from scratch but it's been about 5 years since I've done so and all these dang fangled new CPU/GPU/mobo brands and labels confuse me.

I don't suppose you mind giving me some advice as what pieces go with what other pieces based on price point would you?

sure. pm me what you want to do with it and a pricing point, and i'll get you a list of parts.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I'll post, because I was wondering...

You have much experience building servers Brad? Namely rackmount ones? I've been scouring the webs and have found some pretty good stuff in the server section at Newegg, but have just been deliberating endlessly. I have a server at home for my media which also hosts a really basic http and ftp server, and a custom built router. Lately though I've been looking in that corner of the room and thinking that it would be nice to have a good neat rack with everything lined up nicely.

I was thinking of buying just buying a 2u or 3u chassis with psu and just moving my current server into it until I can afford better innards, but... again, endlessly deliberating.


i've no experience with rackmount servers, no. tbh, while a rack is nice, it's way nicer to just put a little tower over in the corner. biggest issue with rackmounts is that there's no bloody space. all you need is something small and cheap that's at least an ATX mini tower, and it'll easily fit four or five drives (probably more since you don't need the optical slots).

racks are cool, but it's rare you've got enough to fit in them. stick with a small case, not even a keyboard or monitor =)


Actually what you mentioned as far as the little mini tower goes is exactly what I have right now. Just a little micro atx board with one OS drive of 200gb, and then two data drives with 1.5TB each. It's also headless, and running Server 2008 (thank you Academic Alliance). And while that in and of itself is fine to have over in the corner, all the additional crap I have over there is beginning to wear on me. I have a custom built router using a mini-itx board (case made of legos), a switch (because my router only has 2 NICs in it), and a wireless access point. Normally I would just use a regular wireless router to cover those last 3 things, but mine broke, and I already had the mini-itx board and wireless access point. I figured I might as well jump on a slickdeal for an 8-port, gigabit switch which cost me 15 bucks and just call it good.

In any case, it seemed a good idea to condense everything into one place where cable management can be super easy, and then just shove the whole package into a closet and be done with it.

Oh and on a side note... did you ever get the chance to make your mineral oil pc?

This PC is almost seven years old, and is underperforming for what I need it to do.

If you build me a gaming PC, how exactly would you get it here?

registered mail, man. it's priority mail plus two days, and someone has to sign every time it's touched. it's made shipping incidents go down from one in three for me to one in fifteen. much better =) and registered includes insurance and everything, so in that one incident we got the cash to fix it, no problem.

pm me how much money you've got to spend, what size monitor you're using (screen resolution matters a lot when picking a gfx card for gaming), and what you want to do with it, and i'll get you a rough price asap.

oh, and reaif, no, not yet =) we still live in a tiny little apartment. when we actually buy a house, i'll be giving it a shot. my sis-in-law is a vet, so i can get as much of the oil as i need - more than anything i just need some room to build it (and a general use for it, which i don't have right now).

  • 5 weeks later...

Time for a thread bump.


So a few days back I posted in the SC2 thread My comp might not be able to handle SC2. well it wont.

I was hoping you could help me out. I bought this card.


and it just made my computer way worse...

Maybe Im just doing it wrong I dont know, If I am doing something wrong what could it be.. followed the instructions so I dont know.

If the card is just lame then could you help me get better one?

I just need/want it to run sc2 without lag.

Perhaps you have one laying around you would sell?

Any help is appreciated.


I know this isn't exactly my thread and that the question wasn't directed towards me, but I'd like to offer up a little advice.

I believe the reason that that card is making things worse is because of one major reason. The card is a pci video card. Pci is rather old and the bus doesn't run terribly fast, and graphics these days require much more than a standard pci bus can deliver. There are a few other things that could use some improvement on that card, but the type of card is a huge one.

As far as what kind of card you should get, it really depends on what would be compatible with your system. Do you know what kind of video interface is on your motherboard? (Usually pci-express, or AGP if it is an older system). If it is pci-express, there are TONS of options available. If not, then you are much more limited.

Time for a thread bump.


So a few days back I posted in the SC2 thread My comp might not be able to handle SC2. well it wont.

I was hoping you could help me out. I bought this card.


and it just made my computer way worse...

Maybe Im just doing it wrong I dont know, If I am doing something wrong what could it be.. followed the instructions so I dont know.

If the card is just lame then could you help me get better one?

I just need/want it to run sc2 without lag.

Perhaps you have one laying around you would sell?

Any help is appreciated.

I'm not sure, but I think anything behind the 8800 is lame. (not to mention SUPER OOOOOOOOOOOOLD)


Right so PCI is super old.. Funny thing is I thought my computer is still semi new.. but then I thought about it and its nearly 5 years old..

Maybe im asking too much in the wrong place but, How much work (time & money) would it be to buy a new Motherboard with PCIe?

Posted (edited)

A 260 is probably overkill for 1440x900 honestly. A GTS 250 or HD 4850 (ATI equivalent) will pretty much handle anything under 1920x1080 for half the price. I'm running at 1920x1200 and my HD 4850 has taken more or less everything I've thrown at it. I do have to kill V-sync and turn down anti-aliasing sometimes but I've never really noticed any difference in graphical quality.

Edited by Dhsu
A 260 is probably overkill for 1440x900 honestly. A GTS 250 or ATI HD 4850 will pretty much handle anything under 1920x1080 for half the price.

Probably true, but it futureproofs yourself also, and it still isn't anything approaching an expensive card these days. Why go for "pretty much handle" when you could have "runs everything with all settings maxed" for under $200?

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