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OCR TF2 Team: Gametime 9 PM EST on OCR server MWF + some weekends

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OFFICIAL OCR TF2 CHAT: #ocrtf2 on ETG (same server as #ocremix)

OCR Server HLstatsX: http://ocremix.hlstatsx.com/

Current Map Rotation: Dustbowl, Fastlane, Turbine, and Goldrush

For a reserved slot, donate $3 to wesley.cho@gmail.com (thanks Bahamut!)

Custom maps used for server: http://oceansend.com/5502/ocr/tf2/ (download into your TF2 maps folder, usually in /Steam/SteamApps/downloads/(your username)/tf/maps or something like that)

OCR TF2 Players:

zircon - cubic_zirconium

Hemophiliac - Hemophiliac

SleazyC - Sh03.s| La Migra

bustatunez - [LEC]Bustatunez

Salty - Salty

Big Giant Circles - {GCC}Big Giant Circles

EdgeCrusher - EdgeCrusher36

Kanthos - Kanthos

Revelation Orange - Agent Revelation_Orange 002

OverCoat - OverCoat

DJSammyG - SammyG

starla - starla_injury

Dyne - Lt. Col. Dyne

Unstable Hamster - unstablehamster

Vivi22 - Vivi22

Fishy - Fishy1618

OA - oceansandrew

The Derrit - thederrit

Anthonium - 1117chronicles

Super Duper Sombrero - superdupersombrero

The Dennis - IcedInferno

joefu - joefu12

PosiBolt - PosiBolt


Steam Community Group - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ocremix


Servers we like: (Dustbowl, Gravelpit, 2fort)

Edit (Bahamut): The new server is at! The map rotation is on the top of the page. I still have some customization left to go, and verifying the slots/admin things, but I don't need to interrupt a game to tweak that stuff.

And please, I could use paypal donations for this (server costs $36 monthly, and ~$10 a month for HLstats)! Just $3 a month if you can, and if you feel like giving more, if there's extra left over, I will send them over to OCR. Click the following link or send the money to wesley.cho@gmail.com: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=wesley%2echo%40gmail%2ecom&item_name=OverClocked%20ReMix%20TF2%20Server&page_style=PayPal&no_shipping=1&cn=OCR%20Handle%20%26%20Steam%20ID&tax=0&currency_code=USD&lc=US&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF&charset=UTF%2d8

When you send a paypal payment, please list your OCR handle, SteamID, and Steam ID # in the comment field - in order to get your Steam ID #, first make sure the developer console is enabled in TF2 (go to Options -> Keyboard -> Advanced and enable it), and then enter a game. Then press ~ and enter status. Find your steam ID and the # is STEAM_x: x: xxxxx (sans spaces) - copy that whole expression into the comment field. Just in case, send me a PM on OCR to verify the payment & all requisite info is sent.

For admins - admin commands are here: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/Admin_Commands_(SourceMod) (so entering sm_admin in the console or !admin or /admin in the chat brings up the admin menu)


I'll have to get in on a game sometime soon. Haven't done much gaming at home in the last week; I've had a few other things on the go, and Easter won't help any. Maybe tonight or tomorrow though.


Need A Dispenser Here

Need A Dispenser Here

Need A Dispenser Here

Need A Dispenser Here

Need A Dispenser Here

Need A Dispenser Here

Put Dispenser Here

Ze Dispenser Goes Here

Need A Dispenser Riiiiight Here

well you have to configure it in your setttings, and in game hold the v key to talk.

Ok. I'm used to having a Ventrilo server to connect to for World of Warcraft, and I didn't even think about in-game voice chat.


I think it would be pretty nifty if we were in the clanOCR chat in steam, it would be easier to join each others games. I would be in #clanOCR, yet I can not connect to it. I think I'm being blocked. Any one know any good way of getting past this, such as a proxy?


This is hands down my favorite online multiplayer on the pc. I LOVE THIS GAME.

Anyway I'm already in the group. I don't like how steamID works though because for example you have a forum handle yet your steam id is different than that handle, and then there's the nickname you choose which shows up in game. Kind of like my case...

Forum Handle - anthonium

Steam ID - 1117chronicles

In game nickname - The Big Cheese


guys uh there is a whole ocr online gaming database fyi and it already has steam integration so use that please since mister drack put so much work into it

http://ocr.anticlan.net/browse.php?game=Steam for all who have added their steam id

http://ocr.anticlan.net/ to add your own

http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=14467 is the thread

#clanocr shouldnt just be a brawl only channel it is supposed to be for every kind of online gaming that ocr people are playing together


That's great, but not helpful for discussion or listing other information such as servers we like to play on... it would be nice to have a specific "Team Fortress 2" item as well. "Steam" is too vague considering all the games you can play on it.


I don't play too frequently because of my computer setup (non-intel mac), but I own a copy of the game and once a month I rock out LAN style with some friends and play the TF2 drinking game.

If you die; drink.

Anyways, i'll be playing more in a few months when I get my new Ubermac, so I can install an XP partition. I'd love to rock out with some OCR homies.


#clanocr shouldnt just be a brawl only channel it is supposed to be for every kind of online gaming that ocr people are playing together

Y'all weren't interested when I spammed it, seems like brawl central right now. I also invited you guys to StarCraft.

Again I'm pretty glad we're all finally playing. I have a question about etiquette- If someone you know is playing, is it polite to just join the game? I'd assume so if a ton of people are playing, but if it's some sort of clan server i'd stay away. Does this sound about right?

Lots of people from OCR have been playing Team Fortress 2 lately. How about a list of everyone's Steam ID? Here's a list of the ones I know. On the left is forum name/handle, on the right is the Steam ID.

zircon - cubic_zirconium

Hemophiliac - Hemophiliac

SleazyC - Sh03.s| La Migra

bustatunez - [LEC]Bustatunez

Salty - Salty

Big Giant Circles - {GCC}Big Giant Circles

EdgeCrusher - EdgeCrusher36

Kanthos - Kanthos

Revelation Orange - Agent Revelation_Orange 002

OverCoat - OverCoat

DJSammyG - SammyG

starla - starla_injury

Dyne - Lt. Col. Dyne

Unstable Hamster - unstablehamster

Vivi22 - Vivi22

Fishy - Fishy1618

OA - oceansandrew

The Derrit - thederrit

Anthonium - 1117chronicles


Steam Community Group - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ocremix


Servers we like: (Dustbowl, Gravelpit, 2fort)

I am hopefully going to be on soon. But its an unknown time on the computer arrival.

Add the PCgamer server to your lists thats likely going to be my main server.

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