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OCR TF2 Team: Gametime 9 PM EST on OCR server MWF + some weekends

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Alright, I think I figured out most of the things I need to figure out, so if there's settings tweaks wanted, please list them here before tomorrow night, which is when the server should be open to the public with everything desired.


Well, I don't want to put too many maps, so we're gonna need an agreed list of maps (and type the map names as usually found online for me so I can put them into the maplist text file).

The server is pretty much ready to go, but I'd like to alter the intro screen. I think I can implement a radio station feature as well, and maybe link it to Ormgas?

This is much more time consuming than I originally envisioned...

Here's a tip, although it may be hard to find a good server since you're in Australia - there's a map called achievement_box3 or something like that, a lot of people go there to do their achievements. It's optimal when it's organized well, and it may require a little patience, but it's by far the best way to get a lot of these achievements done.

Cheers Bahamut, I'll look it up.


If I can get in with decent ping, I'll gladly contribute sums toward it. It seems the costs are quite low compared to what I was expecting, so I'd gladly contribute $20+ a month, depending on how good the server is (from my end; foreign servers sometimes have pretty bad ping :|)

I'll have a look at it at some stage, steamID is OneThousandWorlds.

I agree that the medic achievements are kinda lame. I just got milestone 1; a weekend wasted. Anyone else expecting more from the first weapon?


My vote is Dustbowl, Granary, Well, and 2Fort, at least. These are all well-designed, fun maps (IMO). Plus, it varies up the gametypes. I haven't tried Goldrush yet unfortunately but if that is fun, we should add that too.


I would recommend NOT 2Fort. I used to like it, but I played it so much in TFC that I'm totally sick of it. I think a lot of other players hate it too, while not many players hate Gravel Pit or Dustbowl, which are solid map choices for a server.

My favorite map is actually Warpath, but that's a pretty wild request for a new server. Instead, I would recommend Gold Rush as a newer map to use.

I'm really looking forward to playing all the time in the OCR server.

P.S. my steam ID is SirChadlyOC.


So here's what I have cycling atm:





In that order, based on the thread so far. Dustbowl is a must, and I haven't played Goldrush really yet, so I'm not familiar with that, but I haven't heard of people hating on it, so it can't be bad.

If there's no other real complaints/comments, I'll turn the server into a public one sometime in the early afternoon. For those who were wondering, it's already up, and I posted the pw a little earlier, although soon enough you won't need a pw.

Edit: Actually, if there's any setting I need/want to change, I don't need to interrupt the game for it - server is going public momentarily.


Needs moar custom maps. Crossunder is decent, if a little small for a full-sized (32 player) server, Mach is fun but is a little easy to dominate (i.e. if you're fast enough with Engineer defenses and Scout rushes you can win pretty fast), and I'll add more as I think of them.


Sweet, I'll definatly be on the OCR server as much as possible, and I'll try to get a few of my friends to play on the server as well.

Oh, and I'm not a fan of most custom maps. I'm fine with any official map.

Man I need to add you guys to my friends list so I can get the uber 10 friends achievement.


My vote is no custom maps yet. There are enough good official maps. Hell, I play Dustbowl only 95% of the time and even that hasn't gotten old for me. Six solid maps are more than enough for me, and we can add more later as time goes on.


Yeah, I'm going to chime in and say no custom maps as well. There is the additional fact that Valve has separated the custom settings servers, so that it would be harder to attract people if we ran custom maps - which reminds me, we need to get a whole group of us on at once to play fairly frequently so that we can build the server into a place people will visit often.


Yeah, I'm not up for custom maps either. Valve maps tend to be finely tuned and balanced for the best gameplay experience anyway, so I'm good with just the defaults. Also, we should totally do some fragging on the server tonight. I'd be completely up for that.


I'm flexible. I'm really up for any day except Saturday nights to do TF2, so if you guys name a day and a time I'll try to be there. I know it's not helpful, but... let's get a feel for what works for other people.


Guess you guys won't be seeing too much of me, then. I'm bored of just about every map Valve has except Goldrush (which I haven't played yet). I recommend at least trying out some of the custom maps before you make a call on them - Crossunder is well-balanced fine, as are several others.

What does it matter how easily people find the OCR server? Won't 99% of people be coming from here anyways?


Doubtful - while a lot of people from OCR play TF2, on average our games only end up with 4-8 people from OCR at any given time. This server will encourage more people, but if we want to fill up capacity, we need some pubs.

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