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Digging the intro, I can feel this is gonna be a good song. Building up, some nice voices, kida midi-ish, but I still dig it. Huh? A Guitar Solo already? hehe sort of, nice guitar work. Ah, now the melodie icked In..I know what it is.. That brass-ish sound Is pretty cool too. I agree with the Judges the Drums DO sound GM, but the guitar puts the attentong away from them.

The trumpet solo was nice, not the realest sounding trumpet..but it does the Job..Samples dont make songs... WE DO!

I like it. Good Job.

Keep up the Good Work..Also, congrats on your Beer remix..I liked that one too hehe.



Finally a semi-Zero mix. I would've preferred the song to be a bit faster (to better reflect the actual source song, which is Sigma's first stage). It is reminiscient of Zero though, in that this stage did after all heavily involve him. (And is that a hint of MM2 I hear at the end..? hm...)

The samples are actually nice. Very reminiscient of snes music.

but can we PLEASE get a dedicated Zero mix?


I find this ReMix very interesting. The instruments are different and the tones are separate, yet it's managed to be kept altogether. It's freakishly amazing.


Ok, so here's my rundown of this mix.

This was the first mix i ever did, so be gentle. I did it last summer, about 6 months ago, right after i got my little roland JV1010, which i am now told has completely inferior drum patches. (i kind of noticed myself, but i dont know how to download/install new patches in cakewalk, if anyone woudl be interested in giving me a hand that would be great). anyway, someone asked if there was a little MMX2 in the mix. NO. the little interlude and pre-ending you hear is actually the intro theme from megaman 2. i think.

i don know why this song was the first to pop into my head, probably because it was easy as turd to arrange, the instruments are so clear cut. i thought it was pretty good for a first shot, but now i realize it's unspectacular. around october I threw on those guitars (actually, the solo i had originally recorded at half speed on keyboard) and i submitted it a few weeks after i submitted my second (and i think better) mix, Liquid Metal (available at an OCR near you.) so,

still, any comments, questions, etc are welcome at JTNights@attbi.com but please keep in mind this was my first mix. :oops:


Seemed a bit slow-paced for my taste. I'm also having trouble seeing the relation to Zero here. It's not too bad a remix, don't get me wrong. It jes seems, lazy? (the mix, not the mixer)

And that's quite the surprise ending there, the MegaMan2 theme tossed in, talk about variety.


I really appreciate this arranging. Very well done, and very inspired. Not just "do it twice then fade out." Well played.

But you gotta upgrade the sample quality. Get together with another remixer and have them do them do the synths for you and maybe have someone mix and master the track. It could sound leaps and mounds better (meaning the actual sound is muddy and the instruments don't cut through as well as they could), but again, the arrangment and music is awesome (meaning, the actual way you arranged the instruments and the bit of composing you did, not to mention the Mega Man 2 quote - all excellent).


Okay Vigilante, lets get started! <songplayed> Wow! .. Nice stuff, the guitar is certainly the highlight. a few rough panning issues, and a few rough issues with the volume being a tad piercing for me on a general level, but it all sounded really good, that Guitar brings the life to the mix man. On future work, work on the drums man. Other then that, good stuff.

0:01 - Okay, pretty straight forwared intro, right out of the original, the few synth additions help a bit, and at 0:18 you expand it a bit further.. and the panning sounds fairly good here.

0:35 - This fadey part here, i don't like as much, but you fix it up rather quick.

0:50 - Okay. The first thing of note is the drums. while they arent of said quality of the rest of the remix, they Arent THAT bad, what sets them apart so far is the lack of reverb and the midi-ish tone.

1:05 - Boom. This mix takes off right here. the guitar really brings the emotion RIGHT through to the listener. Brilliant work.

1:43 - Some cool effects are certainly portrayed here, and it sounds fairly good.. I know this medly fairly well, and you do a *great* job of mixing it up and making absolutely sure it never gets boring, its just a joy to listen too. awesome stuff.

2:43 - I wonder where your going to go from here..

2:58 - Excellent work here. a good leadup to the ending aswell.

3:13 - Good stuff here, the way the leads work together sounds very good.

3:30 - Now this ending. its very iffy to me. ive listened to it about 12 times and i still don't quite no what to say, it Works. ill say that much. and while i probably would've prefered to have it end on some different level, that is really personal preference, so it Does fit the mood, and for that, two thumbs up.


Good Job Vigilante.

THis mix was quite, Interesting, the beginning 'Da de da' distorted noise set me off first. Then...Well...

I liked the 'Zero' Theme incorporated into Sigma Stage one. I bet if you re-vamped this, it would be one hell of a piece. All in all, I give it a 8.5/10.

You did a nice job, and I love this theme. The guitar made this piece in my opinion.

I thought it was my dad playing the Video Game, but you actually had multiple guitars. NICE! Hopefully I will get up to your calliber someday.


Actually, there isn't any REAL elements of the Zero songs in here. You might think so because the stage started with Zero in it, but that was the same music track as the rest of the level.


Awesome job! I have to admit after hearing TZS, I had to listen to it again. I don't no if it was because it brought back memories of the game itself, or if the song was just that good, but i love it.

And if low grade samples are the matter, then kudos for being able to make this one a hell of a good remix.

Thanks strider, i'm planning on buying a better synth module and redoing some patches.

#2, the reason i called the song "the zero sacrifice" is because at the end of said sigma stage, zero...well...sacrifices himself.

Yes...That's what I meant, I knew the intentions. Heh, The particular scenario brought back the ol' memories of Zero getting pissed, whooping some hsit up and going Kamikaze.


Once this gets going, it's a pretty groovy piece. The guitar lead and some of the quieter sections in the middle are really well pulled-off. There does seem to be some very minor static and popping sounds near the end of the first section (and then a few other places), but that's easy to overlook.

Pretty solid first mix.


Initial response to judges comments & review posts- Smeg, Vig, that's what I was about to submit!!

(listening as file DLs...)

First ~30 seconds: Nice start, everything works but perhaps the melody synth that might be trumpet but I can't really place. Go more or less realistic, not somewhere in the middle next time


Next ~30: A scosh grainy, but I dig the bass. I've dealt with worse percussion myself, I'd say (perhaps counter to everyone else in the universe) what it needs more here is not quality samples but volumetric bringing out of what's already there, especially snare.


Next ~15: DAMN! If that's what you meant by Red Nostalgia needing better guitar, I'm sorry, it ain't happening! (not that I haven't made a few improvements, but... yeh.) Wow. Yeh. The guitar solo is this mix. period.


Next ~15: More goodness. Synths come in at about the right time to offset the drop of the initial "damn that's a sweet guitar" shock.


hating dial-up connection...


Next ~30 (at about 1:50 now): no more guitar?? waaahhhh :cry: Nice MegaMan Classic break, tho. Pity you got the idea thru judging before me, now I'll really need to submit Red Nostalgia within a couple days or it'll look like I've ripped it from you!


Next ~30: Guitar! :D but... This is a 3-and-some minute mix with Zero in the title, so why haven't I heard him at all by 2:20??


definitely getting broadband in college. Even if I have to get special permissions and install the cables in the dorm myself...


Next ~20: not much here I haven't heard previously, but all nice


Next ~40: siren's a nice touch. Still more classic MegaMan than Zero. I want my Zero!!!


And that'd be the end in 10 seconds. No Zero??? At all? :puppyeyes: You're no fun anymore!

Two point review:

+ The Guitar!!!

- misleading title...

Congrats, and let's hear it for success of first mixes!

I would've preferred the song to be a bit faster (to better reflect the actual source song, which is Sigma's first stage

Yes...well, here are the stats.

"Zero Sacrifice" -120 bpm

Sigma Stage 1 OST -150 BPM.

if you think you can play that solo 25% faster, be my guest. :wink:

I would have given it a shot, but I already knew what the results would be. :banghead:

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