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Final Fantasy IV: Echoes of Betrayal, Light of Redemption - History

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Yeah, they're in an offshoot section of the dungeon and dropped by the pink puffs. Insanely ridiculous odds of actually getting them, though...

Yeah, I gave up on this back in the day on the snes. I think it was something like 1/64 of getting the encounter, and then 1/64 change they'll drop the tail.


I only tried to fight the pink thingys once. They beserked my whole party. Anyway, all you need to do is go into the room in floor... um. The floor with 3 doors and the first one is a save point. Go back a floor and to the northeast a few steps there is a room with nothing in it. Use a siren in there and I guess you encounter them. I guess it's a 100% chance of encountering thim. But I don't know about the drop rate.

where do you get the tails? I found the regular ol' rat tail. Are the rest in the final moon dungeon?

There are 5 different kinds of tails in the game, excepting the rat tail. Certain monsters drop them - Green Dragons drop green tails, Yellow Dragons drop yellow tails, Armored Fiends drop black tails, Flan Princesses drop pink tails, and Red Dragons drop red tails, all of which you can use to exchange for the Adamant Armor (pink tail), or Onion equipment which grows stronger depending on your level. I only was able to get a green tail after about 100 battles with a Green Dragon and a black tail after ~20 battles with Armored Fiends. The Siren item used in certain places is necessary to get into battles with some of these enemies, and the only way to battle them with consistency.

Yeah, I gave up on this back in the day on the snes. I think it was something like 1/64 of getting the encounter, and then 1/64 change they'll drop the tail.

No wonder you gave up. Unless I'm mistaken, the tails dropped by those pink puffs were removed from the game in the North American SNES version. Unless you imported from Japan you never would have gotten them.

There are 5 different kinds of tails in the game, excepting the rat tail. Certain monsters drop them - Green Dragons drop green tails, Yellow Dragons drop yellow tails, Armored Fiends drop black tails, Flan Princesses drop pink tails, and Red Dragons drop red tails, all of which you can use to exchange for the Adamant Armor (pink tail), or Onion equipment which grows stronger depending on your level. I only was able to get a green tail after about 100 battles with a Green Dragon and a black tail after ~20 battles with Armored Fiends. The Siren item used in certain places is necessary to get into battles with some of these enemies, and the only way to battle them with consistency.

I'm assuming that's only in the DS version, because the SNES version didn't have the sirens...

No wonder you gave up. Unless I'm mistaken, the tails dropped by those pink puffs were removed from the game in the North American SNES version. Unless you imported from Japan you never would have gotten them.


Ok, if this is true, i'm REALLY glad I gave up after a single encounter with the flan things.

And I'm pretty sure Abadoss is right, there was no siren on snes, so you could probably spend a month or more trying for it.

I'm curious, did they add any sort of epic, optional bosses in the DS version? Seems to be too much trouble to go for some nice gear if you don't have any really difficult fiends to use them against.


The additional tails for the Onion equipment and Sirens were added in the DS version.

The DS version has no extra optional bosses that I know of, but it is a lot harder than the other versions. I ended up being ~ level 90 before fighting Zeromus, and there were two times where he almost killed the whole party in one attack. They also changed the level you learn certain spells, such as Meteor at level 80 instead of level 65. The regular enemies are also a lot more harder, since they want you to use slow or stop a lot in this version (or spells like Blink).

It did in Japanese. And it had the Pink tail, but not the others.

EDIT: A lot more harder?

Yeah, the pink tail is in the North American version. Maybe I missed the sirens somewhere... I don't remember them being in there for this version, though. That would have made things a little easier. Trying to get the stupid piddly summons would have gone a little quicker that way... (I try to go for 100% completion when I play a game like that... except for Zelda: Wind Waker and all those stupid figurines... I don't like games that have requirements that you can't go back and get eventually... this is a freakin' long parenthetical tangent...)

No wonder you gave up. Unless I'm mistaken, the tails dropped by those pink puffs were removed from the game in the North American SNES version. Unless you imported from Japan you never would have gotten them.

yeah, hate to burst your guys' bubbles - but i actually have an adamant armor on my snes vers of ff4

no sirens - i lucked out in like my 1st or 2nd fight if i remember


It took me about 30 hours. Considering this is only the 2nd portable game I've ever played. I never got into handheld gaming.

Anyway, Last night I pulled out my ff4ds and tried to get the pink tail again. I only tried it once before but they took out my team. I fought them with sirens and got the pink tail on the second try. I'm going to try and get the rest of the tails and start the game over. (for those of you who don't know, you keep the tails when starting a new game after beating it)

EDIT: Just checked and it took me 36 hours to grind up to lvl 78 as well as get everyone's ultimate weapons.


I'm curious, did they add any sort of epic, optional bosses in the DS version? Seems to be too much trouble to go for some nice gear if you don't have any really difficult fiends to use them against.

There's two hidden bosses. You have to beat the game once for them to appear, and they only appear on the next playthrough.

One shows up at the paladin shrine after the Giant of Bab-il, and the other is in the Moon face I think. That one is severely difficult though.(Oh yeah, you also need Dark Matter which is stolen from Zeromus)


Web site design is done (and probably my favorite design i've done to date), track progress is being made, things are looking good.

All tracks are either going to be done soon or have a specific time line that's been planned out with me.

I'm getting web text worked out with DA, and since the Tales site is done, it's time to start rocking this one out! :-D

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