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PRC119: Embark on a Journey of Re-Orchestration! (Tales of Symphonia)

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Okay, now it's time to get to the voting! Here's what we're going to do.

You're going to visit the ThaSauce link and check out all seven entries. Once done, you should fill the form at the bottom of the screen, pick three mixes and file them from first to third with a reasoning attached to them. Contestants are encouraged to do this as they will automatically get 3 points for voting. Since I won PRC118, my vote counts twice so I'm equally as important here. You have until Tuesday May 6th at 4:59am EDT to cast your vote. The winner gets to choose the source tune for PRC120!

Binweasel (f/ Nick) - Warning: Gibbous

just64helpin - Sly Land

munchi - Sylver Lining

NeoS - Happylands

Showroom Dummy - Pixelated Tales

V (as 904) - Ovaltine

xGx - Euphoria in Sylvarant

The People's Remix Competition 119


Hello everyone and welcome to the People's Remix Competition! PRC118 saw the return of Kirby 64 to the PRC; a lighter turnout than its campaign with Neo Star 3 years ago, but it still had enough for a strong diversity of entries, from happy hardcore to new age to Irish folk music. And once again, you guys wanted me to pick the next source tune after dealing with the new-agey stuff.

Thinking long and hard, PRC119 takes us one console generation upwards. We're looking at a classic GameCube RPG from the guys at Namco; pretty much anyone hanging around in site project circles would be familiar with this one. If not, then maybe the terms of summon spirits, a giant tree of mana, two fighting worlds for that mana and the legend of the Journey of Regeneration familiarise you?


I didn't become an active GameCube gamer myself until I swagged a Wii and a set of GC peripherals a few months back. When I did, I wanted to explore a good amount of games that it offered, and having been asked by KyleJCrb to write a few tracks for the "Summoning of Spirits" Tales series project (comprising of tracks from this game and Tales of Phantasia), I somehow felt as if I wanted to see more into the source material that I covered by looking at how the games flowed together.

In that case, I found myself going into a more fast-paced RPG than what I would normally play, and I absolutely loved it. The scenarios were what can be expected from an anime, had enough twists to keep going and pretty much every character had their own personality to ensure that their significance in the plot and in gameplay are equally balanced. I have no regrets in looking into it.

That said, I couldn't help but think there needs to be some coverage in the PRC. The track I've chosen, the field music for Sylvarant, isn't among those to be covered in Kyle's project and he's no longer taking any Symphonia-based spots on it. But I would like to see it covered anyway - it's got a nice simple melody and chord structure, has a happy and adventurous feel to it and feel can work well to anyone regardless of remixing skill. I hope it all works out; enjoy!

Tales of Symphonia - The Land of Sylvarant


You'd better do okay with this one, otherwise I'd cast Indignation on the lot of you :P


Fine Print:

PRC instructions

  1. If you happen to be mixing this song already, start over in the interests of fairness.
  2. Limitations at ThaSauce require your entry to be 6MB or less in size. Length for length's sake and MIDI rips are not allowed.
  3. Entries must be posted in the ThaSauce link by NEXT SATURDAY, May 3rd at 4:59 am Eastern US Time.
  4. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix.
  5. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted.
  6. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they recieve a free first place vote added onto their score.
  7. The winner of the previous contest can't take part but their vote will be doubled.

Doulifee's PRC Archives! If you need help with hosting your mix, contact myself or Doulifee, and we'll help you out.


Never played the game, dont really like the tune and it sounds allot like space harrier :P but what the hell I'll see if i can throw something together! ^-^

this is going to totally d-rail my current master piece in the works tho >.<

*edit*...or not cause i just finished it :D now i can start on this thing ^-^


... know what game I'm getting next, now. XD

Song didn't seem anything special at first, but it grows on you. And it reminds me of Eno's "Mother Whale Eyeless" for reasons I can't explain - and Neil Diamond.

Time to weasel-fy it, haha!


HAHHAHAA, this is totally happy ass stuff! I'm gonna see what I can whip together before I leave. Warning: no idea what genre this is going to be, Iv been pretty eclectic with my tastes recently (hard electro friday night, porcupine tree last night, and I'm about to go to a DnB event soon :P)


god this song.... ive got 5 mins of mix so far and i hate almost every second of it >.< mine is awful at the moment :P at least i think so haha i just hope i can do something good with it before the deadline :P


Hey I think mine is actually finished :D or almost anyways i just added something that made it actually pretty damn good even i like it now :P just one problem though, i never played this game so I dont know what to call my mix, any ideas? :P

p.s. its sooooooooooo goddamn happpy!!! :P

You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix.

Just to clarify... I'm allowed to have a friend play the bass guitar part I've got half written out, and it's all right if he just improvises over the rest?

Hah, naming it... that's going to be a toughy for me, too. And no story this time. How happy is it? Something like "Tales of Euphoria" sounds rather nice. 's got the "pho" and "ia" sounds in it.

Just to clarify... I'm allowed to have a friend play the bass guitar part I've got half written out, and it's all right if he just improvises over the rest?

Hah, naming it... that's going to be a toughy for me, too. And no story this time. How happy is it? Something like "Tales of Euphoria" sounds rather nice. 's got the "pho" and "ia" sounds in it.

Yes, it's allowed. You should give him credits of course.


Alright mines finally ready, going to send it now :) I settled in the end for "Euphoria in Sylvarant (Tales of Symphonia)" :P Cant wait to hear the other entries now :D This was very fun :) cya on saturday!

*edit* Didnt realise others were already up to listen to! hehe checking them out :) as to the rules not posting any comments tho :) - so cya on saturday :)

Yes, it's allowed. You should give him credits of course.

Wouldn't dream of it.

Of not doing it, I mean.

Eheh. I bought a new amp yesterday, to replace my old, non-working one, with the intention of playing the guitar live... only to find out my computer's soundcard doesn't support line-in. Consider yourselves lucky...


Entry submitted! YEAH!!! It's been a while since I've mixed anything and I'm horribly rusty. But I'm back to stay this time, so prepare to be amazed!! Ok...just kidding.


VQ does downtempo stuff.

V___ does mediocre stuff

V_gasm does joke mixes

This is serious. This is fun. This is fast, dirty, happy. NEW. This is....


:D Seriously, one of my favorite songs done so far, and the first ever production release for me as 904. Enjoy!! (i do!)

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