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I heard they originally wanted to cast Chuck Norris, but that idea was thrown out when it was discovered that the movie would be incredibly short and would consist mainly of slow-motion footage of a roundhouse kick.


Correct me if I'm wrong...but isn't Persia in the middle east? Or it was before they started calling it "Iran"? And I'm all for some discrepancies in movies (you know...people from Russia speaking to one another in English with Russian accents, or a 19 year old playing a 16 year old...whatever) but Jake Gyllenhaal is one of the whitest dudes I can think of. And despite how much I like Jake Gyllenhaal, I can't really think of him as an action star...much less as the "Prince". But maybe I'll be surprised! Here's hoping!


And do they really have to keep making movies out of video games? Are we really out of ideas after a measly 80ish years of cinema?

I heard they originally wanted to cast Chuck Norris, but that idea was thrown out when it was discovered that the movie would be incredibly short and would consist mainly of slow-motion footage of a roundhouse kick.



But seriously. PoP is one of my favorite series, I truly hope they don't fag this up.

Correct me if I'm wrong...but isn't Persia in the middle east? Or it was before they started calling it "Iran"? And I'm all for some discrepancies in movies (you know...people from Russia speaking to one another in English with Russian accents, or a 19 year old playing a 16 year old...whatever) but Jake Gyllenhaal is one of the whitest dudes I can think of. And despite how much I like Jake Gyllenhaal, I can't really think of him as an action star...much less as the "Prince". But maybe I'll be surprised! Here's hoping!


A considerable portion of Persians are in fact quite fair-skinned. I think they could make it work with some strategic use of makeup.


The series is fairly successful, so I'm not that surprised someone who's not Uwe is going to give the franchise a go.

I look forward to seeing how this turns out.

The series is fairly successful' date=' so I'm not that surprised someone who's not Uwe is going to give the franchise a go.[/quote']

Well...they can't all be "House of the Dead", right? Thank god for small favors...


I agree with the Uwe Boll-bashing. I'm hoping that it'll stick to The Sands Of Time though, and not either go off on a tangent that isn't in the game (like what happened with Doom), and not overlap into the rest of the series. After all, if it's a success, Warrior Within's an obvious sequel.


I'm half-persian...

With black hair, darker eyebrows, and a tiny bit more of a tan, I think Gyllenhall (however you spell it) may be able to pull it off. Dshu said it. There are quite a few Persians that are fair skinned with dark hair... blue eyes are pretty rare but they do happen, even today. I see it every once in a while.

Especially in the time period the movie/games take place, much of the Persian Empire was of much lighter complexion (pre-Arabian culture/gene mixing). Even today, Persians are still a bit lighter than most middle easterners.

I just really hope this movie is good and that it portrays ancient Persia for what it was. At least that'd be nice... everytime I tell any older Iranian person that a "Prince of Persia" movie is coming out they act like political motivations in Hollywood will portray Persians in a bad light. I think that's ridiculous personally. And they'll always cite 300. It's like they don't get that it was drawn in that comic book style, and the movie was just keeping that style in tact. They're not portraying Iranians/Persians as monsters to persuade the youth to support a new war with Iran. *falls over* I mean, Iran has had it's share of political issues, but come on, the Iranian population, in my opinion, is much more sensitive to this stuff than they should be. /rant (sorry)

Anyway, good times. I hope this movie is good, but hell, it probably won't be. In any case, maybe it will be fun. :)


*shakes head*

Well, the good thing is they aren't pretending to be going directly off the video game. If anything, it almost seems like one of those "inspired by" type movies. Naming the Prince is already a travesty. Dastan indeed...

Ah well, maybe I'll rent it or something. Couldn't be worse than the Dungeon Siege movie was. Stupid Uwe Boll.

I agree with the Uwe Boll-bashing. I'm hoping that it'll stick to The Sands Of Time though, and not either go off on a tangent that isn't in the game (like what happened with Doom), and not overlap into the rest of the series. After all, if it's a success, Warrior Within's an obvious sequel.

Despite deviating from the game, I actually found the Doom movie to be a fun (if not a little hokey). I think if they hadn't named it "Doom" it would've actually been a memorable action flick. But I digress...To avoid a flame war, yeah, I agree. If they don't deviate from the plot, and don't muddle things together, we may be seeing a game-based/inspired movie. But odds are against it =D.

Also, I'd like to apologize for harboring the notion that all Persians were darker-skinned. Thank you to everyone who informed me that quite the opposite can be true. I had no idea, actually. Knowledge is power!

Despite deviating from the game, I actually found the Doom movie to be a fun (if not a little hokey). I think if they hadn't named it "Doom" it would've actually been a memorable action flick.

Agreed. Doom was cool, but ditching hellspawns for mutated zombies was not.

How and ever, whoever came up with The Rock's line when he seen the BFG (called BioForce Gun in the movie) when he says "Looks like a big fucking gun to me", deserves a pat on the back. :nicework:

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