Schwaltzvald Posted July 29, 2008 Posted July 29, 2008 If grinding in a single player game so you can beat the next boss and move the damn story along is your idea of fun, there is something wrong. There are such people who're masochists who love the pain of grinding. A sub group inparticular is the WoW community, the sad thing for them though is that there's no real story for them, if a shallow tome even exists for them... Quote
Ajax Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 Hmm, this is not the game I remember I don't like the fact that in the tower of Zot, those ice beasties can kill all of my characters but Cecil with a single icestorm. It wasn't even this hard in the original FFIV for SNES. Tellah is still a weak old fart too, but that's not new. It's just that they now expect you to be able to use him well. Though incidentally it is probably my fault that my characters suck so much, because I thought i could just power my way through the game until I got some more permanent characters. Also, I cant get to the town of Mithril anymore to pick u good equipment, because my airship is unable to do anything but go to the Tower of Zot, and black Chocobos cant land in Chocobo forests. EDIT: hmm, with some handy running skills, i was able to beat the Tower of Zot easily, all I had to do was never fight the Ice Dogs (or whatever they are called). They really should have balanced out those enemy skills a bit more. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 It's called support magic, dude. Use it. Those dogs weren't that bad. The trick for getting through all the hard areas in the game is to ALWAYS be at full health at all times. Some of these monsters can make mincemeat out of your party in all but 2 hits, and if you're not able to take a hit, then obviously you're not gonna last much longer. This ain't your grandpa's FFIV. Quote
Cecilff2 Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 The demon wall in the Sealed cave is destroying me alot. I slowed it, hasted everyone else, threw every weapon I had at it, quaked it like crazy, and had Kain using a Giant's axe. Guess I'll level up some more. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 I just finished the dark elf cave and as long as you make use of all the new special abilities, it's pretty easy. Yang is a complete beast and his focus skill makes him even better. I actually thought Cid has been pulling his weight pretty well so far, and it gives me an opportunity to use those magic items that normally rot for his hammer upgrade. I am having a great time playing this. <3 Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 The demon wall in the Sealed cave is destroying me alot. I slowed it, hasted everyone else, threw every weapon I had at it, quaked it like crazy, and had Kain using a Giant's axe. Guess I'll level up some more. In the case of the Demon Wall, you WILL want to carry as many phoenix downs as possible before facing it as it WILL destroy you utterly at a certain point. Just have rydia spam summons, cecil hit it as well as kain using his jump in the case the wall does a cheap move and kain being left alive. Don't bother using raise/arise as they take too long to cast, even with the wall hit with slow. Use phoenix downs in place and have rosa heal right after when needed. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 The demon wall in the Sealed cave is destroying me alot. I slowed it, hasted everyone else, threw every weapon I had at it, quaked it like crazy, and had Kain using a Giant's axe. Guess I'll level up some more. Haste Rydia(in fact, haste everyone) and spam Leviathan, have Kain spam jump, make sure you bought a shitload of shurikens and spam 'em, have Cecil and Rosa attack and heal when needed. Quote
Calpis Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 Dark Elf kicked my ass. Every character except Cecil got killed in like 2 hits. I beat him by Cecil constantly curing himself with Hi Potions and relying on counter to hit him. Quote
Genjutsu74 Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 The demon wall in the Sealed cave is destroying me alot. I slowed it, hasted everyone else, threw every weapon I had at it, quaked it like crazy, and had Kain using a Giant's axe. Guess I'll level up some more. Hmmm, I had no touble at all with it. Of course, I had Rydia with Fast Talker, Rosa with Dualcasting, and Kain with Cry(lol). Just have Rosa cast Haste on everyone, Slow the Wall, Berserk Cecil and Kain(after Kain lowers his defense with Cry), and have Rydia spam either Leviathan or Flare(I didn't have Flare, I was like one level away). I didn't even have Throw equipped on Edge; he just got slapped with Berserk, too, and I still pummeled the snot out of him before it even got close enough to try to attack me. Oddly enough, I had similar results with Bahamut. Killed him before he even got finished with the first countdown, lol. It kinda feels like they slowed down the timer a bit. Either way, Dualcasting Rosa is freakin awesome. Right now, though, I'm getting my ass handed to me by a SINGLE Red Dragon guarding some Crystal Gloves in the final dungeon. Pissin me off man... Quote
Majin GeoDooD Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 I beat the game on Friday. The enemies in the final dungeon were pretty damn hard, but as long as I had the proper strategy for each of them (and enough ethers to recover MP) it was a piece of cake. Final boss? No problem.. I even forgot to put throw back on Edge, so I didn't even get to throw the two guaranteed 9999 items. Quote
audio fidelity Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 Right now, though, I'm getting my ass handed to me by a SINGLE Red Dragon guarding some Crystal Gloves in the final dungeon. Pissin me off man... berserk the dragon so he can't cast magic. cast blink, and then go for hold while your bashing it. it'll die eventually. Quote
Genjutsu74 Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 berserk the dragon so he can't cast magic. cast blink, and then go for hold while your bashing it. it'll die eventually. Haha, dunno why I didn't think of that. I actually beat it shortly after I posted(mostly because he didn't go nuts with Thermal Rays), but I'll have to remember Berserk. It's so easy to forget about all those status ailments, but they're alot better in this version. Quote
Ajax Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 I just barely found out that you can get tons of cool augments by giving your lame augments to temp chars before they leave your party. Looks like I've missed out on dualcast as well as a load of other goodies. I'm considering starting over again because those augments would have been very useful. Also, is there anything good that can come from having a cursed ring? the cursed shield from FF6 always gives me hope that perhaps you can uncurse them and, but from what I can tell it's just mostly worthless. Quote
Kanthos Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 Does anyone know if the bonus dungeon from the GBA version of FF IV is left in the game? Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 Nope, it ain't. I don't see that as a big drawback and I consider myself a big FFIV fan., although a lot of people did find that grating. Quote
audio fidelity Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 Also, is there anything good that can come from having a cursed ring? the cursed shield from FF6 always gives me hope that perhaps you can uncurse them and, but from what I can tell it's just mostly worthless. even though it hurts your stats its supposed to absorb elementals. its important for to use as a strategy for one of the bonus end bosses. so keep 5 of em. Quote
Mr.Roboto Posted August 6, 2008 Posted August 6, 2008 even though it hurts your stats its supposed to absorb elementals. its important for to use as a strategy for one of the bonus end bosses. so keep 5 of em. I believe it was for the Flying Eye that cast doom on all of your party members. Anyone else playing with Active/Battle Speed 1? Shit gets intense against some bosses, particularly Dr.Lugae's second form I ended up using the elixir cop out to defeat him.His speed is absolutely insane. Also anyone else notice how Cid was a little too willing to that.Weird stuff eh.I know the guy comes back and all..but still. Got to say though I'm looking forward to fighting the Demon Wall with Active/Battle Speed 1. Quote
audio fidelity Posted August 6, 2008 Posted August 6, 2008 i started with 1 and couldn't handle it so bumped it back to 2. Quote
Sobou Posted August 6, 2008 Posted August 6, 2008 Should I be concerned at all about fighting Barbaricia? I'm about to get Kain/Rosa and fight her, but I learned that I missed a monster from the Tower of Zot (Gremlin), so I went looking for it and got tired of fighting. I'll be picking it back up soon, and I was just curious if any of you had any trouble with her, and if she acts like she does in the FF4 Hardtype, or one of the american ports. Also, anyone have any idea what Tellah's "Last Stand" Augment does? Quote
Mr.Roboto Posted August 6, 2008 Posted August 6, 2008 Should I be concerned at all about fighting Barbaricia? I'm about to get Kain/Rosa and fight her, but I learned that I missed a monster from the Tower of Zot (Gremlin), so I went looking for it and got tired of fighting. I'll be picking it back up soon, and I was just curious if any of you had any trouble with her, and if she acts like she does in the FF4 Hardtype, or one of the american ports.Also, anyone have any idea what Tellah's "Last Stand" Augment does? All know is,be weary about hitting her with physical attacks.In and out of her Tornado form.She has a Counter:Lightning augment.Shit gets wacky if you accidentally set up two or more characters to physically attack her. Quote
Overflow Posted August 21, 2008 Posted August 21, 2008 I've got a question that's been bugging me: On your boxes for FFIV, is the image of Golbez really dark, or bright silver? Mine's silver, but every store copy I've seen is dark. What's up with this? Quote
XZero Posted August 21, 2008 Author Posted August 21, 2008 Mine's reflective silver, and I can assure you that every copy at the GameStop I work for, as well as all of the other ones in my area, are silver. Since it's reflective, have you considered that it might be the lighting? Like, if you go into a GameStop and the display cases are higher up, depending on the light situation and the relationship between where you are and where the cases are, the light might reflect differently off the package. Again, I've never seen a 'dark' one, so I'm not sure if this helps, but I'm fairly confident it's a lighting thing. Quote
Overflow Posted August 21, 2008 Posted August 21, 2008 It's not lighting; the image is also a little bit smaller. I took a picture so I could compare. The store ones I saw I had to turn it around a bit to even see the image, it's really dark. I don't know what's the deal. Quote
The Author Posted August 21, 2008 Posted August 21, 2008 I just got the game, haven't started playing, but I wanted to say how I got it. A friend at work gave it to me as a "going away" present. She's really dear to me, and frankly, the only thing I hate about leaving that job is losing her. So this game is gonna have a lot more meaning to me because of this. I feel like such a dork. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted August 21, 2008 Posted August 21, 2008 Yeah, so I was fighting Bahamut, thinking that I could reflect as usual and hit him back with his own stuff. I should have known SE would have changed that... Quote
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