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I can't wait to sink my teeth into Spore properly, but I don't know if my laptop is up to doing it justice, and I have loads of games on the go at the moment anyway, so am waiting a while.

On a different note, I know it's nowhere near the same scale, but did anyone pick up the DS spinoff version?

I've got it as a present for my girlfriend, as she loved the creature creator, but probably won't be interested in the PC version. It seems to have done reasonably on review scores; better than I was expecting anyway.

Curious to know what other people think of it.


Well, okay. Fuck Space.

I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but don't go into Space as a Diplomat... Apparently, everyone will hate you automatically, and your consequence ability is not very good (besides, it's only good for assaulting cities, which is pretty undiplomatic).

So yeah. I can't add any colonies since I am CONSTANTLY being assaulted by enemies and pirates. And even if I could sit down and terraform a planet properly and get a good colony going on it, when the pirates and the races with weapons that can kill me in five hits attack in two systems simultaneously, I'll lose it anyway saving one or the other.

So screw that. Maybe I'm unlucky that everyone but two empires hate me, but it seems like the only way to stop a war is conquering, since the bribe payments are ridiculously high (and you can't raise money with shit when you're being attacked).

I guess I'll have to start a new game if I want to continue.


I went into space as a military race and basically owned the shit out of everything

edit: also lol at the consequence for military races in Civ stage being ICBMs

'press this button to win the civ stage'


drm drm drm drm drm SHUT UP RETARDS

its because the only ones that have left comments thusfar are the retarded internet nerds that think they can somehow make a difference by not buying this game


ive played both versions and there is absolutely no difference except for the fact that you download creations from the ENTIRE INTERNET with the legit ver


Man, I was so close to getting Spore but learning about the DRM and the 3 installs (I mean wtf, really), this alone was enough to just say no.

Sry that I disagree with ya Atmuh. Hope ya don't tell me to "shut up" and call me "internet geek pirate that tries to get stuff for free."

We could be the bestest of bestest friends!

Who knows, maybe I'll pick up an unused install of my friends copy like 4 years from now, har har har


how many computers do you plan on playing it on its not like you can install it on 2 and be able to go online on both with the same cd key since you cant do that with ANY GAME


I'm loving the space aspect, accept that it seems really, really, really hard to capture cities. I can usually take down their ships and then start on turrets, but then my ally dies and I get destroyed. I was doing pretty well keeping everything at bay and slowly expanding against 3 empires, but then I accedentally attacked my ally and went to war with them as well. I did like never having to actually go defend my home planet since every one of my cities there has full defenses. Oddly, my home planet has my lowest spice income :(


It's the sheer concept... You buy a product and you own that product. You have it forever and you do what you want with it. If I wanted to put it on all of my computers, I think should be able to. Having this basic right denied as a consumer just sucks, but that's just me.

Plus, I don't have my quick cable internet access all the time to even play the game enough, heheh.

I miss the cartridge days, seriously.


you dont need internet to play it

probably if you installed it on a comp that didnt have internet and then connected the internet but never went online with the game it would work just fine no matter how many times you installed it just like the pirated version

youre an idiot


yeah because if you can't download all of the other creations that are pretty much the same as the randomized ones except made by other people than all of the gameplay somehow loses all meaning

(hint: stop posting)

you dont need internet to play it

probably if you installed it on a comp that didnt have internet and then connected the internet but never went online with the game it would work just fine no matter how many times you installed it just like the pirated version

youre an idiot

SO someone who doesn't have the internet cannot install this game? Eff that.

1500 say 1 star, 20 say 5 star, that is hilarious. thanks for the recommendation atmuh ill get on it

To be fair, It's still a good recommendation, HOWEVER, considering atmuh, he's probably found a way to bypass the securom bullshit. IMO nothing wrong with that and, imo, it's fair as he paid to own a copy of the game not rent it.


most of the 1 stars are becaues of the DRM stuff and other user limitations. If that doesn't bother you at all, it's still a great game, regardless of how much people are whining about it.


by the way, securom isn't that hard to deal with.

Also, This game kicks ass, got to civilization mode last night and made the terrible discoverey that a single military city and the rest economic doesnt work at all.....


Got the Galactic Edition today because it just looked cool, even though it was pricey.

Cannot wait to be able to sit down and play it!

Honestly, the DRM thing doesn't bother me at all. I will be the only one who will play this copy of the game, and i only have one computer so it doesn't matter to me. Yeah, it would be nice not to have the drm stuff, but it isn't a huge deal to me. :-)

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